37th Day of Summer, 510 AV
Somehow it felt like he was trespassing. Often Rhuryc found himself visiting the temple long after the sun had set and the masses were sound asleep, a time where he could sit in silence without the pleas for mercy and prayers for aid. The old, spacious building left a heightened mysticism when it was combined with a blanket of stars, the pale light of the moon striking pained glass to form a darker mirror of its daytime imagery. Haunting, yet beautiful, always there seemed some new facet of the religious compound. A detailed column, an ancient alter, even if it was just some peculiar wood-work or a flaw in a craftsman's design, simple observation only lead to further study. Or at least to a waste of time.
So it was that Rhuryc listened to his boots clack against the temple floor. Gently, he shut the door behind him and took several light steps inward while his head swept about in a curious gaze. Content with his solitude, the young man made his way toward the rows of pews where he found a seat far enough from the front to remain free of intimacy. The wooden seat creaked at his weight and unceremonious lowering of it, a soft thud accompanying the motion. Rhuryc cringed but he was quick to dismiss the slight. A deep breath and relaxed shoulders later he allowed himself to lean back, each arm folding over the edges of his bench-like seating as his hands gripped the hard, wooden back. For the longest moment he sat in silence. His eyes lost focus and his breathing became rhythmic, his chest heaving in a meditative-like state.
"I'm hungry." He mumbled.