Timestamp: 40th Day of Summer, 513 AV
The Kalean summer heat of the past few days persisted, making working through the day nearly unbearable. Those lucky enough to work at Thunder Bay, or able to hitch a ride with a rider to Water Reach, stayed as long as they could manage. Kovac, not one of those lucky ones, resorted that evening to the deeper depths of Wind Reach's warrens, where the stone kept a balance of temperature. The heat within the Weather would increase, certainly, as the night wore on and the press of bodies within the club would drive the temperature higher. For some reason, no one minded that kind of heat.
For the moment, the activity in the giant oval room was still gaining steam, the crowd still manageable, only a small cluster on the dimly lit dance floor and a few claiming tables in the alcoves around the edges of the room. Kovac had already acquired his bottle of wine, found an alcove at one of the ends of the oval, and was contently strumming his lute as he leaned back in his chair, his low boots on the stone table. Two young Chiet had stopped by, familiar faces that had hooked up the last time Kovac was at the club. The Avora had agreed to serenade them as they got better acquainted in one of the curtained alcoves.
"Hey!" the half-breed greeted the couple with a smile. He picked up his bottled and leaned forward to tap the neck against their drink glasses. "Enjoys yourselves, but maybe not as much as the other night." Kovac winked and flashed a wry grin. The man laughed and the girl giggled, shooting back at the Avora "You are one to talk!" The boy shot a suspicious glance at the girl, then gave Kovac a short nod before hurrying his date across the room.
xThe Kalean summer heat of the past few days persisted, making working through the day nearly unbearable. Those lucky enough to work at Thunder Bay, or able to hitch a ride with a rider to Water Reach, stayed as long as they could manage. Kovac, not one of those lucky ones, resorted that evening to the deeper depths of Wind Reach's warrens, where the stone kept a balance of temperature. The heat within the Weather would increase, certainly, as the night wore on and the press of bodies within the club would drive the temperature higher. For some reason, no one minded that kind of heat.
For the moment, the activity in the giant oval room was still gaining steam, the crowd still manageable, only a small cluster on the dimly lit dance floor and a few claiming tables in the alcoves around the edges of the room. Kovac had already acquired his bottle of wine, found an alcove at one of the ends of the oval, and was contently strumming his lute as he leaned back in his chair, his low boots on the stone table. Two young Chiet had stopped by, familiar faces that had hooked up the last time Kovac was at the club. The Avora had agreed to serenade them as they got better acquainted in one of the curtained alcoves.
"Hey!" the half-breed greeted the couple with a smile. He picked up his bottled and leaned forward to tap the neck against their drink glasses. "Enjoys yourselves, but maybe not as much as the other night." Kovac winked and flashed a wry grin. The man laughed and the girl giggled, shooting back at the Avora "You are one to talk!" The boy shot a suspicious glance at the girl, then gave Kovac a short nod before hurrying his date across the room.
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