20th of Summer, 513AV.
He had heard the sound of the hammer earlier on during the day, on his way to work. The idea hadn't hatched right then, but it had eventually creeped in. If he was actually going to go through with this, then he would need some sort of protection. The man was violent, and Matthew was the exact opposite of such. Who knew what would happen? He hopefully would never have to defend himself in such a way, but if it came to that, he wouldn't hesitate. After all, the man needed to be dealt with.
He hit me. I told him no, and he hit me.
Her words had burned in his mind, and they continued to burn. Throughout his work day, through out all of the dates and the romances, throughout the letters he had to write and the beds he had to lay in, he had thought about it. He was surprised he hadn't gotten any bad comments, with how distracted he had been. He was a horrible companion today, but he couldn't help it. Her words, they burned. He didn't consider himself a moral creature by any means, as signaled by the Yahal markings on the hips that thrusted nightly. But this was something that felt like molten fire, delicately written out on the surface of his mind. Yahal, it burned.
I still told him no, and I tried to call. For anyone. But he covered my mouth.
What was he going to do? Simply tell the man to stop it? To never come back? The girl wouldn't go to the Knights, she was afraid of losing her job. She wouldn't go to the owners of the Herald, for she was still afraid of losing her job. That is what she said, anyways. Matthew wasn't so sure if that was all there was to it. He thought about it as well, trying to break up the words that kept repeating through his head. The words she had spoken. How was he even supposed to punish this? He hadn't known. He wasn't the sort that took "justice" into his own hands, if you could call it that.
And he kept going.
Matthew had found a way. He had found the man again, and he had researched him. He was a regular at the Herald, so people there had known him. Even if they didn't know what he had did, they had known him. They had told Matthew about him, likely assuming he was just interested in the loyal customer.
That was why he was here in the late hours of the night, even though the sounds of the hammer had faded. He was here because he was interested in the loyal customer. Because he had found him, followed him, researched him, learned about him. He had a plan, but it was a plan that scared some small part of him. He was here because he needed a back-up plan, and he didn't want to purchase the back-up plan in public. It was just a knife, but still. It gave off a bad image, or at least in his mind. An escort shouldn't be seen purchasing a weapon. His fist lifted and lightly tapped upon the door, timidly announcing his presence. He stood there patiently, eyes bright and blue, staring upon the door. He was dressed well, with a open black jacket and white under-shirt showing off his toned frame, and a red tie hanging down the center. He was obviously beautiful, and held himself in a graceful, almost confident manner.
The dark look in his eyes either added to it, or took away. He wasn't even aware.