53rd Day of Summer, 513 AV
A pot of paint and brush could be responsible for many things. A mess or masterpiece, writing or erasing a message, robbing or adding colour. Only two things were required and you could do a variety of things with the items. Motivation and skill. At a solid, expertly-crafted table set in the room Lady Elena had presented to him as a part of his job, Zeran was quickly learning that having more than required of one did not substitute any amount of the other.
Magic had a pull on those that used it, dangling the proverbial carrot to edge wizards further on. Power would do that to a person. Merely a taste to get you started but leaving behind a craving for more. Start with one, master it if you have the skill. Try another, there will be more things you could do that eluded you before. One more, they'll notice you, accompanying a promise. The promise to stand above all others, shaping the existence of all around you, bending reality at your desire.
The ambitions of idiots.
Let their ignorant greed slow their progress.
Zeran scrutinised his handiwork. Whilst focus glyphs entertained different designs, from one to the next, all examples he had seen had been round. The one he had sketched onto his left palm was more reminiscent of an egg than a circle. An egg dressed in ancient runes from a language long forgotten. Displeased with their appearance, the painted lines rearranged themselves before Zeran's eyes with choreographed movement. The glyph stared at him, lips moving as it ordered in Zeran's voice, "Do better."
And he did, grabbing the coarse cloth bunched nearby and vigorously wiping his canvas clean.
There had never been any real interest to learn every discipline of magic in Zeran's mind. He much preferred the ideal of 'less is more'. The less attention you draw to yourself, the more you'll be able to get done. Being prepared for any situation was nice, but magic was just another tool to be used. Dangerous to your health if used incorrectly. The more you carried with you, the slower you were in learning how to use them effectively, besides just slowing you down. And when the time came, you were spoilt for choice.
Travel light. Choose quickly. Be creative enough in one to have the applications of many.
And that was where Zeran's interest had taken root. Lady Elena's experiment hadn't left him wanting to learn a new discipline of magic, glyphing in this instance, it left him wanting to further the uses of his current disciplines. Speed was an advantage for most magic disciplines. Fortunately, glyphing's speciality was associating itself with other disciplines. Being beneficial or detrimental was down to the wizard's choice and sense of humour.
Using short, delicate strokes, Zeran imitated Lady Elean's technique when she had been so set on making it tickle. The starting of the circle was rough, more angular where each new stroke began at an angle to the last, rather than curving smoothly from one line to the next. It wasn't an immediate problem. He could go over the lines as Lady Elena had done. Neither did he care for any complex and beautiful design. Zeran just wanted it to work without any physical or mental harm. If that meant sticking with circles and lines then that was fine by him.
Not that you're incapable of anything more intricate after all. You're doing so well with simple shapes.
Strange how many lines that naturally appeared on his hand, and even more that were highlighted only as the paint sink into them. The brush didn't tickle or aggravate this time. Zeran wasn't sure why he couldn't tickle himself but knew it made his already-poor job easier.
Chimes passed in agonisingly slow movements and silence. The give in the skin on his palm enough to mute the strokes of the brush. The regrouping of the bristles, as the angle became too steep for the applied pressure, smothered out by Zeran's slow breathing. Lady Elena had made this look so easy, drawing six in half the time it had taken him to fail drawing one. Looking at his effort now, at least the first thing that came to mind was 'circle'.
Smoothing out the edge was as much of a daunting task as drawing it. The circle was there, it just needed smooth edges, but any mistake and he'd have to start from the beginning. Unless he could cover it up enough that it was no longer visible.
Circle... Now what?
A pair of arms slipped around his neck, as hands slid across his chest and down his sides, feeling their weight rest on his shoulders and pull him back into his chair. "All attention on me now dear. You've ignored me since I entered the room." Her voice was full of sorrow and pleading, both mockingly so. Whilst true he hadn't been paying enough attention to hear the door open, Zeran doubted Lady Elena made any attempts to announce herself until she thought he couldn't get away. It was possible, but if she hadn't felt like toying with him she would've made herself heard.
"And to what do I owe the pleasure of her Ladyship's presence?" voice equalling her own tone, craning his neck to see her leaning over the back of his seat.
She shrugged, as if unsure herself. "Companionship, thoughtfulness, your job," she replied nonchalantly, eyeing the circle on his palm. Simple shape, simple design, novice learner. "How about semi-circles just touching in the centre? Two pairs perpendicular to each other, like funnels?" She wasn't about to miss a chance to educate those employed under her. They would only become more valuable.
Pushing off his shoulders, Zeran set to doing as she suggested as Elena made her way slowly over to a seat of her own. Advice from the Mistress of the Manor was best not wasted. She taught on her student's level, not instantly assuming they were as proficient as herself. If they were, they usually had no need for her lessons.
She watched, analysing the brush strokes, his concentration, the technique, anything she could see as Zeran sketched the first semi-circle out within his primary circle. He occasionally glance at her, when doing so wouldn't cause risk to the lines. Lady Elena watched with an unblinking intensity that told him she was judging his capabilities. Rewriting old beliefs, discarding assumptions proved wrong, enforcing others and creating new. She was keeping track of each of her companions' strengths, weaknesses and uses. It was unsettling knowing a momentary mistake could result in a lasting impression.
"What is it you want of me today then, Lady Elena?" One pair of semi-circles done, and Zeran wasted no time moving onto the next pair, dipping the nib of the brush into the paint pot. Too much was worse than too little. It made a mess and smudged.
Elena's expression changed to match the lightness of her voice, though her eyes didn't move enough to lose their intensity. Woman could multi-task just about anything if she wanted to. Zeran was sure of it. "I said I was going to improve your Hypnotism so you could take over sessions when I am busy with other matters, remember sweetie?"
She's giving me a lesson now?
He took his time with his reply, concentrating more on the smooth lines of the glyph-taken-form on his palm, unsure how that would be marked against him. "I'm sure I'd be reaching the end of my uses if I forgot, Lady Elena." Thickening the lines now, making it easier for the funnel-shapes to be filled solid.
Lady Elena smiled, chuckling slightly, "That's good dear. You'll be taking part in a Hypnotism session with me today." Zeran had thought as much. She stood, pacing slowly towards him again as the funnels turned from natural skin to black in colour.
Her arms retuned to where they had been when she made her presence known, resting her head next to his on arm and shoulder, eyeing the glyph. She had a strong, yet pleasant scent about her, not overpowering at all. Elena remained silent as she observed until the focus glyph had been finished.
Zeran smiled, proud of his work. He only needed to test if it did its job.
Elena turned to his ear, nose brushing across his head, softly saying, "Your student is waiting for your lesson outside. I'll have him shown in now for you." She always found great amusement in his reactions to her hidden portions of info, widening eyes and slightly hanging jaw.
Zeran was unsure if the glyph had done its job, or he had literally jumped out of his skin. |