"Right." Rhuryc spoke because that seemed to be the right thing to do. Once Ryshaltze explained his nature the man had become calm once again, but there remained a deep sense of awe. To be dealing with a being chosen by one of the very gods themselves was an honor Rhuryc did not believe himself to warrant. Yet here he was, face to face with someone of great import. Sleep, he imagined , would be a difficult mistress this night.
Despite all the exposition and wonder, the conversation took a turn back to Rhuryc's weapon. The sword, while assumed to be rich in creation, was really quite plain. The hilt bore no decoration other than its leather bindings and grip, whereas the pommel remained flat and the guard designed to do nothing more than stop a strike. Even the blade was of a lesser construction, marked with only the faded runes and nothing more. If not for the care that Rhuryc kept of it, and the fact that he had the whole of the Ironworks at his disposal, the sword might have very well been useless.
"Naravane, yes." He started, his head shaking as he was brought forth from his stupor. "It's really just a sword crafted for an infantryman, not even a particularly good make. But I'm more interested in, well, you." Rhuryc seemed intent on changing subjects. "You're a being chosen by Leth? That's not something I can just ignore and pleasantly stroll along. Are you on some sort of quest, or do the subjects of the gods idly wander the countryside?"