![]() Dymphna Whitefeather of the Opal Clan is a female Drykas She was born on the 88th day of Spring, 493, making her 17-years-old in 510 AV. She speaks fluent Pavi, decent Grassland Sign, and broken Common. ![]() Dymphna possesses a rather clear and objective mind for a young woman her age. She abhors anything she thinks of as chaotic instead of reasoned or reactions she deems as emotional over principles. In an emergency, she is the type of person that is always one of the first to step in and deliver order to aid those panicking. ![]() This mind of hers, however, is not always what is in charge of her actions. For every ounce of strength of purpose within her mental facilities, there is double the weight of emotions churning within her. Usually she is calm and in control of said emotions, but when alone or with a few select others they sometimes make their presence fully known. It isn’t to say that she’s stoic or void of emotional expression nor is she the type prone to melancholy or worse. In fact most would consider her to have a sunny disposition – Quick to laugh, smile, and even tease lovingly. She is only broods when finding situations she’s put quite a bit of investment into do not turn out the way she hoped they would. Something new or interesting is always capable of lightening her mood, and she is never one to stay on the dark side for long. Many people are shy creatures that only start to speak more to people once they’ve warmed up to them. Dymphna is the opposite – Typically willing to talk a person’s ear off until she’s finally comfortable enough to quiet down. She’s never really been one to put much stock in what others think or say, though she keeps a mind to not write-off good advice and remain tactful. Instead she seems guided by her own inner-compass that has helped her develop her own personal standards and ideas of what is a rewarding life. Due to this she is not out seek fame or fortune. What matters most to her is family and for her inner-pavilion life to run smoothly. Therefore she is prone to taking on more responsibility than even her eldest siblings in hopes of helping everyone. If things become unstable within her Pavilion her self-confidence and ability to stay independent falter. Otherwise the young woman is typically a rock of self-esteem. Above all else, though, the word to explain Dymphna is compassionate. The young woman has a large heart that expands out to everything she comes into contact with. Because of this it is typical to find her spending most of her free in her family’s healing pavilion simply talking to those being treated there. ![]() Perhaps the first thing that is noticeably different about Dymphna from her brothers and sisters is the fact that she is the only sibling with red hair. And where the other children linger a little shorter than your average Drykas, she meets eye-to-eye with her tallest brother at 5’10”. ![]() Years of being teased for being different have given way to a rather unbothered attitude towards her traits. She fortunately grew a thick skin with each inch of height she attained in her early teenage years. She has escaped the label of exotic due to her lack of womanly curves, but a natural bit of grace in the way she carries herself makes her more willowy than awkward. ![]() The young woman has a habit of wearing greens, though given the choice she has a strange fascination with whites and neutrals for her clothing that no one around her has really ever understood. She prefers to wear warm tones and likes gold over silver. The obsession with ornamentation that her people carry is strong with Dymphna, and if she had her way every inch of her clothing and skin would be covered in knotwork. Unless riding long distances, her typical uniform consists of an ivory kirtle with a green apron-style overdress. In colder weather a fitted coat is added to the top of the dress. She has two large silver brooches that pin her ensemble together and a various strands of beads that hang between them. If riding, she adds a split-skirt underneath the kirtle to keep her legs covered and protected. Hiding under all these layers are a pair of high leather boots. ![]() It has never really been a secret that Dymphna is the favorite daughter of Daed, Ankal of the Whitefeather Pavilion. Dymphna was born as the first child of Daed’s fourth wife, Phaedre – The wife he married solely out of love. However, this alone did not make her a favorite. ![]() She was an odd bird from the beginning, being born with a full head of red hair. Out of nearly twenty brothers and sisters, she is the only child that inherited her father’s hair color. Then in a completely perplexing moment in her childhood, Dymphna’s interests seemed removed from the basics of the healing her Opal Clan pavilion was teaching her. Instead she obsessed over plants. Fortunately for her, Dymphna’s father saw healing potential still within his daughter. He saw to it that his child had the foundation of healing within her studies, but the serious young girl began her first lessons in herbalism at the tender age of five. Some children decide to become great warriors at a young age. Others horse breeders. Dymphna, however, set her sights on making medicine, and from that time on nearly her entire life was focused on learning that great task. It was also during this time that she was picked by a Strider mare named Melica. Though quite old, Melica had never truly bonded with any human until Dymphna – It did, however, take a while before the horse finally decided that the girl was worth her time. Once that decision was made, though, she took to mothering the child and following after her as much as she could. When Dymphna was thirteen, she went with her mother and a few others from her pavilion out towards an encampment in need of aid. The journey was meant to take three days to get there, but on the second night their camp was taken by Zith. She hid as best she could, and while the family she was with was slaughtered, she thought perhaps she’d managed to escape. This was not the case. The place she’d found to hide obscured her vision, but it didn’t really matter at that exact point. She was simply too afraid to leave. She told herself that the others would come. By the second day of hiding, though, she was too thirsty to stay any longer. When she crawled out, she came face-to-face with a young male Zith that she had caught the attention of – Curious to see exactly how long the girl would stay in hiding. From the very beginning of her capture Dymphna was looking for a means of escape. During the hellish two years of being the Zith’s slave, she forced herself to focus on the goal of returning to Endrykas. ![]() The key to her escape was a mushroom. The mushrooms were easy to pocket when she came across them, and they were small enough to hide. Perhaps it would have been noticed if it had not been mixed in with the Salialana that her captor ate so much of. Finally one day she found her chance. The amount of the mushroom she’d slipped into his food was not enough to kill him, but it made him clumsy and lethargic. When he slept on it, he slept like the dead. It was only after he fell asleep that the girl chewed through the rope on her wrists, got up, calmly slit his throat, and walked away before sunset. That part of the story, however, she’s never told. Nor has she told how she managed to get home again. It was simply one day she fell at the edges of Endrykas too tired to go on any longer by foot, but she was home. That was all that mattered. (This history is still in flux while the final decisions are made on it and the character’s current situation. It will be cemented down by the time she comes into play.) ![]() skills
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![]() 100 GM - Starting Package -18 GM - Sewing Kit* +594 GM (Seasonal wages - 810gm -135gm seasonal -81gm taxes) = 676GM ![]() Fall 510 5th - Meeting at the Bottom of the Cup - Dymphna meets Sam 6th - Becoming Drykas - Shopping for new clothes for Sam 30th - Cracks in the Glass 34th - It's the Little Things in Life 41th-65th - The Fall Hunt: Honorable Prusuits |