70th of Summer, 513AV One bell before midnight. Ah, night time in Nyka. The brawling ends, the shouting fades away, and everywhere people can tuck into their nice, cozy beds. Of course, night time in Nyka was never quite that simple. While things went bump in the night everywhere, in Nyka said things tended to be real more often than not. So when two not dissimilar students heard a rapping at their windows, it was prudent to see what was there. What lay beyond the glass however wasn't the street outside. It was a strange place where the floor was a solid, shimmering grey, and the walls pulsed like flesh in muddied primary colors. They were staring at a corner. As they watched, the frame of a large man stumbled into view, and the floor gave under him like jelly. He was clutching his side, and blood oozed from between his fingers. The man collapsed against the wall and turned his face towards the window. It was Ximal's face, bruised and bloodied. Savio and Sayren saw this simultaneously. Both knew they had to act quickly. |