Date 57th of Summer 512 AV
Time Mid-Afternoon
It was Mid-afternoon in Zeltiva as the crowd pushed past each other One woman remained standing still in a sea of people, Astrid walked into World Ends Grotto in her human form. Her White sundress flickering slightly in the slight breeze and her hair hanging loose around her body. The Inn wasn’t very full since it was mid-afternoon in-between lunch and dinner, Astrid had timed this perfectly.
The patrons ate quietly only talking to each other every so often, Astrid took this as a sign the food is good. Still standing in Door way Astrid scanned the room. She met the eyes of many people including the waiters and waitresses discussing orders, however one man in particular held her gaze.
This man was sitting at a table relaxed and confident; his hair was the colour of burning coal to Astrid’s eyes a perfect mix of red and black. The man’s eyes reminded Astrid of rolling green hills. Astrid smiled awkwardly as their eyes met without commanding her hand to do so she waved.Astrid