by Miro on August 18th, 2013, 8:59 pm
It seemed some things were not quite as they appeared. Not quite a Morpher, but a Shielder, it seemed. At least, that is what Miro would call somebody who practiced the discipline. There was a time where it was introduced to him, at least in concept. An interesting type of wizard they seemed to make. Or maybe his strange nature came from his race, or perhaps it was due to his memory issues. Certainly this man was unusual, but not in such a way to be a burden. It did seem that there would be work to be done before the arrangement was ideal, but that was to be expected. Working with a Hypnotist could be such a magical time in one's life. Lessomm's view of the world would soon start to shift if left in contact with Miro. However their arrangement hadn't seemed to start well.
"No, forgo the Ravosala, please. We needn't waste our time, though I will be needing those supplies. I will ensure that the supplies can be obtained before long, but not today. We have all we need to continue. Sadly I was hoping you would not fail to produce results on something seemingly so trivial. In honesty, any paint would work for Glyphing. However I have a very specific preference for inscribing paint. Care and pride have an important role in magic. It is time for you to learn that and much more. Sit on the bed, it is time for you to learn. I will make it easy for you to understand. The tools, concepts, techniques. What you can accomplish with Glyphing is very specific and important. In the most simple explanation, it modifies magic."
Miro waved a hand to dismiss Lessomm for a moment while he walked to the wardrobe. He opened it and reached down for a leather bag, then walked over to his desk. "This is my, well, I'll call it my Glyphing bag. Inside it has all we need. Paint, scrolls, brushes, even some cases for scrolls." The wizard pulled out each tool as it was mentioned, the last being a waterproof case. Inside of this scroll casing was what he called a Rose Sigil. Very simple in its composition, merely several focuses arranged around a single switch and armed with a trigger. And no sigil could be complete without barriers. The focuses to hold magic, the barrier to contain the magic, and the switch to combine the magic. All of it set off by the trigger, some condition to activate the switch and release the combined spell. In the case of the Rose Sigil, a phrase to be spoken.
The cased Rose Sigil was now held in the air. "This is a creation of my own, one of the infinite possibilities. It stores several spells, though each quite small, but then combined in their effects. Even to combine magics across disciplines. I will show you later, for now we shall discuss mechanics. So listen closely. Very closely. Your job as my servant begins with this. Glyphing, the most basic and versatile world magic." Listening to lectures on magic was not quite what most would think of as a duty of a personal servant. However, a wizards assistant, that seemed about right. Maybe the choice in title was not so important, but the job to be done would become clear in time. Miro had some scheme developing in his mind, but Lessomm would have no idea. The job was encroaching upon the domain of the apprentice, a role that had very specific rules.
Such a title carried great risk, but not like this. An apprentice was one who agreed to put their life in his hands, knowing the deal made. In most cases, it was dedication to the master in exchange for granted insight. This was something else, and where the extent of the master's reach ended was questionable. Arguably little could stop the Reimancer from having his way. Well, in most cases this would be true. If his goal were different perhaps. Miro was to retain an image of perfection in his servants eyes. It was the only way he could truly have his way. There would be no punishment, no threats, nor any blatant abuse. Only subtle manipulations and the ultimate decision. When it came to a point of ending the relationship there were only two choices.
Lessomm would be like a fire set to keep one's self warm. One that required time, dedication, resources, and the most delicate care to pamper to a full and bright flame. Either he would have to douse it with cold harsh water, or let the inferno rage. Let his creation sizzle out on its own or burn everything around it. "Glyphing is very simple in concept. Shapes, designs, patterns, symbols, whatever your style, they are all runes drawn to modify magic. This is done by four simple types of runes. Arguably there is a fifth, but never mind that now. Each are quite simple too, accomplishing a specific task, and when combined the limits are almost nonexistent. It is quite hard to understand just by lecture, so I will prepare a demonstration. The first thing you will learn is the close relationship between personal magic and Glyphing. To demonstrate this, I shall use Reimancy."
Miro guided his hand out before him and cast out an aqua liquid from his palm. The strange liquid seamlessly flowed from his flesh and floated out before him, defying gravity entirely. For a chime the act continued while the pool grew and took the shape of an orb in the air. Finally he ceased the emission and pulled out the two chairs from his desk and placed them together. "This substance, it is the essence of Reimancy, Res. It has the potential to become all elements, but that is all you need to know for now." The substance splashed upon the surface of the chairs and formed a new shape. It was a long bar of sorts, at least it started this way. The shape quickly became more defined. A strange object was forming with morphed ends that moved in symmetry.
At each end a round bowl was formed that lead inward to a channel. These bowls were titled, as if to dump their contents down the path. The channels led to the center, a square made to catch the channels contents. The excess carved from the design floated upwards and in an instant the main body of Res solidified into the dull tone of rock. The floating excess was replaced to fill the rock structure. One last touch was added, a block at each of the round bowls. A vertical sheet of Res was formed to block the contents of each from running towards the center, and this was transmuted to ice. "There, it is set. I am sure this makes little sense at the moment, but it will soon become clear. I shall now explain each rune and its representation."
Miro started with the rounded bowls. A finger was pointed at each, his mouth in a slight pride-smirk. "These here, they represent focuses, which are runes that store magic. Any magic that flows into it is stored, trapped in an instant. When it is released, it is cast back exactly as it was cast in. In this example each will hold a different element, these represent different disciplines of magic." Then the blocks and channels. "These here are what we call barriers, they restrict magic, and when formed into channels like this, they become a path. They can guide magic." And then finally to the center bowl. "This here, it one of the most complicated of runes, the switch. It holds one of two opposite effects. Either it combines or splits magic, either in effect or function."
With his once smirk now grown into a full grin, the wizard now walked to his servant. "Hold your hand out, the last rune will be placed on you." And when his servant produced his palm, the Reimancer would drag his finger in an 'X' shape across it. As their flesh would collide a faint trickle of Res would be left behind, simply to mark his hand. "That there, it is a trigger, the last rune. A trigger is activated by a set condition, and in turn activates another rune it is connected to. In this example, our ice barriers. The condition of activation is to clench your fist." He then raised a cautionary finger into the air. "And once a scroll or sigil is released, it disappears. Often enough taking parchment drawn on with it." The finger was dropped. "When you're ready, clench your fist and activate the sigil."
Watching for the man to close his fist, Miro readied himself for the task he was to accomplish. First the Res on Lessomm's palm would turn to air, seemingly disappearing. Then he would activate his Ice Reaving mark to melt the barriers. Finally the rounded bowls of Res would be transmuted, one to water, one to fire. At first just the top layer, pulled down the channel by the attraction of Res until they met in the center. Once the two colliding elements would meet, they would combine within the square representation of the switch. The Res within the channels would mix with that of the square bowl and become transmuted. The water, fire and Res would burst with a sizzle into a cloud of rising steam. At which he hoped the physical representation had an effect in understanding. Of course an explanation would still need to be given for full effect.
"Okay, hopefully things are becoming a bit more clear now. This demonstration can be recreated with just my paint exactly as shown, but it can mean so much more. The fire was to represent one discipline, and water another, and the steam they formed, it was something new entirely. Each of them were held in place by the barrier, only able to move once you activated the trigger. Once the barrier was gone, it only had one direction it could move, down the channel, the paths. Each of the paths lead to another side of the center, which was a switch. As you remember, this rune has two effects. In this example it combined the two magics, fire and water, and it made steam. However, by adding a third channel one could reverse this. If steam was sent down a channel to the switch, it could be used to separate out fire and water. Which again is a representation for magics themselves."
The Chained One was satisfied with the progress he had made so far. More than that he was curious of his servant's understanding. To have been explained Glyphing at once could definitely be overwhelming. Not that he would be able to apply it without risking their lives. "Something like that though, it is only a way to help you understand. It is unlikely you will have need for all of these types of runes. As a complete novice nothing you create is even close to reliable. The best you might do is to augment your own body with runes. In my experience a focus drawn on my palm will ease the flow of magic. My casting of Res for example. Now, all that being explained, present any questions you may have. Explain to me how much of this you understand and we can continue."
Ender was quite satisfied with what Miro had started. He had his own plan for things. Less interested in Lessomm however. The man would only serve as some form of leverage. The Familiar was after Miro. There was more his master could do to enable him and nurture his power. The Irylid was sick of being looked down on as lesser. Luckily that was what this servant was hired for. Though it was to be in a way that built him up. "I understand you are trying to turn this man into something. It almost seems to me as if he will take my place as your Familiar. He is made so naive by you that he expects no danger from either of us. Wouldn't he be so touched if we bonded? Lessomm is but a Shielding wizard, and with my Reimancy would be well protected." Or as planned, to be under threat of death. A hostage that would give him a position of power and relevance.
[color=aqua]"There is nothing you can do to stop me from sealing myself on his wrist. And if I decide he is to die, you can not stop me from that either. I am a Leecher myself, yet he doe not know this. At any time I could decide to even initiate him. He would make a fine Reimancer and Leecher. Or we can stop this. Teach me Hypnotism and how to use your magics fully. If not I will have to keep close to our new friend." The undead would not be swayed so easily though. "There is nothing to teach Ender." He pushed his hand out to nudge Ender along before turning to Lessomm. "Ender has decided that he would like to keep close to you. In his sealed form he is unable to speak, but still possible to cast magic. He is an Ice Reimancer, and wishes to keep you from harm. It is strange of him though, so he must approve of you."
The Irylid drifted over to the servant. Again he spoke in the tone of a creature from another world. "Truly I feel we should work together in serving our master. Miro is quite capable on his own, but with our help there will be little he is required to do. Together we are capable of handling any task he may require of us. While you are near the master I can remain sealed on your wrist to provide assistance." But he would not take the form unless a wrist was presented. And Miro had but one more interruption before resigning to allow Lessomm to speak. "I wish to pay you in advance for the rest of the season." He took his coin pouch and placed it on the table. "Take your pay for the rest of this season. I believe thirty coins or so should be appropriate." It was best to ensure a firm grip on new assets.