Novice -
Competent -
Expert -
MasterDoppelganging: Doppelganging is simply Firo transforming his own body into another person's. In order for Firo to achieve this, he needs to observe and find out as much detail of the persona as possible so he can replicate the information onto his Djed, transforming himself. Another person's voice can also be attained. Clothes not included.
Animal Doppelganging: The same as the standard, but with animals. This is quite useful for people who have pets. By transforming into their pets, Firo instantly gains that person's trust. However, Firo may needed to learn a few trick that the pet has learnt.
Cockroach Form: This distasteful form is used as a mean to infiltrate build, assuming cracks are found, and observe the inner workings, as well as spying on people in the darkness. During this form, Firo is able to run extremely fast, due to the roach's natural speed.
(For expert)Feral claws: Using morphing, Firo transform his finger or fingernails into sharp talons. Perfect for clawing and slashing up an enemy with. Transformation is quite minor and doesn't require extreme amounts of focus.
Forest form: This Ability is used as a mean of hiding in the forest. By transforming Firo's skin to bark, and his hair to grass or moss, Firo can blend in to the vegetation of the forest. However, clothing has to be at a bare minimum to be effective.
(Constantly Learning abilities)