Timestamp: 10th Day of Summer, 513 AV
Vanator had chosen a ride along the surf. The beach below the Sanctuary had itself become a refuge of sorts for the Drykas man. He loved the grass, it was his heart, but it was also dangerous for those who lose themselves in thoughts and wonderings. The shoreline, in contrast, was fairly secure and isolated. But it was not just the safety and privacy that appealed to the Denusk, it was the rhythm of the tireless surf, the stiffness of the salt breeze, and the vast expanse of blue green that stretched out to the horizon. They worked to sooth his mind, ease his anxieties, and open his understanding. It was where he wanted to have this conversation with Sybel.
Eplah and Sirroco plodded along through the sand, the wind from the Suvan tugging at their manes, as well as those of the Drykas and Benshiran riders. Vanator looked at Sybel often as they worked their way to the beach, in fact, he had found it it difficult to keep his eyes off of her since her arrival several days earlier. The weight of their past still hung heavy over the two of them, left unaddressed as they danced around how, or who, would be the first to breach the subject of their parting. Finally, Vanator asked Sybel to go for a ride, offering to show her the beach. He wanted to clear things up, to tell her everything. He wanted to see if, maybe, they could start over.
Again his eyes fell upon the young woman. "I have missed you Bel..." Vanator paused, gaze darting down the beach before returning to the raven-haired Benshiran. "It seems like a lifetime has passed." Vanator Denusk, never without a well placed word, found his tongue failing to produce adequate translation of his emotions. He finally blurted it out. "Look, I forgave you, really, a long time ago. I didn't forget, though. I never forgot about you." The Drykas swayed smoothly in his yvas as they rode along. "Sometimes, I wondered, even after I was married, if you would ride back into Endrykas, what I would do. Sometimes I wanted to rebuff you, hurt you like you hurt me. Other times, I would have left both my wives if it meant I could be with you again."
Gold-flecked hazel eyes held to Sybel for a moment before drifting again out to the sea. He wanted to be honest with his former lover. If they were to start over, he wanted her to know everything, and there was much to tell her.
Vanator had chosen a ride along the surf. The beach below the Sanctuary had itself become a refuge of sorts for the Drykas man. He loved the grass, it was his heart, but it was also dangerous for those who lose themselves in thoughts and wonderings. The shoreline, in contrast, was fairly secure and isolated. But it was not just the safety and privacy that appealed to the Denusk, it was the rhythm of the tireless surf, the stiffness of the salt breeze, and the vast expanse of blue green that stretched out to the horizon. They worked to sooth his mind, ease his anxieties, and open his understanding. It was where he wanted to have this conversation with Sybel.
Eplah and Sirroco plodded along through the sand, the wind from the Suvan tugging at their manes, as well as those of the Drykas and Benshiran riders. Vanator looked at Sybel often as they worked their way to the beach, in fact, he had found it it difficult to keep his eyes off of her since her arrival several days earlier. The weight of their past still hung heavy over the two of them, left unaddressed as they danced around how, or who, would be the first to breach the subject of their parting. Finally, Vanator asked Sybel to go for a ride, offering to show her the beach. He wanted to clear things up, to tell her everything. He wanted to see if, maybe, they could start over.
Again his eyes fell upon the young woman. "I have missed you Bel..." Vanator paused, gaze darting down the beach before returning to the raven-haired Benshiran. "It seems like a lifetime has passed." Vanator Denusk, never without a well placed word, found his tongue failing to produce adequate translation of his emotions. He finally blurted it out. "Look, I forgave you, really, a long time ago. I didn't forget, though. I never forgot about you." The Drykas swayed smoothly in his yvas as they rode along. "Sometimes, I wondered, even after I was married, if you would ride back into Endrykas, what I would do. Sometimes I wanted to rebuff you, hurt you like you hurt me. Other times, I would have left both my wives if it meant I could be with you again."
Gold-flecked hazel eyes held to Sybel for a moment before drifting again out to the sea. He wanted to be honest with his former lover. If they were to start over, he wanted her to know everything, and there was much to tell her.