[Verified by Jupiter] Soach Sreyorsted

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Soach Sreyorsted

Postby Soach Sreyorsted on July 2nd, 2013, 8:35 pm

Character Name


Race: Nuit
Gender: Prefers and currently is in a male body.
Age: 64
Birthday: 80, Winter, 448.
Birthplace: Has forgotten.

Appearance: Depends on the body.

Character Concept

Soach is an absentminded person that loves to learn about anything, especially magic. He also loves science, and loves to read about anything. Because of his character history, he trusts few people and hates bandits, to the point of cruelty. He is neither pessimistic nor optimistic, preferring to reason out the outcome of the situation. He treats his greaters with respect, but treats his lessers with nothing but contempt. He will get into a conflict when needed, but doesn't ever look for one. He prefers a leadership role in a situation, but has no problem following orders. His greatest strength lies in his ability to wait to rise in the ranks of wherever he is, while his weakness is his inability to easily trust others. An introvert, Soach is not very organized and will often forget where he put something. Soach currently is not worshipping any gods, but would like to and is waiting for a god to mark him. He fears pretty much every god, but the ones he finds most appealing are: Uldr, Ivak, Sagallius, and Izurdin. He would do a lot to please his deity, unless it meant death. If Soach did die, he would want to be remembered for a great magical discovery.

Character History

One day, a twenty-year-old Eyphrian named Soach was traveling to Zentiva when a group of bandits attacked him. Due to his inexperience in combat, he was criticaly injured, robbed blind, and left to die. He stumbled around, looking for help, and came across a shack. With a sigh of relief, he went up and knocked on the door. A shuffle of feet followed, after which the wizard answered the door. Seeing Soach's wound, he decided to play the role of a healer. Just then, the wizard's assistant walked in. The assistant opened his mouth to speak, and just when he was about to give the game away, the the wizard put his finger to his lips and winked. A look of realization came upon the assistant's face. They were going to perform the Daek-Nuit.
The wizard with the help of the assistant, lay Soach down on the surgical table. Soach, too delirious to see the utter obvious, did not object. The wizard gave Soach a herb that would knock him out. Just before he went under, Soach saw the assistant pull out a knife. The assistant stabbed Soach in the heart, while the wizard performed the soul transfer at the same time. Once the ritual was complete, they dumped Soach at the gates of Zeltiva and left. Soach lived in Zeltiva for 44 years, then decided to move to Sahova.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Nader-Canoch
Poor Language: Alumnemic


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Reimancy 10 SP 10 Novice
Alchemy 30 SP 30 Competent
Embalming 10 RB 10 Novice
Meditation 10 SP 10 Novice


Helpful Lores:
Lore of History of Sahova
Lore of Sahovan Politics


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-1 bottle of embalming fluid
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
600 Gold Mizas


Location: Sahova

House: Typical Sahovan citadel living quarters


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Cash In Housing +500 GM 600 GM

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Soach Sreyorsted
Posts: 12
Words: 3372
Joined roleplay: June 27th, 2013, 11:52 pm
Race: Nuit
Character sheet

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