[Verified by Phoenix] Victor Freeman

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Victor Freeman

Postby Victor Freeman on June 23rd, 2013, 2:00 pm

Victor Freeman


Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: Spring 67, 493 AV
Starting City: Nyka
Birthplace: Raised in Kenash, original place of birth is undetermined

Appearance: Victor stands at around 6 feet even in height, and comes in at around 160-170lbs., packing a fairly muscular, though not very bulky or wide, build. His muscles are very well defined from a life spent as a slave. His skin is a light brown, tanned forever from a lifetime spent laboring in the sun. His hair is cut about half an inch off of his head, in a very uneven, messy pattern. This is due to the fact that Victor simply cuts his hair with a knife when he finds one lying around, not liking it to be long. His back bears five whip scars, three being side by side and vertical, and the other two diagonal, stretching from his left shoulder towards the right side of his lower back. His cheek has the Radacke symbol branded into it.

Character Concept

Victor is an angry young man. He has experienced a lifetime of injustice at the hands of the brutal Radacke slavers and overseers and now, having finally escaped, wants revenge. However, though he is an angry man, he is not out of control. He is smart enough to know that one uppity slave can’t take down a plantation by himself, especially not being very skilled in combat. So he seeks training to refine himself into the man who can deliver justice to the unjust.

In his interactions with others, Victor tends to come off as being a very blunt, no nonsense character. He decides very quickly whether or not he likes you, and only a powerful display of character will gain his respect if you fail that first impression test. He deeply respects people who use their power for the good of those who cannot defend themselves, and will fight nearly to the death for people who experience oppression. He will take almost any opportunity to become stronger, either in body or mind, that he might get closer to his ultimate goal of seeing the Radacke plantation burn to the ground.

Character History

Victor has never met either of his birth parents. All he knows, which may or may not be true since it was told as the taunt of slavers, is that his parents did not want him, and sold him to local slavers to make a few quick Mizas. From that point forward, Victor changed hands several times, until he ended up on the Radacke plantation at age 6. Upon arrival he and the other new slaves were beaten to the point of being near death and seemingly left to die, until almost an entire day later when they were retrieved and put to work. By the end of the first month, most of them were dead, Victor only surviving by stealing small bits of food that fell from the overseers saddlebags every now and again.

This pattern of living went on for the next 14 years. Barely scraping by, near death all the time, eventually being branded. Every day was suffering. And not just the physical- every day was torture because he had to stand by and watch as injustice and cruelty was inflicted on those who never deserved it. Every day he had to live with the desire to murder every man, woman, and child with the name ‘Radacke’, a desire he could not fulfill. And when he tried to protect the weak, to lash out in revenge, he was put in his place, with fresh scars every time.

But not forever. The day finally came that an overseer was careless. Normally that didn’t matter, but with Victor it did. He had trained his eyes to be observant. He had learned when to relent and when to strike. And as the overseer’s sword hung loose from his horse, Victor noted that the other guards had taken a break. It was a clean run from there to the gate. Victor grabbed the blade and ran the overseer through. Leaving the blade in the dying man, he ran for the gate with a speed he didn’t even know he was capable of. Before he knew it, he was out, standing in the sea of grass alone, now in the middle of the night. He collapsed, losing conciousness. But in the back of his mind, he braced himself for more. This was only the first step of the plan. In the end, that place would burn, or he would die.

‘We’ll see who goes first.’ He mumbled to himself, slipping away into sleep. Since then he was wandered across Mizahar, making some Mizas here and there, learning a few things about combat, and seeking training to become deadlier.


Fluent Language: Common


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Observation 26 SP 26 Competent
Wilderness Survival 15 SP 15 Novice
Unarmed Combat 15 RB, 9 SP 24 Novice


Helpful Lores:
Wilderness Survival- Forests
Lore of Radacke Plantation Layout


1 Set of Clothing
-Flaxen Shirt
-Flaxen Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Flaxen Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Food is given out daily
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: An amulet bearing the Radacke symbol, retrieved off of the body of a killed slaver. It is nearly worthless, but Victor wears it to remind himself of his purpose.


Location: Nyka

House: Safehaven Hostel at the moment


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Cash-in +500 GM 600 GM
Exchanged for Laat 600 LT

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Victor Freeman
Knock Knock
Posts: 12
Words: 7478
Joined roleplay: June 23rd, 2013, 1:13 pm
Race: Human
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