Alexander Slade

Animal Form
From his thick, white whiskers to the tip of his tail, Alexander measures 6.2 feet long and 26 inches tall. For such a large feline, his physique is made up of thick, compact muscles which ripple as he moves. His broad head is built with a powerful jaw, and his limbs are short yet stocky. Through a sleek, inky black pelt, two circular yet erect ears protrude, ever twitching to gather the sounds of his enviroment. Beneath them, the piercing eyes of a black jaguar. Both the dark color he wears and the gigantic, padded paws provide a silent transportation. Jaguars are known as the "ghost of the jungle," and rightfully so.

Human Form
Alexander's light, shimmering eyes are an exact match to that of his animal form, down to the slitted pupils that only a close, observant look would reveal. Alexander stands much shorter than one would expect but is equipped with dense muscles and intriguing features. His hair is kept short, sleek and free-flowing. It's a black color all throughout, however, a ray of sunlight may reveal lighter hues hidden in the locks. The Kelvic's canine teeth are slightly sharper than those of a regular human, coming to a triangular point at the end.

Friendly and courteous is certainly not the correct terms to describe Alexander Slade. He often has a difficult time controlling his emotions in certain situations, this could range from explosive anger to being hopelessly upset. Another side of Alexander, though, is quiet and observant. He prefers solitude and watching others from afar. Though, the need for a bondmate is strong, he is miserable in social situations and can be quite unpredictable when put into one. However, when he finds someone who he comes to trust and understand, Alexander is a fiercely loyal companion and a shoulder to lean on.
Character History
Alexander grew up with a fairly small family that consisted of himself, his father, mother, and older brother by 2 years. Alexander's father, going by the name of Adron was a Kelvic as well, his animal form was an enormous grizzly bear. Adron, as a child, had a great love for the sea and grew up to fulfill his dream to become a great sailor. Adron went a few seasons until he mate with a fellow kelvic named Lesaka, a doe. They had their two sons, Andrew and Alexander. The two siblings had a great relationship growing up together, often playing games from their own imagination or getting into mischief. They also found joy in playing with in their animal forms, being a black panther Red Kangaroo. The family was happy and complete until one day. Adron went missing at sea. Season upon season stretched on with no sign of the father, and finally, they gave up. The three drifted apart, Andrew and Alexander moved out and got their own places to stay. Now, the family barely talks or gets together, being torn apart by the loss of their loving father and husband.
Fluent: Common
Hunting- Identifying small to medium sized prey
Zeltiva- Street Layout
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted
Kelski: Appearance & Mannerism, Hunting: Hunting For Food In The Tide, Seal: Full of Fat, Hunting: Hunt Seals From Waterline Up To The Beach, Strategy: Best Maneuvers to Kill A Seal, Strategy: Don’t Go For The Fatty Throat, Seals: Claws & Teeth Sharp, Kelski: Kind & Forthright, Hunting: Hunting One’s Hunting Partner For Theft, Slavery: Being Collared, Kelski: Has an Abase Stone Which Helps Her Heal, The Midnight Gem: It’s Location & The Fact It Has A Healer, Kelski: Has a Magic Backpack That Holds A Lot More Than It Should, Disguise: Concealing the identities of Bodies, Subterfuge: Hiding Bodies, Ebon: Appearance and Mannerism, Ebon: A Healer, The Midnight Gem: Appearance & Layout, Ember: Appearance & Mannerisms, Ember: Kelski’s Niece, Ebon & Ember: Kelvics (Night Lion & Mouse Respectfully), The Midnight Gem: Alive By Magic, Kelski: Jeweler, The Midnight Gem: Home and Jewelry Store, Duncan: Isur Guard For The Midnight Gem, The Midnight Gem: He’s Invited To Stay As Long As He Likes
Thin 2.5" Scar Below Right Eye
Thin 1" Scar Beneath The Chin
1 Set of Clothing (Colorful)
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas
10 arrows
4 common daggers
Peculiar golden ring with a bright green gem embedded in the top (Vino Symbol)
Custom made serpents dagger from his father

Tent City
Tent Package: 1 large, 4 person tent
Thread List
Race: Kelvic
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Birthday: 20th day of Spring 515AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Birthday: 20th day of Spring 515AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Animal Form
From his thick, white whiskers to the tip of his tail, Alexander measures 6.2 feet long and 26 inches tall. For such a large feline, his physique is made up of thick, compact muscles which ripple as he moves. His broad head is built with a powerful jaw, and his limbs are short yet stocky. Through a sleek, inky black pelt, two circular yet erect ears protrude, ever twitching to gather the sounds of his enviroment. Beneath them, the piercing eyes of a black jaguar. Both the dark color he wears and the gigantic, padded paws provide a silent transportation. Jaguars are known as the "ghost of the jungle," and rightfully so.
Human Form
Alexander's light, shimmering eyes are an exact match to that of his animal form, down to the slitted pupils that only a close, observant look would reveal. Alexander stands much shorter than one would expect but is equipped with dense muscles and intriguing features. His hair is kept short, sleek and free-flowing. It's a black color all throughout, however, a ray of sunlight may reveal lighter hues hidden in the locks. The Kelvic's canine teeth are slightly sharper than those of a regular human, coming to a triangular point at the end.
Friendly and courteous is certainly not the correct terms to describe Alexander Slade. He often has a difficult time controlling his emotions in certain situations, this could range from explosive anger to being hopelessly upset. Another side of Alexander, though, is quiet and observant. He prefers solitude and watching others from afar. Though, the need for a bondmate is strong, he is miserable in social situations and can be quite unpredictable when put into one. However, when he finds someone who he comes to trust and understand, Alexander is a fiercely loyal companion and a shoulder to lean on.
Character History
Alexander grew up with a fairly small family that consisted of himself, his father, mother, and older brother by 2 years. Alexander's father, going by the name of Adron was a Kelvic as well, his animal form was an enormous grizzly bear. Adron, as a child, had a great love for the sea and grew up to fulfill his dream to become a great sailor. Adron went a few seasons until he mate with a fellow kelvic named Lesaka, a doe. They had their two sons, Andrew and Alexander. The two siblings had a great relationship growing up together, often playing games from their own imagination or getting into mischief. They also found joy in playing with in their animal forms, being a black panther Red Kangaroo. The family was happy and complete until one day. Adron went missing at sea. Season upon season stretched on with no sign of the father, and finally, they gave up. The three drifted apart, Andrew and Alexander moved out and got their own places to stay. Now, the family barely talks or gets together, being torn apart by the loss of their loving father and husband.
Fluent: Common
Skill | Experience | Total | Rank |
Acrobatics | +5 | 5/100 | Novice |
Disguise | +1 | 1/100 | Novice |
Endurance | +5 | 5/100 | Novice |
Hunting | 8SP 10RB +5 | 23/100 | Novice |
Intimidation | +2 | 2/100 | Novice |
Interrogation | +2 | 2/100 | Novice |
Logic | +3 | 3/100 | Novice |
Observation | +5 | 5/100 | Novice |
Planning | +1 | 1/100 | Novice |
Rheteric | +2 | 2/100 | Novice |
Socialization | +5 | 5/100 | Novice |
Stealth | 10SP | 10/100 | Novice |
Storytelling | +1 | 1/100 | Novice |
Strategy | +4 | 4/100 | Novice |
Subterfuge | +1 | 1/100 | Novice |
Swimming | +1 | 1/100 | Novice |
Tactics | +5 | 5/100 | Novice |
Unarmed Combat | 6SP +4 | 10/100 | Novice |
Weapon (Dagger) | 26SP +2 | 28/100 | Competent |
Hunting- Identifying small to medium sized prey
Zeltiva- Street Layout
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted
Kelski: Appearance & Mannerism, Hunting: Hunting For Food In The Tide, Seal: Full of Fat, Hunting: Hunt Seals From Waterline Up To The Beach, Strategy: Best Maneuvers to Kill A Seal, Strategy: Don’t Go For The Fatty Throat, Seals: Claws & Teeth Sharp, Kelski: Kind & Forthright, Hunting: Hunting One’s Hunting Partner For Theft, Slavery: Being Collared, Kelski: Has an Abase Stone Which Helps Her Heal, The Midnight Gem: It’s Location & The Fact It Has A Healer, Kelski: Has a Magic Backpack That Holds A Lot More Than It Should, Disguise: Concealing the identities of Bodies, Subterfuge: Hiding Bodies, Ebon: Appearance and Mannerism, Ebon: A Healer, The Midnight Gem: Appearance & Layout, Ember: Appearance & Mannerisms, Ember: Kelski’s Niece, Ebon & Ember: Kelvics (Night Lion & Mouse Respectfully), The Midnight Gem: Alive By Magic, Kelski: Jeweler, The Midnight Gem: Home and Jewelry Store, Duncan: Isur Guard For The Midnight Gem, The Midnight Gem: He’s Invited To Stay As Long As He Likes
Thin 2.5" Scar Below Right Eye
Thin 1" Scar Beneath The Chin
1 Set of Clothing (Colorful)
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas
10 arrows
4 common daggers
Peculiar golden ring with a bright green gem embedded in the top (Vino Symbol)
Custom made serpents dagger from his father
Tent City
Tent Package: 1 large, 4 person tent
Item | Debt | Credit | Total |
Starting Package | 100GM | 100GM | |
Horse Trade | 250GM | 350GM | |
Loot | +10GM | 360GM |
Thread List

Summer 519
Faceing our Nature (Kynier) -Winter 518
When the Hunted Become the Hunted(Kelski) -Winter 30th 518