"Only to be expected, I suppose." He waved off her admittance of guilt with a off-hand remark, apparently not concerned that she had tinkered with his head and caused him to go off the deep edge of desire. He merely watched with that grin continuing to tease and tug at the edge of his lips, threatening to turn into a maddening smile at any second. He was usually composed, calculating, cool, and calm. He was tired though, and his magic had torn away at his wits. He was feeling a little more free than normal, he supposed.
He watched her as she turned away and wandered, deep in thought. Crossing his arms, he considered what he would do if she declined. Would she perhaps run to the nobles for a hand-out? He doubted it, as she didn't know the location anyways. Would she perhaps betray him when he arrived? He doubted that as well. His reputation would overide hers in such a place. No, he felt safe. For now.
She turned back to him, her eyes glittering. His own eyes lit up, knowing that look, returning it's sparkle. She was hooked. She wanted a taste of the night he was offering her, and any former signs of resistance had merely been her common sense. Who listened to that, anyways?
"How about Kova's Wishing Well? If you feel like you can stomach it, get a good bit of sleep after your shift today, and then meet me there early in the morning. While it is still dark. The event will be that night, so I will have to learn fast." He stepped forward, a strong hand extending, eyes continuing to glitter as he offered her the handshake. Even while feeling playful and naughty, he apparently still held on to some of that politeness. Perhaps that was the noble's son shining through? A handshake, offered to a Dancer in the Herald's Arms.