[Verified by Wanderlust] Malla

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Malla on August 7th, 2013, 7:14 am




Race: Konti
Age: 50
Birthday: Winter, Day 18, Year 462 AV

Appearance: Malla's hair is ice blonde and, in the right light, looks more silvery. She keeps it to a length below her shoulderblades and never wears it up. Her eyes are a mix of blue and green, leaning to an almost teal color, and framed by a light, heart-shaped face. She stands at 5'5 tall and weighs about 100 pounds. Her gnosis mark, a seer's lily, is on her left shoulderblade in a mix of blue and green hues. This Konti's scales start on the tops of her feet, wrap around her legs, move up the sides of her hips, and meet to trail along her spine, glistening multiple pastel hues in the light. What marks her as a bit different from most other Konti, in looks, is that she has tattooing of a twisting, vine-like pattern in black ink on the right side of her torso; front and back.

Character Concept

Malla is a generally friendly, curious, quiet person as per general Konti aspects, but she does have a few deviations. If she doesn't like someone, for whatever reason, they'll know it. She can't stand being in a position where someone may be able to sneak up on her and is liable to get defensive if someone does manage to. Far from inhibited, though not stupidly so, she's open for nearly everything so long as it won't end up with her name loosing any respectable meaning. She is also generally slow to anger, but certain things (like the mistreatment of any person) tend to spark her to action. Her trust is not easily given, even if she may seem really trusting at times, nor does she open up that quickly. Malla always makes sure that her scales, gnosis mark, and Windmarks are covered, even if she can't do much for the webbing on her fingers. She also will never, ever wear green for some reason and only silvers, grays, blues, and whites.

Character History

Malla was not born with the name Malla, though whatever her name originally was is something she tends to keep to herself. Born in Endrykas to a Rak'keli marked Konti and a Drykas who were ever so slightly dismayed when they saw their daughter had Avalis's mark. She grew up in generally the same way as the Drykas children, but her mother made sure that she knew a little of the Konti language, how to use her gift, and how to use a Suvai. Her mother did not know much of how to help with her divination powers, but tried to help as she could. It was found at an early age, around seven, that her gift was to be able to sense if someone had ever killed someone and just how recently they had as well. It was only slowly figured out that was her exact gift since she would describe this feeling that emanated from people and differed in strengths, most often the warriors. At age ten, her Strider chose her and she received her Windmarks, even if those were a bit difficult to place with her scales and gnosis mark taking up some of her skin already. At age fifteen, she had gone on a hunting trip with both her parents -they were part of the Emerald Pavilion- but that ended with both her parents and Strider dead and her taken as a slave. For the next thirty-five years she was used for her single-mark divination powers and her fighting skills, the latter mostly for the slavers' entertainment. In her fiftieth year, she managed to escape, changed her name as she thought to no longer deserve the one she was given, and chose Riverfall as the place to start regaining the right to her name before she'll even consider going back to Endrykas.


Fluent Language: Pavi
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Kontinese


Medicine: 10/100 (10 from Racial Bonus)
Riding: 15/100 (15 from Starting Package)
Sword: 26/100 (26 from Starting Package)
Hunting: 5/100 (5 from Starting Package)
Dancing: 4/100 (4 from Starting Package)

Konti Gift

Malla was born with the ability to sense if someone has ever killed someone. She will be told by a certain sensation she feels from the person, and the stronger the sensation the more recent the kill. It only works with people who are in an arm's reach distance.


Avalis - Mark 1(Divination): This is the mark Malla had been born with, which makes her look ever so slightly more to Avalis than other deities.


Lore of Drykas Culture
Lore of Konti Culture

-Simple shirt (white)
-Simple pants (brown)
-Simple undergarments
-Cloak (brown)
-Simple boots (brown)
-1 waterskin
-1 week's worth of food
-1 eating knife
-flint and steel
-Wooden comb and brush
-1 tent (1 person)
A wooden bird, unpainted, attached to a leather cord and worn as a necklace.
Item Cost Total
Starting Package Money +100 GM 100 GM
Starter Housing (Turned in) +500 GM 600 GM
Tent (1 person) -2 GM 558 GM
Employment +25 GM 583 GM
Housing -5 GM 572 GM
Living Expenses -135 GM 437 GM
Housing and Job
Godiva Refuge, Riverfall (1 gm per week)
Riverfall Stables, Horse Groom (1 gm per day)

Thread List
Summer, 513 AV
(Day 60, 19th Bell) For Medical Purposes [Malla]

(Day 63, 10th Bell) Sun and Shells

(Day 64, 7th Bell) [The Knirin Gardens] Reflections

(Day 65) [The Stables] Starting with Horses (Start of Malla's job as horse groom)

(Day 66) Joyride
Last edited by Malla on August 8th, 2013, 12:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
Malla's Konti gift lets her sense if someone has ever kiled anyone; the stronger the sensation she gets from someone, the more recent the kill.
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Kills aren't as easy to hide as you think.
Posts: 61
Words: 35232
Joined roleplay: July 30th, 2013, 2:27 am
Location: Riverfall
Race: Konti
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