AppearanceRace: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthday: 32nd Day of Spring, 492 AV
Birthplace: Ravok
Appearance: Zeran stands at 6'1'' tall and weighs 196lbs. He has an average build to go with his immediate appearance, neither thin nor fat, with no defined muscles to be seen. His hair maintains a constant, dishevelled look to it, only managing to be kept in relative order by brushing it backwards and out of his face. Zeran almost always keeps a cloak draped over his shoulders, keeping most of his body from sight and forcing people to look at his face. An unnerving, almost sinister, grin stretches as far across his face, with dark eyes perched above, seemingly analysing everything about whoever is in front of him. Whilst there are numerous things that make people question Zeran, there is one thing about him that most people understand instantly: the half black sun on the back of his left hand that once marked him a slave of Ravok.
Character ConceptZeran has an outgoing, yet eccentric, personality. He is also mad, in the way he acts and thinks. It is unknown whether his madness originated from natural, mental breakdown, or is the result of overgiving, but most of his actions are often exaggerated and loud. The only aggression he ever shows is towards himself, or his own reflection, when he is seen having conversations with people who aren't there, or talking at his reflection, only to answer his own question. Even then, he rarely gets angry, as he tends to agree with himself. Zeran hasn't shown any signs of being a danger yet, but usually has a close eye kept on him.
Everything Zeran does, he says, is for a reason. Even down to making snide remarks to almost any and everyone, whilst bowing to and addressing them with the greatest of respect. That reason can be anything. It can range from 'not wanting to' or 'felt like it', and reach just because he 'was asked to'. Even though he gives reasons, his decisions are not set in stone. In fact, it is so easy to persuade or bribe him that people assume that his reason from the beginning was to get something out of a request. In actuality, despite his madness, Zeran is quite shrewd and cunning. For example, he openly insults people to see their reactions, stating later that if they can't deal with him at his worst, he doesn't want much to do with them at any other point. He also follows the belief that respect is earned for your own personality and decisions, not on the position you have managed to secure. In short, his snideness is a test of worth, though he has been known to skip his own prodding altogether based on impressions told to him by others he holds in high regards, friends, gods or otherwise.
Zeran doesn't show any signs that he understands the concept of morally right and wrong. Everything happens for a reason, so why does there need to be a debate over it? He is content to kill as much as he is to be an upstanding citizen. But he does have a sense of fair and unfair. Zeran would steal from a merchant with enough money to feed himself, to help a beggar who has none and not give a second thought. His reasons are determined by the amount of respect he has for an individual, usually, and seem to carry some morality with them. Zeran will not just kill because asked by a stranger, but is far more likely to do so if asked by someone he has a lot of respect for. To gain so much from him would mean they had a very good reason to ask.
Character HistoryZeran lived a relatively untroubled childhood, following as all other citizens of Ravok did. He believed in Rhysol, as per the teachings of his parents and the general belief of all Ravokians. Content with the unperturbed lifestyle he led, living from day to day, keeping himself out of trouble as best he could. By means of not getting caught doing it. Zeran never knew enough on many topics, so never promoted any extreme views one way or the other. Instead, he made decisions based on word of others, finally deciding his own views based on his own observations.
Words carried from person to person added to Zeran's curiosity on a number of things within the world, one such topic led him to the Kelvic Research Institution. Even with Hypnotism, he never made it inside to sate his own curiosity, constantly returning, constantly trying. On the day the facility opened its doors to sell surplus Kelvic, Zeran gave up trying to break in, having met a young owl Kelvic named Elianna. Despite her being shy, Zeran quickly decided the two were friends and made a promise that he would be the one to get her out of the KRI, visiting every chance he got, either by breaking in or on the days the Kelvics were to be sold again.
A foolish promise spoken from a naive child not fully understanding the weight of his own words, and the workings of the world.
Not long after, Zeran's parents discovered as members of The Rising Dawn, quickly captured by the Ebonstryfe. Only Zeran managed to get away. Following this incident, Zeran made the assumption that they would know he got away as he was on the records and had not been caught. He also assumed that his records would be destroyed, no longer making him a full citizen of the city. Living on the streets would prove difficult and Zeran didn't like the idea of not knowing what each day could bring him on his own, or if he would even live through it. After thinking it over, Zeran came to a very bizarre decision. Living on the streets, possibly in hiding from the Ebonstrye hunting him, was too uncertain, and he didn't have the skills to leave the city and travel through the Wildlands. Zeran willingly offered himself to slave traders, who would feed and shelter him. Even if it wasn't the best, it was almost always certain. He considered the Half Black Sun, branded onto the back of his hand, as an initiation that marked the breaking of his promise to Elianna, and the beginning of a new chapter in his life.
Zeran spent a long while with the slavers as they travelled Mizahar, seeing new cities, new people and new cultures. Though he was considered a difficult slave to handle from all the trouble he caused from time to time, he was never disposed of as he was staying as a slave willingly and even helped in the capture of some new ones. Some of the slavers considered him one of them, just with a price tag for when they had no more use for him. It didn't matter. Zeran was content with his place for the time being. He was alive.
Eventually, the slavers drew too close to Riverfall on one of their journeys and were ambushed by an Akalak raiding party. The conflict did not last long, ending in the release of all the slaves that had been captured. The slave chapter of his life had come to an end, and Zeran had found a deep respect for the Akalak warriors. He decided to accept the Akalak's offer and chose to stay and join Riverfall as an active member of the community. Zeran spent his time training with the Akalak warriors when he was able, even allowing them to experience the feel and signs of more subtle attacks like his Hypnotism and Projection capabilities. Skills that weren't all too easy to predict on the battlefield when your opponent wasn't moving. Suffice to say, he never won any sparring matches against any of them. Outside of the chances he got to train with the Akalak, Zeran accepted any job he could help with, feeling he owed the community a great debt for releasing him from slavery.
After years within Riverfall, Zeran felt a time had come for him to leave. With his destination in mind, he waved goodbye to everyone he had come to know in Riverfall and began his journey to Lhavit.
LanguageFluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Tukant
Poor Language: Ancient Tongue
SkillsSkill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Auristics | 8 SP, 1, 2, 2 XP | 13 | Novice |
Brawling | 2 XP | 2 | Novice |
Dance | 1 XP | 1 | Novice |
Glyphing | 2 XP | 2 | Novice |
Hypnotism | 15 RB, 11 SP, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3 XP | 38 | Competent |
Observation | 3, 3, 4, 2, 3 XP | 15 | Novice |
Persuasion | 2 XP | 2 | Novice |
Philosophy | 1 XP | 1 | Novice |
Projection | 26 SP, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2 XP | 39 | Competent |
Rhetoric | 4, 3, 2, 3, 3, 5, 3 XP | 23 | Novice |
Running | 2 XP | 2 | Novice |
Socialization | 2, 1, 4, 3 XP, 3 SXP | 13 | Novice |
Unarmed Combat | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
LoresLore of Religion: Lhex
Lore of Religion: Tanroa
Summer, 513 AV
- Lhavit: Sundial Circle
- Lady Eshe Czardas, the Moody Medic
- Rhetoric: Offering a Counter Argument
- Hypnotism: Implanting a Thought
- Rhetoric: Offering Insight
- Sigfrid, the Musical Lethaefal
- Philosophy: Does the Man Wear the Mask, or the Mask, the Man?
- Lhavit: Festival of Joy
- Projection: How to Detach
- Auristics: Passive Sight
- Glyphing: Focus Glyphs
- Projection, Why Not Shielding?
- Glyphing: Focusing Djed to Aid Projection
- Lady Krisa, the Archer
- Hypnotism: Buffing an Ally
- How to (Unsuccessfully) Run From a Bear
- Projection: Leverage
- How to Argue With Oneself
- Brawling: Go For the Ankles!
- Hypnotism as Intimidation
- Gawain, the Knight With Curious Timing
- Alses, the
Erotic Exotic Ethaefal - The Auristic Mirror
- Auristics: Symptoms of Overgiving
- Uses of an Auristic Scroll
- Glyphing: Composition of an Auristic Scroll
- Auristics: Diminution
- Racial Ability: Tanroa's Blessing
- Celie the Kelvic
- Jasao: Edible Yet Unpalatable
- Marina Agamand, Magesmith of Zeltiva
- Race: Ghost (Basic)
- Lhavit: Midsummer Festival
- How to Become Possessed By a Ghost
- Projection: Touching a Ghost
Simple Shirt
Simple Pants
Simple Undergarments
Simple Cloak
Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
Cane Sword, Cold Iron
Comb (Skyglass)
Brush (Skyglass)
Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
White, featureless mask
Heirloom: Braided Leather Bone Bracelet, made and given to him by a childhood friend. Worn on his right wrist.
HousingLocation: Lhavit
House: Lives at
Elena's Studio of Enchantment as a part of his job.
513 AV
Transaction | Amount | Total |
Starting | +100 Kina | 100 Kina |
House Cash-In | +500 Kina | 600 Kina |
White, featureless mask | -3 Kina | 597 Kina |
Summer Seasonal Wages | +728 Kina | 1325 Kina |
Summer Living Expenses | -135 Kina | 1190 Kina |
Cane Sword, Cold Iron | -105 Kina | 1085 Kina |
Fall Living Expenses | -135 Kina | 950 Kina |
Winter Living Expenses | -135 Kina | 815 Kina |
514 AV
Transaction | Amount | Total |
From 513 AV | +815 Kina | 815 Kina |
Thread List
Fall, 513 AV
Summer, 513 AV