Open For Love of the Art

Jorin Ertihan is an actor! An artist! An ... an unemployed bum. What's to become of him?

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

For Love of the Art

Postby Rinya on October 20th, 2013, 11:24 pm


Day 57, Season Summer, 513 AV

Dust seemed to take words right out of her mouth. Being clever and smart had nothing to do with the big words one could spit out. However, she didn’t get the feeling that was the case for Jorin. Then again, she tended to be wrong in her judgment of people, but it seemed rather rude to say such a thing out loud. And then Jorin offered to teach them acting, which in her opinion was an even worse idea. She did enough acting in her day to day; she didn’t want to imagine trying to act a scene on top of it. Besides, art really wasn’t her thing.

She tilted her head slightly in Jorin’s direction when he asked if she came to the park often. She couldn’t help it, she snorted at the thought and glared at one of the gulls behind him. “”It is actually my first time being here in the park. Probably my last with that reception.” Rinya grumbled under her breath. ”But Dust is right, they pretty much do the same thing everyday—then again so do I.” Rinya shrugged lightly. It was a fact for the moment, that she was simply trying to find a pattern in her life. In some ways it was boring—in others it was just hard. Neither of which appealed to her as of yet.

At the mention of telling stories however, Rinya could feel her stomach drop. This was quickly becoming topics she wasn’t comfortable with. And while she really did like Dust well enough—and knew nothing about Jorin, though he seemed nice—neither of them really needed to hear anything about her life. Assuming of course the topic of story-telling was going to be personal experiences. Glancing upwards at Syna, Rinya hummed and cleared her throat, hoping that her nerves didn’t entirely show. ”As much fun as that sounds,” As in not at all…”I actually have… work. I’m sorry.” The apology was genuine, she would have loved to hear stories from Dust—and maybe even one or two from Jorin, but the work part wasn’t entirely a lie. It was just she planned on heading in earlier than she actually had to.

”I’m sure I’ll see you again Dust.” Rinya gave her a small, but bright smile before she turned to Jorin. She actually would have liked to learn more about the man, but if it wasn’t going to be today. Though she highly doubted she’d see him in the future either, after all she didn’t exactly go looking for people—men much less. Pulling the cloak from her shoulders, she could feel herself blush slightly as she handed it back to him. ”It was… nice to meet you too Jorin.” Her smile was smaller for him, not quite forced and certainly not as happy. And there was no certain reason why she felt that way—she’d feel better leaving any sort of those thoughts alone.

Taking a deep breath, Rinya shifted in the flash of light. It took her a moment to get a hold of herself, flexing her wings and tail a few times before she let out a whistle and pushed off the ground in a flurry of feathers. She had to hit the refuge before getting to work. It would be highly embarrassing to show up to work naked—especially if her partner was there.
OOC Note :
As much as I hate to pull Rin from this, I would hate to go completely blank on it... again. I just couldn't figure a post of this one for some reason. Plus with everything already laid out for Jorin and Rinya I don't want to risk info ending up in a post that they'll learn later. I'm sorry ;.;
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For Love of the Art

Postby Matthew on February 5th, 2015, 8:15 pm



Experience Points:

  • +1 Poetry
  • +1 Rhetoric
  • +3 Socialization


  • Poem: Observe This Tiny Rock
  • Poetry: Iambic Pentameter

Additional Notes :
I didn't find that much here, but I may have missed something. Feel free to PM me, if so. Most of the Lores I would have given would be directly related to the other two characters, and since they are retired, I didn't think it would be at all useful to reward them to your character. I can certainly put them in, if you like.

If you have any questions or concerns relevant to your grade, don't be afraid to send me a private message so that we can work it all out! Please remember to mark your Grading Request as Graded.

A shout-out to Ollic Rimesage, who was kind enough to make this template for me.
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