Name: Laura
Age: 26 (almost 27)
Sex: WOman
Status: In a relationship
Location: Boondocks (aka Arkansas; seriously, nobody's ever from or near here...I may as well live in the middle of nowhere)
Likes: Like quite a few here in Miz, I'm an animal advocate. This probably stems from the fact that I'm a private dog trainer in real life and preach to my clients the importance of animal welfare, spaying and neutering their companion animals, and being the voice for those that have none. You will probably hear me talk a lot about animals as a result. Besides that, I love to sing (but I'm terribly shy about it

Occupation: Salad technician and part time private dog trainer. What the first means is I do a little bit of everything in my area at one of the hospitals in my area. I cut tomatoes and onions, make pizza mix, make salads, prep the cafeteria salad bar, do patient food cold orders (anything that doesn't need to be cooked basically), and, well...whatever else my boss asks me to do! As for the PDT, I work in clients homes with their canine companion and the family, teaching them useful techniques to help resolve the problems they may be having. I typically do as-needed lessons, but do offer courses that last anywhere from 3 to 12 sessions (typically one hour each). It's good money when I get clients, but it's hard competing with chain stores and other more established trainers. It is with animals that I really long to work and am making slow progress in getting out of the food industry. I have quite a bit of experience in animal husbandry for my age, having worked on a volunteer basis at the Little Rock Zoo for nearly five years before going to college for a herpetology degree (unfortunately had to drop out due to life problems occurring); that was followed by almost three years working paid at a research facility, taking care of mice, rats, rabbits, and even pigeons that were being used for medical and behavioral research. That's a hard job that is REALLY misunderstood. Maybe I'll do a vlog on that. Anyways, following that I got into dog training at Petco where I had to quit due to the cruelty of not just people but the pets they sold; I'd already filed numerous reports to the corporate office but nothing was ever done about it. Needless to say, I no longer shop at that location (other locations were not as bad so don't mistake that one locations problems as a company wide thing).
I might occassionally talk about my PCs in here and things that're goin down on them, but I would much rather make this a place that I can discuss the things I love: animals and my family. In time, you may get to see pics of the kids, or hear me talk about what new thing the baby or toddler are doing now, but mostly it'll be about animals.
Videos would likely be few and far between because my house is just not conducive for that kind of thing. A baby, a dog, and a three year old just don't work when it comes to making vids. I'd have to vlog when the kids are with their grandparents.
So! Here's a short-list of topics I will at one point or another talk about; which would any of you like to read about or listen to first?
-The joys of working at a hospital kitchen
-It's not DOG training, it's PEOPLE training.
-Animal behavior and common interpretation errors.
-Cooking with kids
-Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights
-BSL (Breed Specific Legislations) and its effects on the community.
-Boondock Weather
-Animal Research: Good or bad?
-Canine Education: Maybe I can help!
Okay, so some of the above are a bit political, so I'm laying down the law for this SB: if you want to hear about a topic, but your opinion differs from mine, be civil about what argument you present. I like research when facing possible arguments (not the yelling thrashing killyouall kind, I'm talking adult debate-arguments), and being on the internet, there's a ton of info we can back each other up with. Just remember, please keep it civil and friendly. If I sense you're trying to instigate something in topic-requests, I'm not going to do it.
PS: I'm horrible at coding and too shy to ask for anything to prettify this so it may well remain somewhat bland looking