by Blackthawne on July 28th, 2010, 9:42 pm
"I will become a Knight. As lame as it sounds, I know in my heart since I arrived that it is what I wish to become, so I will do everything in my power to do it."
He smiled. This was a complete different smile to earlier, still genuine but... This held something more. Something like a view to his very soul that he knew what he said was right. It was easy to believe this man when he set his mind to something.. He would give everything he had, or die trying (in a manner of speaking).
"And I believe a Knight is not what most people see it as. A noble air is present on some but... I believe a Knight is anyone who wishes to do good for the people and the world around them, I have met many who at first glance seemed like they couldn't possibly be what others perceived as a Knight but, their actions when I travelled with them opened my eyes alot. I saw one Knight, a frail man, not alot about him that stood out... a Horse was spooked by something or other, and he caught its reins and struggled for nigh on half an hour with it until it calmed. We all offered aid but, he refused.... To him, that was his goal and it helped us all, it was one of our strongest horses. To me, that simple ideal he held of doing his utmost to show his worth is what I see as a Knight."
Nodding to himself as he talked, and when he finished, Blackthawne noticed he had launched into another rant, and turned a slight shade of pink, before running his hands through his hair and groaning to himself.
"Sorry... I get too talkative sometimes. I was trying to say I believe anyone who wishes to do good has all the potential they need already. And instead of inviting you to my Knighting ceremony Tyuru, and I don't mean to sound too forward, but I believe you should stand by my side instead!"
He smiled at her, anothere of his genuine, pleasant smiles, as John did he also tried to catch her eyes when he did it. The crimson flecks of color mixed in with the brown seemed to shine slightly... His eyes were strange, the flecks could seem either aggressive or happy.
"I believe you could do it... I don't know you well at all really but, I have a feeling. And John, in the future I believe you will see me as a Knight standing alongside you. I'd go as far as to give you my word."