Around her, at varying degrees of distance, people combed through the wreckage, lifting and moving and examining. Motivated by something vague and indistinct, impossible for her to pin down for naming, Khida stepped over to a pile of canvas which the humans seemed to be neglecting. It had been a large tent before it was toppled, and now lay heaped across lumps both angular and rounded alike, all unidentifiable beneath the fabric. Leaning down, she closed both hands upon the waxed canvas and pulled.
It didn't move much at all. Instead, it tugged back in several directions, the cloth caught on hidden obstructions. Her eyes sought the shapes of each; one made a long, straight line and was almost certainly one of the pavilion's supporting beams. She could lift that, probably; pitch it over the other way, and it should take a good part of the canvas with it, revealing... whatever lay beneath. Khida put thought to action, grabbing the end of the pole and lifting until she could get her shoulder under it; it was more difficult, heavier, more unwieldy than she'd expected. Slipping under the canvas herself, she was met with a miasma of hot, stale air... air that tasted of death. Holding her breath as much as she could, the Kelvic worked her way back along the beam's length, lifting the free end incrementally higher until she was finally able to shove it over.
It toppled not backwards, but sideways, accompanied by the surprisingly loud sound of tearing canvas. Only a small wedge of the hidden earth was revealed to Khida, but even that was filled with the detritus of lost human lives -- a woven basket burst open, collected vegetables spilled to slowly rot on the ground; a clothing chest, what must have been rare and precious in this woodless place, toppled and its contents dispersed. She paused to examine the clothing, wondering for a moment who it had belonged to... whether that person was still somewhere out there in the city.
A human might have looked at the clothes and derived a sense of the owner's personality, or at the least their clan allegiance; but as Khida picked through them, she arrived at nothing. The shirts in their warm colors, the trousers worn from riding, the sashes and scarves all in shades of red meant little to the Kelvic. But the sandals which peeked out from under red-brown fabric reminded her that her own feet were not so used to walking... She pulled them out to examine more closely, then slipped them onto her own feet; perhaps a little large, but they held on well enough.
The cloth which had covered them proved to be a woolen robe. Khida let it drop again... then picked it back up, pensively rubbing the fabric between her fingers. If she was going to be doing human things... she should also go clothed, as humans did. The robe was something she could shed easily, unlike the shirt and trousers others seemed to favor, or the dress the quiet girl had had her wear. Shrugging into it, she found it reached to her ankles, and was perhaps a bit wide in the shoulder... but did what she needed all the same.
A red sash served to constrain the robe at the waist, and then Khida was done. She turned then to the next fallen pole, and the section of pavilion it held down. |