Carrick FrostAge: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Inarta Human
Languages: Common
Physical Description:
A male Inarta of vigorous disposition who wears his blistering red hair shaved short. His features are both blunted, sharp and heavy with a pronounced jaw and patrician nose that has been broken but reset. A thin scar runs along his left cheek bone hooking over the lips and under the chin. Carrick’s eyes are rich hazel spiked with eclipsed sunlight upon meeting the apex of the pupils. His face is cleanly shaved while his directive demeanor is backed by an athletic build and wide frame. His facial features are vivid like an uncaptured memory that fades each time one looks away, unable to be recalled or personified by simple recollection alone, leaving it’s gaze new and fresh each time. Similar to a bronzed flame that flickers and is ever changing despite the harsh chiseled backdrop of bone beneath it’s caustic skin. His armor is well polished and taken care of, immaculate yet fully functional.
Character Concept:
A dedicated knight, who’s loyalty to the order is only outshined by his duty to the city it’s self. Carrick is single mindedly devoted to the proliferation of his chapter, and will bare no argument or opposition to the goals of the knighthood.
Character Personality:
Authoritarian and extreme, Frost is ruthlessly severe in his discipline while protective and even to those beneath his stead. He does not broker opposition to the cause, but will follow orders to their letter regardless of personal feeling or opposition. There is little room in his life for frivolity or excess, even in approach. These traits have built a figure who’s life is duty but retains humor and health.
Character History:
Raised a yasi in the heights of Windreach, the lad left it’s comforts and confine before the age of fifteen. The stories differ from this point onward, some involving a severe upbringing while others brash tales of decadence. Both sides to the coin are second hand, but what truth is known is the fact that Carrick entered the Syliran knighthood young, first as a squire then as a full fledged knight upon completing a primary quest. Betrothed to a young female from the knighthood’s hereditary lineage Druva, the man has every priority aimed in a single direction. Not even his patron knight know what drives the man so swiftly onward in the name of Sylir, for there is little known fact revealed about what lies behind the armor.
Great Sword: 20/100
Sword-Shield: 15/100
Riding: 15/100
Archery: 10/100 (rb)
History of the Syliran Knights
The god Tyveth
Steel plated armor
Two handed broadsword
Knight heraldry - uniform
Inarta bow
Quarrel of arrows
Book - Tenants of Sylir
Miza - 100