Race: Human | Vantha
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty-Three
Birthday: 21st, Winter, 489 AV
Birthplace: Avanthal, Taldera
Appearance: Standing at only four inches over five feet, Simultriana is, like most of her kin, short and lithe. Weighing in at a whole one hundred and fifteen pounds, and with skin a soft tanned color, it is very obvious that she is of the Vantha. A shimmering cascade of pitch black hair falls in delicate waves along her back, often worn in a thick braid and coiled to keep it from becoming a wild mess in the frigid winds. One will immediately notice two things about this women. One would the violet depths of her wildly glinting eyes. Hues of purple and gold glint wildly in their depths, and, depending on her mood, one of the three main colors, lavender, violet, or gold, will often dominate her gaze. The second, of course, would be the purple hues that seem to highlight her hair in an almost metallic manner when under any type of direct lighting.
Personality: Simultrianna, like most of her kin, has a flare for the dramatic that often reached epic proportions without much help from outside sources. Any small danger can often become the largest threat to have ever been faced, if one listens to her story. With a eagerness to meet net people, and make friends, it isn't often that the woman doesn't find herself in some kind of trouble. Overly curious, and far to trusting, Simultrianna can ad will walk right into a situation of serious danger without ever realizing it.
Fears: [*]Deathly afraid of the dark.
[*]Fears being alone.
Strengths:Though Simultrianna can talk herself into just about any danger known to man, she is also known for getting herself out of them without actually having to fight. This is because she can force herself to ignore her fear and put on a mask, so to speak, acting her way out of a tight situation simply by giving those around her the show they need. Whether she needs to scream, throw fits, throw her body around, or simply switch personalities to fit those around her, she has managed to figure out just how to do this.
Weaknesses:Easily trusting of those that are not immediately recognized as dangerous. She does not "suspect" people, nor does she see bad in them. She will often simply take someone for their word if they are to claim they are good, unless they have somehow made it obvious they are not.
Ridiculously curiosity driven, Simul will often stray off a set path, or go against better judgement, just to satisfy a curiosity about anything. Whether it be a sound, sight, or smell, if it piques her curiosity, it is very rare she is able to ignore it.

Honestly, Simultrianna has had a rather normal life, as far as her childhood goes. Living in ease with both parents and a brood of happy sisters, she was the youngest of them all and considered the baby of the family. Like all of her sisters with each other, she had a very strong relationship with her family. Growing up in their loving protection and ever watchful eyes, her curiosity often went unanswered, as they often tugged her back from the precipice of harm when she would wander to far outside of their comfort zone.
However, on the even of Simul's thirteenth birthday, curiosity tangled with a very bad thing. The sound of crying had drawn the girls attention. Something far off, wailing for help. To the young girl it sounded like a child in need of help, and without a second thought she had disengaged from her families side, and left to investigate. She wasn't aware of the two sisters that had told their mother and immediately turned to trail after the now missing girl, who had somehow managed to slip from their sight and right out of the city itself. On quick little feet, her small hands gathering the furs about her face, Simultrianna fought the driving snow as it blasted across the land and attempted to sweep her small frame from her feet.
What met the girl was indeed a child, kneeling in the snow and crying for help. However, when she took several steps closer and called out, she had not expected the two large figures that waited, hidden nearby, who lurched from their hiding spots and fell atop her. Kicking, screaming, ad shouting for help, she fought tooth and nail against the hold of the men on her small body. That was when her parents seemed to come from nowhere, fetched by her eldest sister who had suddenly heard her screams as they trailed after her. Her parents fell atop the men and fought, wildly.
However, none of them were built for fighting. Carvers and painters by trade, their life had been relatively peaceful for what the world had become, and none of them had imagined the need to learn such things as long as they lay beneath the protection of the Queen herself, and her guard. What saved them was the massive polar bear, on which rode the proud guard that had heard the screams just out of sight of the city itself. Rending the assailants to shreds, the man and his mount made quick work of the would be kidappers.
However, they arrived to late to save Simul's parents, whom died before help could be fetched, their blood staining the snow crimson, even as more poured from the heavens to cover it up. Devastated by the whole thing, Naive young Simultrianna did not, and has not ever, connected their parents death with her own actions. While her siblings steadily blamed her for what happened, all of whom split off from the city and entered the world to put behind them what had happened, Simultrianna simply continued her life within the city. Even her curiosity was not enough to drag her outside of its walls again.
Fluent Language: Vani
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: No Others.
Skill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Storytelling | 10 RB | 10 | Novice |
Painting | 20 SP | 20 | Novice |
Acting | 30 SP | 30 | Competent |

Helpful Lores: (Pick 2)
Lore of Avanthal Geography
Lore of Religion: Morwen

1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas
Heirloom: Simultrianna carries a single carved figurine of sturdy wood laced with a thick black cord, which is strung about her neck. This item has the shape of a small infant in an intricate little cradle. It was created by her mother, and , since her death, is worn at all times.
Location: Avanthal, Skyglow
House: 1 basic 20x20 Arvinta in Skyglow with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.
Each Arvinta consists of a communal meeting or sitting room. Then there are private rooms for couples, and a common sleeping/living room for all the children. Visitors are often given a private room, while a couple will move in with the children to make extra room. Some of the larger, more expansive Holds with wealthier families have spare rooms in their Arvinta or special guest quarters when people move from place to place visiting. Holds often have common areas and craft cottages in buildings attached and are always made of solid stone. External buildings are often built from ice and warmed from within by special braziers that conduct heat into the room but do not melt the thick ice walls. A Hold may contain multiple Arvintas and might hold upwards of a couple hundred people.
Purchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM |

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