19th of Summer, 513
"It's very simple, actually, Wrenmae. You merely blow in it..." He took his thin rubber glove and inflated it with a bit of extra pressure, making a semi-balloon of the thing. "And then, check for leaks...just like this," he plunged it in the bucket of water he refreshed every morning just for such purposes as this.
He squeezed it slightly with the other hand while keeping the opening tightly shut. "No bubbles...no leaks...no getting poison on your hand while working." He looked up with a respectful grin. "That was a good question, though. it shows you are already thinking in terms of caution. Too many people think this work is not dangerous until the product is finished. What they don't realize is that maximum toxicity may have already been achieved, and the only work being done is simply to alter its natural state for the purpose of changing the delivery method."
He had no idea how the gloves were made to be so sheer, they stretched slightly to fit like a second skin. All he knew was that a half dozen pairs came with his poisoner's lab. Supposedly, the grander, "elaborate" lab came with a couple dozen. He didn't use them all the time, by any means. In fact, he rarely used them anymore. A fact Wrenmae no doubt observed. But again, to his credit, his new assistant made no protest. He knew he lacked the experience to tell when they were truly required, and when their use was more hindrance than help.
Inoadar dismissed this line of thought, it was irrelevant. He went to a back room and returned with a length of vine. "This is 'Noose' vine. It is used to make "Lost Tongue" poison. Now this is not necessarily the quickest and simplest poison to make, but its one of the safest. This is mostly because the effect only causes your tongue to swell to the point you can't speak. So even if you completely make a toxic mess of things, the worst that can happen is that you will be unable to argue back while I scold your ass for clumsiness." he winked as he finished.
"Now what we want to do is set up the wringer to put about 20 to 40 thousandths of an inch of squeeze on this as we run it through. This should only crack the outer husk without rupturing the central core. Do not worry about the knots and twists, the core is inert at those points anyway. Now you've seen me do this before, but you just place the vine across the lowest roller. Then you add 'bearers'...Oh, those are the washers of various thicknesses." he explained, then continued.
"Anyway, you add the bearers to the side poles to determine how far the top roller will drop. Once you have it so the top roller just touches the vine, you remove enough bearer thickness to account for the amount of desired squeeze and then tighten the clamp to lower and secure the top roller. Be sure you have the exact same amount of thickness borne on each side. This will greatly help keep the vine centralized on the roller as it passes through, as there will be no 'path of less resistance' for it to seek." He paused a moment, satisfied.
One last thing occurred to him. "Oh yes, there will probably be some liquid that will escape when the husk is cracked. Don't worry about it, it won't hurt you. But it will neutralize the liquid in the core. That's why we don't just squeeze the vine flat to begin with." he looked around to see if anything triggered any last comments. There were none. "Very well then, proceed."