by Haeli on August 18th, 2013, 5:24 am
Fire Island Herbs & Essences
- Business Type: Goods & Services
- Items Sold: (See prices listed in shop thread)
- Herbs – both dried and potted
- Spices – dried, powdered
- Teas – loose and bagged
- Incense – loose, bagged, etc
- Essential Oils – all in liquid form
- Candles – Made to order and scented
- Herbal Remedies – All sorts of things premade from Herbs already found in the shop.
- Soaps, Lotions, Bath Bombs, Shampoos all Herbal in Nature
- Base Income: Herbalist: 6GM/day
- Skill Bonus: Competent Herbalism Bonus: 3GM/Day
- Sales Bonus: 20% for Ownership 1.8 rounded down to 1
- Total Income: 10 GM/Day = 10GM/day
- Assets:
See Items Sold
- Herbalism Lab (Elaborate) 1,500 GM – 400 sqft
- Cottage, One-Room (Elaborate) 1000 GM – 400 sqft
- Shop (Simple) 600 GM – 400 sqft
- Kitchen (Simple) 800 GM – 400 sqft
- Bath (Elaborate) 1,000 GM – 400 sqft
- Dovecot 800 GM – 400 sqft
- Philtering Lab (Simple) 700 GM - 400 sqft
- 2 acres of land - 2 acres (2,000 GM)
- Total: 8,400 GM total of 3,000 sqft + 2 acres( 25% discount for all together + 25 % discount for used structures) = 4,200 GM (from personal funds)
- Additional purchases:
Doves for Dovecot
- Cock 8 cm x 50 = 450 cm or 4.5 GM
- Hen 5 cm x 200 = 1000 cm or 10 GM
- Squab 1 sm x 250 = 25 GM
Field Supplies:
- Herbalists toolkit: 20 GM
- Candlemaking Kit: 20 GM
- Soapmaking Kit: 20 GM
Total: 99.5 GM
- Debt & Total Cost: 4,200 + 99.5 GM = 4,299.5 GM. No Debt. This is taken from Haeli's finances.
Last edited by
Haeli on September 4th, 2013, 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.