Vanari followed Jorin's gaze, squinting against the midday sun as she scanned the smooth walls and spiral staircases of the Stormwardens' tower.
"Ah, that happens to be Zulrav's Tower, where the Stormwardens live and work, " she explained. "It's a popular place of sorts, especially for stargazing. But you have to be extra careful when you're up at the top..." She leaned in close, lowering her voice to a spooky murmur. "People say the wind up there as a mind of its own, and will shove you right off if your death happens to catch its fancy!"
Vanari didn't get to see Jorin's reaction as, right at that moment, a flash of metal winked under the glare of the sun in her peripheral. She blinked, thinking it was a trick of light, but--there, it winked again! Her head swiveled around, trying to catch the source of the irritating flashes, if only so she could glare passive aggressively at the person responsible.
After a moment or two, she managed to lock her sights on the culprit: a young Akalak, tossing his Lakan up into the air like a toy and catching it again in the nick of time. All around him, others were either laughing and slapping him on the shoulders or watching silently, unimpressed.
Vanari narrowed her eyes. The owner of the twisted Lakan had enormous muscles of deep purple and wore his Mohawk neatly plaited on either side, but what caught her attention most was his disturbingly familiar, white-toothed grin. She couldn't help but be reminded of one spring morning, three years ago in front of the butcher shop, where a certain Akalak guard had a certain Vantha cornered like a clever cat would a helpless mouse...
By the time she realized she had been staring far too long, it was too late. The One Man Act had noticed, and he was striding towards them, sheathing his Lakan mid-stride with one swift motion.
"Oh, Gods. Jorin, hide!"
Vanari ducked behind the young actor, peeking from his shoulders as she watched the Akalak rapidly approach. It didn't occur to her until much later that he was a terrible hiding spot, as she was at least half a hand taller than him, nor did her cowering behind him very much allow for the young man to act on her command himself. Unfortunately, the Vantha possessed zero grace when it came to sudden, embarrassing social situations and therefore almost always ended such things with some kind of deranged fiasco.
"I can see you, little mouse," the Akalak grinned. "Why are you hiding? I've never bit you now, have I? Hell, I even made you the finest breakfast in all of Riverfall! Only to have you scurry off before you could keep your promise. Now why must you hurt me so, sweet Vee?"
"Ummm," Vanari struggled, her mind stuck in an endless field of nothing.
"And who is this? Your new public disguise?"
"He is not, and he happens to be a famous actor, so leave him be!" she spewed out of no where. Well, at least he would be in the future. Or, hoped to be...Wait a minute. Great Morwen. That's it! She knew the perfect place to show Jorin! But first, there was this big purple problem to take care of. Gods, he was absolutely the last person she thought she'd bump into.
"Hey, Korin, how about a deal?"
The Akalak scoffed. "Why would I make a deal with you, when all you're going to do is run off again as soon as my end is delivered?"
"Cause, it's a promise..." Vanari lamely answered. "Alright, fine. What's it gonna take for you to let us take a peek at The Door?"
"Ooh, now that's gonna cost ya," he grinned. "Same thing you owed me last time, before you up and poofed, that is."
Vanari ground her teeth, but she had to admit it was worth it, unlike her last deal. "Fine."
"Some special friend you got there, to make such a fine deal for just a little peek at The Door," Korin noted as he lead them confidently through the streets, an exuberant spring in his steps.
"He'll appreciate it, unlike those other clueless tourists," Vanari simply responded, then grinned from ear to ear as she turned to Jorin. "Sorry for changing destinations so suddenly, but you're going to love it. It's created some of the best stories that ever existed in Mizahar!"