Solo [Whitevine healing center] Again

One more time...

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[Whitevine healing center] Again

Postby Spirit Frostfawn on July 5th, 2013, 4:40 pm

--Summer 81st, 513AV--

Spirit was back here again. She wasn’t quite sure why she kept returning to the healing center… except when she came, she always learned so much. It was actually quite amazing. Silver was once again waiting patiently outside, but Wind was keeping an eye on Apple and Fog. Especially Fog. She was getting late into her pregnancy, and spent most of her time sleeping. The Frostfawn was slightly worried about her dog, but all seemed to be going well… hopefully the litter would be a success too. She worried about the hound sometimes, she’d never taken care of a pregnant dog before, and so this was a first-time thing. She wasn’t quite sure what to do at times… but those of her hold were always around to help, considering quite a number had been through this too.

Considering her dilemma, the young groom wandered her way into the Whitevine healing center. Upon entry, she once again met up with a young woman, though this one was actually a Vantha. “Morning!” the woman (probably a Whitevine) said. “What can I do for you?” Spirit thought on how to word this for a while, considering what to say. She knew what she wanted, to learn more, but how exactly would she say it…? “Well… I was kind of hoping to learn a little medicine-wise, so I wanted to… I don’t know… help out one of the doctors or something” She gave the woman a shy and apologetic smile, as a secondary to the explanation. The doctor grinned widely and answered, simply, “Well you can help me!”

They exchanged pleasantries, and Spirit discovered the Vantha’s name, who was indeed a Whitevine, was quite simply ‘Sarah’. The woman was slightly surprised a Frostfawn was into something like this, but quickly remembered the connection with animals, and assumed, correctly, that the girl wanted to be a veterinarian. The pair wandered their way to an emergency area, which happened to be where the doctor was working. A few people were scattered around a seating area, some with obvious injuries, some with those less so. There was apparently a kind of order to them, as when Sarah moved up to the front desk and called “Next please!” A man from around the center of the room stood up and moved over to the pair.

From there, they worked their way into a private little office, with a collection of necessary tools to deal with a variety of ailments. Their patient’s problem was obvious: He was holding his right arm gingerly, and it looked odd at the shoulder… His expression was that of controlled pain, so it didn’t look like the injury was that bad… “Alright, well, I see you have a dislocated shoulder, am I right?” [/color] Sarah asked, cocking her head slightly in thought. “Please, sit down” she added as an afterthought, pointing to a comfortable bench-seat thing against one of the walls. The Vantha man nodded in answer and complied to the request, seating himself on the indicated area. He still said nothing, apparently focusing more on resisting the pain than anything else.

The doctor had nodded in sympathy, before turning to Spirit, who had been watching the entire scene patiently. “See how his shoulder is at an odd angle, and doesn’t seem to fit right? That means it’s dislocated, or out of the socket.” The Frostfawn nodded, understanding. She’d seen a few people with problems like that, and on occasion, animals. It was never a good thing, but Sarah, from her demeanor, seemed to have everything under control, which was a calming fact. The woman began slowly helping the man lower himself into a strange position, with his arm braced. The young groom couldn’t figure out the purpose of this, but watched carefully, sure that her tutor would explain everything later on.

Carefully, the doctor placed her hands on the man’s shoulder, paused, and looked up at Spirit. “Close the door, would you?” She asked, as if just realizing this was needed. The girl nodded and did so, wondering why, but hoping the answer would come soon. It did. Sarah pushed on the man’s arm, resetting the bone in a simple, practiced movement. It caused the patient, who had been silent until then, to scream in pain. The Frostfawn herself squeaked in surprise, and her eyes widened, but as quickly as it had started, the ordeal ended, leaving the man panting and the room in silence. Sarah gave an apologetic smile and explained to the both of them “Sorry, I had to set the bone… it’s now back in place and will heal properly.” She pointed back to the man’s shoulder, which was indeed looking normal. The patient nodded mutely, a pained look on his face, but still thankful all the same.

“So… the next step, I’m going to bind the arm, so you don’t move it… actually Spirit, this part isn’t so hard. I can show you how, and you can do it yourself!” The doctor added happily, fishing a large section of cloth from a shelf. It was triangular and un-dyed, with no obvious purpose. She moved over to the patient, who was sitting on the bench again, arm lying limply in his lap. Sarah beckoned the girl forward to watch more closely, and began instructing her on how to tie a sling. “So… first, you put this top corner at their opposite shoulder… then slip the other two underneath his arm. Then you take the left corner and lift it… and tie it up around his neck. Then you’d clip the other corner on with a pin, but we’ll do that after you succeed.” She nodded and removed her half-done sling, leaving the man’s injured arm in his lap.

Spirit nodded silently and took the offered cloth, moving over to the patient. As she attempted to re-create the sling, she muttered the instructions quietly to herself, to remind herself what to do. “Top corner by his opposite shoulder…” She did that, placing it lightly there and holding it with a single finger. She put the other two corners under the patient’s arm, and muttered to herself “Which corner…?” She stared at them for a few moments, but feeling pressured, took the right one as a guess, and lifted it. It connected around the back with the top corner, but something was… wrong. His forearm was hanging low, unsupported. “That’s not right…?” She let go of the part she was holding, and, taking a guess, reached for the left corner. Pulling it up, it seemed to work, and she tied it awkwardly behind the man’s neck. Looking at Sarah awkwardly, she asked “Is this right?”

The doctor nodded and grinned, and fetched a pin from a bowl somewhere. She handed it to the younger Vantha, saying “Clip the third corner onto the edge here” and pointing at the needed spots. The Frostfawn did so, finding this a lot easier than the sling, obviously. That had been a little complicated… and even when you did it right, it still looked sliiiigtly off. She shrugged it off and stepped back, letting Sarah continue talking to the man. She explained to come back every ten or so days for a check-up to see how it was going, and that the full healing process might take maybe a third of a season. The patient nodded, thanked the woman, and left.

“Soo, we’re done with the first patient!” Sarah exclaimed happily, “Let’s move on to the next!” Spirit nodded excitedly at this, and the two left to take care of the next person in line.

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[Whitevine healing center] Again

Postby Spirit Frostfawn on July 27th, 2013, 12:08 pm

Sarah had to help the next patient in, who was leaning on the doctor’s shoulder heavily. For some reason, the woman was keeping her right foot off the ground, and bent slightly. Spirit watched with concern, and moved to the other side to help the Vantha sit on the bench. From there, she backed up and closed the door, to save her tutor the effort of asking. Sarah herself frowned at the foot, before asking “Sooo what happened? What did you do to it?” She pointed at the injured limb to make a point, and looked up at their patient, her head cocked.

“I… tripped. And twisted it, I think…” the woman answered, an apologetic smile on her face. She shrugged slightly, but refrained from moving her foot. “The ankle’s the bit that hurts….” This gained her a knowing nod from the doctor, who retrieved more bandages and pin. “Alright! Well… I hope you don’t mind, but I have a temporary assistant-student with me, so she’ll be trying out a few things. Is that ok?” Sarah asked this more as a precaution than anything, and received a nod in answer. The Frostfawn’s companion shuffled forward and motioned for Spirit to do the same, and both crouched by the prone ankle, the younger more copying her tutor than anything else.

Sarah, this time using a long thin cloth bandage, unrolled a bunch, and began explaining. “So you want to first wrap it around the middle of the foot… tight, but not too tight… do that a few times, then move up over the heel and around the lower bit of the leg. Does that make any sense to you?” In answer to this, the young groom made an uncertain noise in her throat, but stated “I think so… let me try…” The doctor nodded and passed over the bandages, leaving Spirit only her explanation.

“So…” she began, muttering to herself, as she started the first instruction. She wrapped it around the middle of the foot, trying not to hurt their patient in the process. The circle of cloth was easy to use when wrapping, if she let it roll in her palm as she did so. From there, she moved her way up the foot, still wrapping, until she went around the lower bit of the leg a few times. She held the end in place, instead of using the pins, in case they needed to fix it. “Is that good?” she asked wearily, looking at the work herself.

Sarah frowned slightly, looking over the wrapping. “Well… you went around the heel, so it’s kind of odd there… just skip it, really. And it’s too loose. Here… let me show you.” She gently removed the roll from Spirit’s hands, and unwrapped the top half of the bandage. From there, she showed the correct way to do the upper portion, before handing it back to her student. “Here… try again…” She looked up at their patient and grinned. “She’s just learning. You know, you can watch too if you want, this is quite useful if this ever happens again!” This caused the woman to giggle slightly, forgetting her pain.

The Frostfawn, on the other hand, was carefully and quietly trying to recreate Sarah’s bandage. She got the foot part down flat, but the heel… it required an awkward angle. She frowned as she repositioned the roll of cloth a few times, before she finally got it pointing sort of up, and straight to the lower leg. There, is easily wrapped around a few times, before Spirit stopped and looked up expectantly. “Good job! Only on your second try!” her tutor congratulated, having watched majority of the process. Sarah used the pin to attach the end of the roll, and used a nearby pair of scissors to cut off the end. “Well, I’d say we’re finished! Come back in 10 days for a checkup, ok?” She grinned widely, and shooed their patient out the door, before following to find their next one.

“Uhhh… I have a question…” the younger Vantha asked, prodding her tutor in the arm politely. “Yup?” was her reply, Sarah turning back with a smile. “What’s the point of that? I mean… of wrapping it. I get that the sling puts less pressure on the shoulder, but what about this?” The question caused the doctor to laugh quietly, before answering with “It immobilizes the wound. The less you move a sprain the faster it heals!” Spirit nodded, understanding. That made sense… like, if you wanted a cut to heal… you didn’t poke it. Also the same with the sling, just don’t move it. The girl guessed it let your body deal with it faster, without having to face even more problems. Finally getting the gist of the idea, she happily followed the doctor out into the patient room, to face their next challenge.

The Ankle Wrap :

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[Whitevine healing center] Again

Postby Spirit Frostfawn on August 20th, 2013, 4:51 pm

The next patient they received was different than the others, mostly because he wasn’t obviously injured. He smiled as he walked in, and sat down on the bench without needing to be told to. Still, something about him wasn’t quite… right, as if he wasn’t in perfect shape. He had dark lines under his eyes, and he seemed very relieved to be sitting again, as if standing had taken a lot of energy. Sarah gave him an odd look and frowned, before asking “So… what’s your problem exactly?” In her opinion, Spirit thought he appeared sick, and was sure the doctor had noticed the same things. Still, with all patients it was always good to know how they felt… though such a thing was generally impossible with animals. Humans were much easier patients…

The man began listing off his various symptoms, as if he’d pre-planned the speech. “I’m dizzy, weak, tired, and I’ve got this massive HEADACHE… I just feel terrible over all…” He gave them an apologetic smile, as the Frostfawn tried to come up with a solution. All she remembered of these symptoms was… fever. “I’m just going to check your temperature…” she stated, glancing over at Sarah for confirmation. The woman smiled and nodded, content to let Spirit solve this herself. The girl rested her hand on the patient’s forehead and found the answer. It was hot, hotter than normal, which proved her previous theory: fever. “I think you have a fever” she told him simply, before attempting to remember the solution to that. She knew it… someone had taught her… right! Ruby! Chill berries brought the temperature down, though the number… was slightly sketchy. She knew it was three for a small fever, and four for a big one… but didn’t know which the man had. Instead, she looked over to her mentor to ask.

“He’s got a fever, and I know you give fever patients Chill Berries…. And I know the amounts. What I DON’T know is how bad his fever is…” she winced, and let Sarah step forward, the woman smiling kindly. “Let me check…” She repeated the Frostfawn’s movements, checking the man’s forehead with the back of her hand. “Minor. Just minor. Anyways, if it wasn’t you probably wouldn’t have come here by yourself. You’d probably just stay in bed.” She giggled slightly before bouncing off to a medicinal cabinet. “Three berries for you… then lots of rest. Did you want to stay in the healing center, or in your own Arvinta?” She asked the patient by turning slightly and looking over her own shoulder. “It’s safer to stay here, so we can check up on you, but since the fever isn’t so bad, you could go home since that’s probably more comfortable. You can always come back if something changes anyways.” She cocked her head, having stopped looking through the cupboard for the berries to listen for an answer.

“Uhhh I’d rather stay at home, to be honest…” the patient shrugged, and having nothing else to say, Sarah turned back to her searching. After a few moments, and a soft “Aha!”The next patient they received was different than the others, mostly because he wasn’t obviously injured. He smiled as he walked in, and sat down on the bench without needing to be told to. Still, something about him wasn’t quite… right, as if he wasn’t in perfect shape. He had dark lines under his eyes, and he seemed very relieved to be sitting again, as if standing had taken a lot of energy. Sarah gave him an odd look and frowned, before asking [color=#7B42F5] “So… what’s your problem exactly?” In her opinion, Spirit thought he appeared sick, and was sure the doctor had noticed the same things. Still, with all patients it was always good to know how they felt… though such a thing was generally impossible with animals. Humans were much easier patients…

The man began listing off his various symptoms, as if he’d pre-planned the speech. “I’m dizzy, weak, tired, and I’ve got this massive HEADACHE… I just feel terrible over all…” He gave them an apologetic smile, as the Frostfawn tried to come up with a solution. All she remembered of these symptoms was… fever. “I’m just going to check your temperature…” she stated, glancing over at Sarah for confirmation. The woman smiled and nodded, content to let Spirit solve this herself. The girl rested her hand on the patient’s forehead and found the answer. It was hot, hotter than normal, which proved her previous theory: fever. “I think you have a fever” she told him simply, before attempting to remember the solution to that. She knew it… someone had taught her… right! Ruby! Chill berries brought the temperature down, though the number… was slightly sketchy. She knew it was three for a small fever, and four for a big one… but didn’t know which the man had. Instead, she looked over to her mentor to ask.

“He’s got a fever, and I know you give fever patients Chill Berries…. And I know the amounts. What I DON’T know is how bad his fever is…” she winced, and let Sarah step forward, the woman smiling kindly. “Let me check…” She repeated the Frostfawn’s movements, checking the man’s forehead with the back of her hand. “Minor. Just minor. Anyways, if it wasn’t you probably wouldn’t have come here by yourself. You’d probably just stay in bed.” She giggled slightly before bouncing off to a medicinal cabinet. “Three berries for you… then lots of rest. Did you want to stay in the healing center, or in your own Arvinta?” She asked the patient by turning slightly and looking over her own shoulder. “It’s safer to stay here, so we can check up on you, but since the fever isn’t so bad, you could go home since that’s probably more comfortable. You can always come back if something changes anyways.” She cocked her head, having stopped looking through the cupboard for the berries to listen for an answer.

“Uhhh I’d rather stay at home, to be honest…” the patient shrugged, and having nothing else to say, Sarah turned back to her searching. After a few moments, and a soft “Aha!” she pulled out a small box labeled ‘Chill Berries’. She fished out three and rolled them around in the center of her palm. [color=#7B42F5] “Here you go Spirit!” she exclaimed, placing the orbs into the girl’s own hands. She blinked, but remembered this was kind of her diagnosis, and passed them on to the patient to eat. “Just eat them… that should bring your temperature down. Also… stay warm, drink lots, and get a bunch of rest. Let your body deal with the fever.” She nodded and smiled kindly, before letting their patient eat the berries. “Oh, if your temperature seems to rise again… come back! And… that’s about it, I think!” She stepped back, letting the patient leave, and make room for the next one… whoever that would be.
she pulled out a small box labeled ‘Chill Berries’. She fished out three and rolled them around in the center of her palm. “Here you go Spirit!” she exclaimed, placing the orbs into the girl’s own hands. She blinked, but remembered this was kind of her diagnosis, and passed them on to the patient to eat. “Just eat them… that should bring your temperature down. Also… stay warm, drink lots, and get a bunch of rest. Let your body deal with the fever.” She nodded and smiled kindly, before letting their patient eat the berries. “Oh, if your temperature seems to rise again… come back! And… that’s about it, I think!” She stepped back, letting the patient leave, and make room for the next one… whoever that would be.

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[Whitevine healing center] Again

Postby Spirit Frostfawn on August 23rd, 2013, 4:18 pm

The next patient was in a lot more of a hurry than the next, jogging in with a large cloth wrapped around his arm. The man’s face was contorted from holding back pain, and the fabric covering was stained red. Sarah frowned at this, and quickly began interrogating the man.

“What happened?”
“I cut my arm”
“I was carving ice and the blade slipped…”
“Ok.” She quickly turned to the cupboard and began grabbing a few things out, before continuing “How long has that bandage been on?”
“Only a few chimes I guess?”

The woman briskly turned to Spirit and tosses a bottle and two cloths to the girl. It was an odd change in temperament, going from calm and happy, to a more leadership role. The Frostfawn guessed it was because of the emergency… depending on how large the cut was, it could be a real problem. “Wash of the blood with some water and then clean it out with the ointment.” Sarah instructed, sending her ‘student’ to prepare the wound.

She quickly grabbed a bowl of water from a table, and stood next to the patient, hoping the next move wouldn’t hurt the man. She grabbed one end of the blood-soaked cloth and slowly peeled it away from the wound. It wasn’t too crusted on, because of the short period of time, though the Vantha man winced as it went over his injury. The cut was long- maybe three or four inches, though almost quarter of an inch deep. It was bad… but clean and smooth. With some stitching and proper treatment, it would probably leave a scar, but nothing else. She dabbed one of the cloths in the water and began wiping it around the wound, clearing off any of the dried blood on the patient’s arm. It came off easily, but stained the cloth badly, leaving it mostly ruined. She had to add a little more water a few times, but the process went quick and easy, even though she was moving slowly.

The next part was one that would probably hurt the man, but was necessary: cleaning the wound. They used an alcohol disinfectant and another cloth to do this, and she had to go into the cut a little. Until then, she’d been mostly avoiding looking at the actual injury, instead focusing on the outside, pretending the stuff she was wiping off was dirt rather than blood. It helped quell the uneasiness in her stomach, but for this step… there was no avoiding reality. Anyways, she had to get better at this if she was ever going to be able to work as a healer- for animals or for humans. She gathered herself and dabbed a bit of alcohol solution onto the cloth, preparing herself for the sight. She turned to the wound and her stomach turned, but the Vantha refused to let it show on her face. Instead, she wiped lightly around the edges and the inside, pulling the sides open to get into the wound, and clear out any infection as best possible. The patient took a breath, stiffening as she moved around, but didn’t say anything. “Sorry… this probably hurts… but we have to clean the wound” she gave him an apologetic smile, trying to hide her own uneasiness in the expression.

After a few moments of wiping around the wound, the job seemed mostly done. Spirit let out a deep breath, not realizing she’d been holding it. Cleaning out wounds was her least favorite part of cuts like this, but it was necessary… and something she knew how to do by heart. Sarah handed the girl a roll of cloth bandages, a wide grin on her face. Her approval was obvious. The Frostfawn nodded and took the offering, turning back to her job wordlessly. She began wrapping the fabric around the patient’s cut tightly- but not too tight to cut off the bloodstream. She gave the bandage a few layers to soak up any more blood, before finishing it off, and closing it with a pin the doctor had also given her.

Sarah had been writing a note as this happened, and handed it to the man now. She gave the patient a few instructions of what to do next, which mostly included talking to another doctor for stitches, which he was going to need. The man nodded, took the sheet, and walked out, waving with his good hand as he exited the room. After an awkward pause, the elder Vantha clapped her younger on the back. “That was a really good job you did! You really know how to deal with wounds… and you worked well in an emergency… though you weren’t so good with blood, I could tell.” Spirit looked up at her tutor in surprise, but a wide grin spread over her face. That had been the most stressful of all their situations so far… but it had turned out relatively ok. She nodded and replied with a simple “Thanks!”

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[Whitevine healing center] Again

Postby Spirit Frostfawn on August 23rd, 2013, 4:56 pm

The next person, at a first glance, was perfectly fine. Until you looked at their face. They held a blood stained handkerchief to their nose. They sat down willingly on the provided bench, and Spirit gave the patient an odd look. “Nose bleed?” she asked, before Sarah could say anything. She recognized that. The woman nodded, and the Frostfawn grinned. She knew how to deal with this. “Can I do this?” She asked, turning to the present doctor, and was answered with a simple “Of course!”

She nodded and strode over to the cupboard, grabbing a two fresh cloths from it. She also found a clean bowl of water, and, tapping into her gnosis, froze it solid. She upturned it and let the block fall into the first cloth, where the girl wrapped it up. Pausing, thinking for a moment, Spirit decided it would probably be best to break up the ice for convenience. She opened the wrap to be able to look at her work, and drew on the power of her gift. She carved the ice, shaping it into a number of chunks. It was quick and simple work, something she could easily do, and within ticks her cold bundle was done. She re-wrapped it, and passed it to her patient.

“Here… hold this on top of your nose, it should stop the bleeding.” She also passed the woman the second cloth, to replace her original, blood stained one. “Also… tilt your head forward…” she added with a smile, taking the handkerchief over to the bowl she’d used and refilling it. From there, just for convenience, she began washing the cloth, trying to make it as clean as possible for the patient. She pushed it through the water, working the fabric with her fingers as she did so. Some of the marks came out, staining the water red, but others… were already dried. And tried blood was always hard to get out of a cloth. Still, if only for something to do for a few moments, she continued to work at it, crunching up the fabric and straitening it, prodding it with her fingers.

Finally, there didn’t seem to be anything left to clean off, and the girl shrugged. She took it out of the water and twisted it, watching the liquid pour back in. She let it drip for a few moments before handing it back to their patient with a smile. The woman thanked them, though she sounded slightly odd, and left quietly.

“Well! I think we’re done for today!” Sarah stated, grinning, and Spirit mirrored her expression. All this had been pretty fun, thinking back on it… and she’d learnt quite a bit. “Yea… thanks for letting me tag along…” she replied, simply pleased with what she’d accomplished. “No problem… you were quite helpful! And hey… if you want, you can come back tomorrow… though I’m doing other stuff then.”

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[Whitevine healing center] Again

Postby Lullaby on October 5th, 2013, 11:08 am


Spirit Frostfawn :
    ♪ Medicine: +3
    ♪ Observation: +1

    ♫ Returning to Whitevine Healing Center
    ♫ Shadowing Sarah Whitevine
    ♫ Appearance of a Dislocated Shoulder
    ♫ How To Make a Simple Sling
    ♫ Wrapping a Twisted Ankle
    ♫ The Purpose to Wrapping an Ankle
    ♫ Humans Are Easier to Treat than Animals
    ♫ Three Chill Berries for Human's Minor Fever
    ♫ Treating a Minor Cut
    ♫ Treating a Nosebleed

    just for accuracy sake, note that a more accurate way of taking temperature would be with the inside of your wrist, not the back of your hand. The hands being so far from the heart, their temperature can vary depending on how warm or cold you are. The wrists though usually stay around the same temperature so it is easier to detect a difference between another's temperature and your own. Of course, another way is your lips, but few apart from mothers are willing to kiss a stranger's forehead. xD

    Also, just to note, on your ledger, please indicate the year of the net incomes, just so when a year change occurs STs can accurately tell what you have paid for. Thank you! ^^

    This was good, I enjoyed how you portrayed Sarah, and kept Spirit doing small things, and not leaping right into surgery. It was great to see you play within your skill level, then expand on it. Awesome work, I look forward to more threads from you in the future. C:

A quiet song to soothe the heart

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out.

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