Matthew nodded, a few more moments of cautious staring aimed in her direction. He had a idea that he was getting himself into something, though he wasn't sure what. Just call it a feeling. Whatever the case, this was all business, and he wasn't one to back down from business. "Yes. We can meet outside of the city in a few days, if you are alright with that. I will find a nice place and come up with an ideal time, and I can drop by work tomorrow and let you know." He gave her a bit of time to response, and then quietly returned to his work. He moved a bit quicker now that he wasn't distracted, though his mind was still on her. The nagging feeling that he was missing something important was still eating at the edge of his mind. He tried his best to ignore it like he had throughout the evening, assuming it was probably nothing important. For now, he would just settle down and use the energy in the air between the two of them. It was an odd spark, something that made him feel a tad more comfortable around her. It allowed a bit of silent teamwork, helping their cleaning move along at a quicker pace. There were dishes to be gathered, food to be mopped up, and surfaces to scrub. They would exist in soft silence for the rest of the night, though a couple of glances at Kaie would show that she still had that self-satisfied grin on his face. It only helped to further the unease he felt. She had enjoyed the lesson a little too much. He felt like he should have charged for a strip tease or something, with the way she had been undressing him in her head. He could see it behind those amber eyes. Mumbling to himself, he went back to cleaning, not wanting to slack off for a moment. For whatever reason, he felt slightly competitive now. Like he needed to make sure that smirk didn't grow any further, even when it came to just washing some dishes. Hopefully he'd be able to handle himself on their next lesson. |