by Aiken on July 17th, 2010, 7:14 am
Aiken chose to stay in fur-form to save a considerable amount of energy. Shifting wore him out, and his limit for running, or walking at all, to a few miles. Without the added benefit of being able to hunt whenever, conservation was of utmost importance for now. Besides, there would be plenty of time for pleasantries and such when they got to Endrykas.
These thoughts, however, hardly lingered very long in Aiken's mind. There was another canine here, and the kelvic was wary. Certain dogs, clear descendants of wolves themselves, were less approachable. At lease by an intimidating wolf, who would be more than happy to attack if the situation called for it. But he wouldn't, because there was no need. He would stay close to Sam as he was, making no move either offensively or defensively. He knew what his strengths were, and exactly what he would do if anything happened.
However, with a decent ability to speak the canine body-vocal language, he didn't need to try very hard to convey that he was more than willing to stay on peaceful terms with Arnett, so long as he did the same.