The Disciplines of Personal Magic:AuristicsAuristics allows the wizard to view auras of things and objects through each of the senses. Everything has an aura, living and dead. It enables the wizard to read patterns in Djed, and therefore into the identity and substance of the object itself, including the following properties (when applicable): physical facts, internal structure, feelings, magical activity (ex.: Djed transformations), residual activity, and intent (!!!). Would help with sensing things in the dark that have no heat. Possibly the safest discipline.
FamiliaryFamiliary is about binding a summoned being from another world (“Fyrden”) to act as a companion (a familiar). This discipline ties in with Summoning. Familiars can have a variety of types (species) and shapes (forms). Benefits include telepathy, empathy, shared skills and senses. The bond is permanent, breakable only upon death: if one should die, so will the other one of the partnership.
Flux Flux allows for the manipulation of one’s own Djed within the body to enhance abilities to unnatural levels. Uses Djed ‘pathways’ (like veins and nerves, maybe?) in body, pushing Djed around (remember Djed laws here – you cannot increase or decrease, only transform). More advanced, more control. It’s great for increasing physical prowess, but very dangerous because it’s very, very, easy to overgive while using the Flux.
HypnotismHypnotism is useful for controlling and manipulating others. Hypnotism cannot make someone do what they do not want. Must make them do what the user wants by making the target align beliefs with theirs. Can take a long time, depending on degree of conditioning attempting to reach (ex.: suggestion to obsession). This one seems to coincide with the highest chances of going insane from overgiving and overuse.
LeechingLeeching absorbs Djed from any one source and transfers it to the wizard. Doing so damages user and target… stolen Djed is poisonous to the receiver. The amount and type of Djed leeched depends on the source. Users of this discipline are usually easy to discover, as there are many physical side effects to it; so it doesn’t take an Aurist to see it.
MorphingMorphing is changing one’s body into another shape, partially or fully. Consider the Kelvic ability of shapeshifting. Overuse of Morphing can mean potentially losing your identity and natural shape. Ex.: bowstring: too much stress and wear and tear will snap it It requires no particular initiation. The Morpher must have come in contact with that which you want to copy. Cannot change own auras… making them easier for an Aurist to spot.
ProjectionProjection uses Djed to extend and shape the astral body (soul?) from the confines of the body to outside of it. Projection can be used to attack others without their seeing the attack coming, unless wizard is so stressed they can’t keep it hidden. Aurists, however, can see the astral body. Overgiving and misuse can cause nerve damage, permanent loss of control over the detached body, as well as permanently severing (!!) parts of the body off. You could get stuck outside of your body.
Reimancy Reimancy allows the wizard to take Djed from their body (once outside, it becomes a substance called Res) and transform it into an element (air/fire/earth/water). With experience and skill, wizard can gradually combine the different core elements to create ‘paraelements’. Once the Res is transformed, the wizards are not immune to the effects of own Res. It is a very taxing discipline: the user is essentially throwing parts of their self away with each spell.
ShieldingShielding creates Djed ‘armor’ around a particular range to block and defend against physical and supernatural attacks. Mastering it is like putting up fortress-style walls of Djed around. Wears down eventually, and can lead to overgiving.
VoidingOpening blackholes into emptiness, a.k.a. the Void. Can get rid of things there, even store and retrieve at a later time. Use of linking several portals (!?!?!) to provide quick, short-distance transportation. Good way to cancel spells (by sending them into the void). Can get pulled into the Void, or release things that were banished there, or lose control and start opening portals everywhere.