Solo [The Stables] Starting with Horses

Malla finds herself a job.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[The Stables] Starting with Horses

Postby Malla on August 20th, 2013, 7:06 am

Summer, Day 65, 513 AV
Thankfully the stables were right near the Labor Aid building, otherwise Malla probably would have bee wandering for a decent bit. The man at the office had given her two choices and she simply chose the one that sounded less big. what also helped her decision along was that the stables were inside, the Sanctuary not. And she knew the Endrykas spring grounds were near to Riverfall, so better she stayed inside the city. She was still considering that third option, but that was only something she was considering if she couldn't do enough with going day to day.

She stopped in the large yard in front of the stone building, looking around at the people roaming about; some with horses, some without. She hesitated a moment, chewing on her lip as she often did whenever she was thinking, before heading to the inside of the stables. The Konti figured her best bet would be to see if the woman she was to speak to was inside with the horses. Most of the stalls had a horse in them, so obviously this place was busy. A few people were tending to the horses and others seeming to speak to them, though she couldn't tell who was a worker and who was simply caring for their own horse.

Out of a split decision, Malla went over to the woman in the nearest stall. "Excuse me..I'm looking for the owner of the stables... I just came from the Labor Aid office and they mentioned I might find work here..."

The older looking brunette woman set the brush she had been using on a black horse with a seemingly luminescent mane of red down on a small shelf inside the stable before stepping to Malla. "I am Nell, the stable master here. What job were you sent for?"

The blonde woman bit her lip before smiling, "I'm Malla and I am hoping to help with being a horse groom. I am not new to taking basic care of horses, so it wouldn't take much for me to be able to start. I also like to think I'm generally good with animals. And I know there isn't much in way of pay, but-" She stopped talking when she realized she had started to ramble and smiled apologetically to the woman.

Nell smiled to her as she replied, "A new horse groom would be much welcomed. We also have a tack shop and leather working studio, but you do not have experience in leather working? If so, then, yes, you can make one gold miza a day by helping around with the horses' care and tending the horses, few are for sale and most are just being housed here." The older woman paused a moment before adding, "You can start with finishing brushing this one and making sure she is fed. That's all that's would be needed today, just come back tomorrow."

She nodded at the woman's words as she listened, relaxing a small bit as she did. Nell seemed friendly enough, though something in her tone told her straightforward as well. She could appreciate that. She shook the woman's hand, thanking her for the opportunity. The human-looking woman smiled before walking off to speak to a man who seemed to be looking at the horses. Malla bit her lip as she looked to the black horse in front of her. She wanted to try and read her name, but she could only read and write the basics when it came to Common. After a moment of hesitation and thinking of talking herself out of this, she picked up the brush to carefully finish with the mare's coat. This was something she was used to, yes, but at the same time she rather wanted to keep her distance, which was she tried to keep herself form saying a single word to the beautiful creature.
Malla's Konti gift lets her sense if someone has ever kiled anyone; the stronger the sensation she gets from someone, the more recent the kill.
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Kills aren't as easy to hide as you think.
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Joined roleplay: July 30th, 2013, 2:27 am
Location: Riverfall
Race: Konti
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