The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Xi trains with Bones, both go boxing.

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Ximal on July 7th, 2013, 3:22 pm


Xi replied to bones with a response involving his statement. "We all can do things, and we all shouldn't do things. But the difference is what we choose to do. It's your choices that define you, your actions that make you who you are. Not your past nor your future. It's who you are in the moment before you." Xi smirked and watched bones shift into stance, he quick snapping jabs launched at Xi's face left handed measuring punches. Xi tilted his right hand lightly and absorbed them with the back of his iron like fists. The combination followed on with a low body blow hook. Xi shifted his feet back bouncing on the balls of his feet lightly and pulling his bes and himself back out of range of the strike. Xi Then brought out his won techs. Shifting his feet from right to left he stepped forward and planted his heels into the ground like roots.

His left arm came out with a singular jab, straight into the left arm ad to follow it up cane a solid straight from his right aimed at the space his left jab would possibly create. Both only at twenty percent power however they'd likely sting upon impact. Xi's left arm after the jab would snap back and follow in from beneath with his right straight mirroring it's motions but coming in with an uppercuts profile. Aiming to power through the gap he was attempting to capitalize on and strike at bones jaw. "Measure, react, measure, attack. It's how i work things, your opponents jabs should be to measure the distance, you should then be watching for the power attack they've measured for. Then you measure your distance after reacting to that attack, for your own attack. It seems tedious but I'm still alive so it must have worked somewhere along them line."

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Ssafirsotibones on July 20th, 2013, 3:55 pm

Ximal blocked the blows to his face easily enough, simply using the backs of his hands. Which actually hurt his own fist a bit, similar to punching the dummy earlier. He did not even bother with the other strikes, to stop it. He simply stepped back out of range and let it whiz by without touching him.

Then he countered. His punches were not overly strong, but they were well placed, his skill allowing him a precision Bones had not yet reached... Yet.

His arm ached as the left handed jab struck his right forearm, a dull throb echoing through the limb. But Bones figuratively clenched his teeth, and refused to give in and be beat down so easily. He was still in the fight yet. Bones began to pop back in a footwork motion similar to what he had seen with Ximal. However what was meant more as a bunny hop back was turned into a small leap when he caught a straight to the arm he was blocking with, and was knocked back.

Bones quickly tried to get his footing as he landed, but the unexpected motion had made him slip, and though his feet scrabbled for a moment, he continued to move backward... With his feet staying more or less in the same spot. He had been felled, like a mighty tree unearthed, and tumbled backward to land on his back. Normally he would have put his hands down to try and stop himself before hitting, but he was to focused on keeping his hands up in front of his face defensively.

Without thinking he spat out a curse in snake tongue, the word simply rolling off his tongue easily, unlike when he spoke in common. "Serxesnas!"

Bones sat on his spot on the ground, laid out on his back. "Give me a moment. I caught ssat blow wrong... Bad hop."

speech :

"Give me a moment. I caught that blow wrong... Bad hop."
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Ximal on July 20th, 2013, 6:48 pm


Xi watched as bones tumbled over from the strike Xi'd hit him with. Then tumble happened over a matter of motions starting with what Xi assumed to be a curse, and ending with bones on his ass. Xi smirked and planted his feet stepping over and extending his hand to help haul bones up. "Little tip, when your going to absorb a blow, plant the balls of your feet then use your knees as a shock absorber. Let them bend and take the blow it'll mitigate the damage." Xi smirked and meant everything in good humour, above everything he tried to keep himself smiling. Glancing at the dummy in the corner Xi made a note that a punching bag might actually be a good idea for everyone else...Probably not himself though. He was going to have to get something else to train his hands. As well ad himself.

"Hey bones, i have a question, What the heck was that word you just said ? And the second one the real question. What should i do to improve the school when I get enough money...Besides the obvious of giving the teachers their own rooms."

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Ssafirsotibones on July 23rd, 2013, 8:41 pm

Bones shook his head, a slight glare of annoyance at Ximal for his advice. Clearly if he had known the blow was coming, he would have planted his feet. But he had caught him mid hop, which was why it had such stunning and debilitating results.

"I hopped, I did not sssee sse blow coming. If I had, I would not have hopped."

Bones returned the smile, or tried to, but it did not come off the same as when Bones did it. At least if nothing else he used the grimace like attempt at a smile in the correct situation, which was not always true.

Bones listened as he went on, looking back at the human with hard fists Ximal, a neutral expression on his face. He took a few moments to think about the first question, how to answer it without angering him... But also trying to make himself clear, which tended to be difficult when explaining a Dhani term or expression or mannerism or anything with his race, to a human.

"It isss jussst... An expletive my people ussse. I doubt it transsslatesss well. It isss not even really meant for a humansss tongue to ssspeak, literally, asss your tonguesss are not made right. It took a lot of practice to do asss well asss I do wiss ssisss tongue ssspeaking sssuch wordsss in my native tongue."

Bones let out a sigh, as he asked his next question, and spent a good two chimes in silence thinking, before he answered this one.

"You need a main office. Sssome place for new ssstudentsss to come to, a ssset place to come when ssey want to asssk to be axe-ssepted. It isss too vague right now. Maybe wiss a sssign ssso ssey know to come ssere. Asss it isss now, ssey could pop in anywhere in sse ssschool, and never meet a teacher. Ssat isss not good."

Bones paused for a few moments, waiting for him to respond before speaking one last time.

"Ssso ssen... Are we done for now?"

speech :
"I hopped, I did not see the blow coming. If I had, I would not have hopped."

"It is just... An expletive my people use. I doubt it translates well. It is not even really meant for a humans tongue to speak, literally, as your tongues are not made right. It took a lot of practice to do as well as I do with this tongue speaking such words in my native tongue."

"You need a main office. Some place for new students to come to, a set place to come when they want to ask to be accepted. It is too vague right now. Maybe with a sign so they know to come there. As it is now, they could pop in anywhere in the school, and never meet a teacher. That is not good."

"So then... Are we done for now?"
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Ximal on July 24th, 2013, 3:35 am


Xi scratched his head a little after pulling bones up off of his backside. Xi smirked though bones tried to defend his falling blaming it on bad timing. True but if you were in a fight range you didn't hop at all you just raised your feet onto the balls for exactly the reason bones had just shown. Still Xi would let him keep a hold of that ideal until he found out the difference between himself and Xi. "Alright then. |I'll leave it there. And that expletive, mind telling me what it means? I'm just a little curious." However bones suggestuion was a good opne if half way thought out. Xi smirked and responded lifting his hands up above his head and inter-lacing his fingers. However the idea for an office area was a good one. "Well i can see the office. however half of the entrance exam for this place, is finding it. If you cannot find the place you don't deserve to be here. And you know my rules for entrance, they wanna enter the school they have to face a teacher and last five chimes. the more experienced the teacher the harder it is to earn a place with them. I've only got two, one on one students. I have classes who've lasted bare minimum times, but those two in particular are segregated. As far as training goes, we can be done if you want. I'm going to head into town and take up that idea, a punching bag would be a good idea." Xi glanced to the side before walking over to grab his shirt and slide it over his head.

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Ssafirsotibones on July 25th, 2013, 8:13 pm

Bones thought for a few moments, trying to think how to put it in human terms, in common, a language really he was no expert at. But he would try. But he really had no idea, so only shrugged at the request. Plus, it had been more of a general expletive, he had not meant it literally for its literal meaning. It was enough that it was a curse word, something you said when you were angry.

He listened to his thoughts on admitting students, and Bones shrugged once more.

"Perhapsss for sertain ssstudentsss, but what about a beginner, sssomeone newly wanting to know how to fight? Ssshould we really turn ssem away? Or for group classssesss? I can underssstand sse rule for a permanent ssstudent, a one on one ssstudent, but sssomeone jussst coming in occasssionally for a class?"

Bones looked at Ximal, wanting to get his word on it. He really knew little about the man, and this was actually the first he was hearing about the strict entrance requirements. So it was interesting to hear his policy. There had been little to no orientation when he was giving the job.

Before Ximal left, one final thing came to his mind, for a thing they might need.

"What about... Lifty ssingsss? Sse heavy ssstuff?" Bones thought for a moment, and patted his bicep, showing it to Ximal. "You know uh... Ssingsss to build mussscle? What about getting sssomessing for ssat? Ssat might be a good idea. Yesss?"
speech :
"Perhaps for certain students, but what about a beginner, someone newly wanting to know how to fight? Should we really turn them away? Or for group classes? I can understand the rule for a permanent student, a one on one student, but someone just coming in occasionally for a class?"

"What about... Lifty things? The heavy stuff?"

"You know uh... Things to build muscle? What about getting something for that? That might be a good idea. Yes?"
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Ximal on July 28th, 2013, 8:33 am


Xi clenched his fists and turned his eye back to the dummy he'd been hitting before, the silhouette if a man he'd fought earlier in the season took it's place. Xi leered at it before being snapped out of that trance like state by bones words. Perhaps for certain students, but a beginner. Xi smirked and flipped his head around to bones. What about beginners? Simple, beginners take the finding the school as part of their training, every student does. If your not strong enough to find the school, your not strong enough to withstand my training. The difference is I'm looking at this how i trained. I was never formally taught i grew up in the streets of sunberth, a city where the strong survive, the cunning live well and the cruel rule all. I'm not asking them to spend a year there, I'm asking them to find the place. I know for a fact bones, that a task as simple as finding something that is hidden shows ones resolve. Those who do not really want it do not have the will to find the thing they desire. "

Xi lifted his hand to the back of his head his fingers scratching it lightly. " As far as weight training is concerned, that i might do until then, your own body is often enough weight...Heck even the rocks and trees themselves are good enough for the time being." Xi lifted his arms and folded them across his chest. "I speak from experience." Xi's eyes then became sharp as he spoke again. "Once i get enough mizas I'll get the requested items. I'mma have a word with revy soon as well to get her opinion about what to do. By the way, in that spar we just had, your left flank is relatively unguarded. Just because your left side is back doesn't mean it's out of the danger zone." Xi's features relaxed and he smirked. it was going to be an interesting year...he could already feel it. "Oh, before i forget, ten percent of your earnings for the season on my desk by the ninety first. The rest is yours" Xi spun and lifted his hand to wave over his shoulder as he opened the door to the training room and stepped out.

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Ssafirsotibones on July 30th, 2013, 4:06 am

Bones stared back at the human, a bit aggravated at it. After all, he had been asking about admitting people into the school, not finding it. As far as he cared, until they walked in the front door, they did not exist. He had no qualms over that. But what he did care, was on what conditions he could allow a student to enter and become a student.

While he had gone off on a rant about something he did not care about, he in turn had not answered his question at all. Which was why he was annoyed at him.

He also doubted that this "Sun-berth" place would compare to growing up as a Dhani in Falyndar. Being hunted if they left the nest by a horde of bloodthirsty Myrians, who wished nothing more than to kill them, to commit genocide on his race. And yet having to leave, for were else would they go to hunt and find food to bring back to the nest?

A place were the wrong word could have you pinned to the ground by a larger more grown Dhani, who would press and squeeze you into submission. And being a bit less fond of Siku, and more fond of Caiyha, had made that happen all to often. At times he enjoyed a fight, a good tumble and wrestle as most Dhani of his true breed did for sport, but not all fights were for fun.

And those were just a few details. For those reasons and more, he doubted this Sun-Berth place was as bad as Ximal made it out to be.

Before he could respond Ximal told him in fighting he was leaving his left side open, a fact he noted, and said he would try and get the things he wanted. Along with saying a tenth of his earnings went to Ximal. And then he was gone.

Bones looked after him, and shook his head. He did not know what to make of the human. At times he was not so bad, for a human, at other times he was like he was the last few chimes. But he was a good fighter, and for that Bones respected him, and would continue on... For now... But he could not say what the future would bring him, were he would be called. He could not see anything now, but he did not doubt this time of quiet teaching at Ximal's school would not last forever.
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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The meaning behind "Iron fist" (Bones)

Postby Balderdash on August 20th, 2013, 11:08 pm

Delicious rewards! Happy days and jubilation!

Bonessssssss :
Skill XP Awarded
Persuasion 2
Observation 1
Boxing 4
Acrobatics 2
Logistics 1

Lores: It's Lonely Being A Snake-Man, Boxing Is A Stupid Name, There Is No Right Time To Uppercut, Boxing Punches: Jab, Body Blow, Uppercut, Straight, Hook, Gotta Toughen Your Knuckles Up, Bad Footwork Kills, Gotta Have Somewhere To Shove Students, Ximal Is An Idiot, Leaving One's Side Open

Items and Consequences: A slightly bruised ego.

Ooh... Ximal best get his ***-kiss on, non? An entertaining thread. :)

If you have any questions or concerns about this grade, please PM me. A happy you is a happy Balderdash!

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