The young man was busy. These fingers were strange, even though they were his body. He was not used to them. He was busy bending them, learning the right way to hold them. His eyes watched the female's fingers to see how she was having them, her hand right over his chest. The young man could still feel the heat of her skin against his. Heat felt strange in this body. Stronger, and yet more distant. It was a strange feeling.
If the young man noticed the female's surprise, he didn't show it. He was still busy. Busy with his hands, busy holding that silver thing that the meat was in. His fingers pressed and slid at the top. The female had closed it, before. He wanted to close it now. It snapped shut. The smell of the meat was gone. Kyo sniffed at the strange silver thing. Then he put his teeth against it, feeling the texture with his tongue. He brought it back from his face, looking at it, then looked up at the female. Now he wanted to open it again. His fingers fumbling at the top, trying to get it to open up and release the meat-scent into the air.
Soon the female started making her noises again, and the young man's eyes looked to hers, giving her his full attention, mouth opening in a grin that was like his coyote grin. His tail would have been wagging if he had still had it in this other form. As he was, his eyes lit up as she brought out her sounds. And he shivered when she put her hand back onto his furless chest.
He put the silver thing on the ground. Then the young man gently picked up the female's hand. He held it in front of him, leaned his head down to sniff at it. He brushed his face against her knuckles, his chin and cheek, a nuzzling behavior. Kyo didn't know why, but he had a natural affection for this female. This-- Kaie. Her sounds made sense in his ears. Kaie. She was Kaie. The coyote tilted his head, eyebrows drawing down as he looked at her face. Kaie. That was not like calling sister-dog and brother-dog. That was a different call. Coyotes had no need for calls like that one. Coyotes called each other by scent. By relationship. By behavior. Not by a sound. Not by a sound like 'Kaie'.
And yet. The young man placed her hand on his shoulder, wanting her to continue to touch her hand to him, but wanting, too, to reach for something else to play with. His grasping hand went for the other holding thing she had, the one that she had on her back. The thing the silver-thing had come out of. He wanted to see what else sorts of things she had in the holding thing. All the while he had his eyebrows drawn down, thinking. Kaie. A call. She wanted a call for him. A sound-call, not a scent-call or a look-call. A sound like Kaie.
There had been that one. Back when he was a pup. Before he ran with Sister and Brother. Before he had met his girl. Back before he had run with those other dogs in the wood. He remembered-- he remembered that something he was always looking for. That feeling. And a call that he had been back then. A call for him.
"Ahhh~" The sound he made was a question-sound, a thinking-sound, almost like a yawn. He stopped reaching for her holding thing, frowning. Instead, he touched his hand to his head, to his hair. A thinking gesture. Before he leaned forward and rested one finger to her heart-place on her chest, like she had done to him, and then his hand went up and he lightly laid his fingertips on her temple. Thinking. Trying to remember that call. Wanting to please her with his noises how she made him so happy when she talked out hers.
And then he remembered how the noise was supposed to be made. It was foggy in his mind, like morning mist or dew. But he knew the call-sound that would be 'Kyo'.
"Kuh-yoo." He tried to get his mouth to do the right noises, while his hand lightly touched her hair, so smooth and soft. Like fur. "Kuh-yo. Kuh-yo. Kee-yoo. Keh-yo. Kee-yo." That was so close. He felt his face give a big grin with his teeth, and shifted and wiggled excitedly, shivering and happy. "Kee-yo." He shook his head, like he did when he was a coyote and his fur was wet. So close. "Kee-yo." There! His call. His 'Kaie'-sound. He made the noise again, eyes bright. "Kee-yo." The young man brought his hand back, touching his fingers to his lips, then to his chest. "Kee-yo." He smiled. Then he put his hand to her lips, then her chest. "Kay-ee."
From the forest came the soft sound of growling. Sister-dog did not like this. Brother let out a whimper, and Kyo turned his head and let out a soft noise, almost like a coo. There was a rustle, and then brother-dog stuck his face out of the underbrush. He was a big brother-dog, bigger than Kyo was in coyote form. Heavy with muscle. Tall. And brown like dirt and mud with a patch of white snow on his chest. The deer-stalker dog did not get closer than sticking out his head, but he panted out at his coyote-brother and sniffed the air, hoping for the meat that he had smelled. Sister-dog rumbled again from the trees, staying hidden. A warning to Brother, but he didn't retreat, golden eyes looking wary at Kaie.