The Whitevine Healing Center
Summer 82nd, 513 AV
Summer 82nd, 513 AV
Spirit walked back into the healing center, a grin on her face and excitement bubbling inside her. She really couldn’t wait for whatever Sarah had next… ever since the doctor had asked her to come back the day before, the Frostfawn had been bouncing to get going. She wondered if they would be doing something different, or the same thing as yesterday. Really, she didn’t care… both provided a lot to learn and do.
As she entered, Sarah was in plain sight, standing in the foyer talking to another doctor. Despite how impatient she was to get started, the groom still waited patiently for their conversation to finish, in case it was anything important. Anyways, it was rude to interrupt. After only a few ticks of waiting, however, the two broke up and the doctor turned towards her ‘student’. “Oh! Spirit! I’m glad to see you back! Today we’re going to be visiting around the more long-term areas, with people who stay here overnight… that sound good to you?”Her minor rant was only punctured by a much quieter “Hello Sarah!” and a “Sure!” from Spirit. The two set off up the stairs, the younger trailing behind her elder dutifully, almost bouncing to see what came next.
Up a flight or two later, Sarah began to give the Frostfawn a short debrief. “So basically…. I have a few patients to check up on. Some of them need new bandages, medication, and so forth. That’s where you help out! Just basically what we did yesterday. If you want to take charge with it, that’s fine with me!” The young groom nodded, and with a short“Okay” they set off to the first of many rooms. Inside was a nice and sunny room- very similar to the one she’d seen with Ruby last season. There was a single patient lying on the bed, a young man, wrapped up in a thick cocoon of blankets. He was sweating slightly, spots of the stuff dripping down his forehead as he slept. Well… it didn’t actually seem like he was sleeping, considering his eyes were half open and staring blankly at the sheets. Spirit frowned at him, then asked “Fever? It looks like a bad one…”
Sarah nodded at this, and pulled out a small bottle from her pocket. She tossed it to the younger Vantha and stated “Chill Berries”, though it stated the fact quite simply on the bottle. “How many?” she quizzed, grinning, but keeping quiet as to not wake the patient. The Frostfawn frowned and thought at this, glancing at the man’s situation before coming to a conclusion. “Four. It’s bad…”The doctor nodded, and motioned for the girl to wake the Vantha man, so he could eat the berries. Spirit did so, shaking his shoulder till the young man groaned and awakened, staring at her in confusion. “Huh?” he asked, obviously wanting to return to his feverish stupor. “Take these”she replied, showing him the four little orbs in her palm. He seemed to not have the energy to take them in his own hand, so just opened his mouth wide, inviting the groom to drop them in. She sighed and did so, watching as the patient chewed them for a moment, before instantly returning to sleep, his eyes drifting shut.
“I hope that helped” Spirit added as a side note, glancing at the sweat on his forehead. “Should we- I –wipe his forehead? To help him cool down even more?” It was just a proposal, of something else to do to help the feverish man, and Sarah immediately agreed with it. The girl retrieved a cloth and a bowl for the job, but paused, starting into the water for a moment. After a few ticks of decision making, she tapped into her gnosis and focused on the liquid, slowly chilling it- not enough to freeze it- but enough for it to cool the patient down. That done, she dipped her cloth in the water and wiped it along the man’s forehead, carefully pushing the sweat off. She repeated the process several times, dip and wipe, dip and wipe, before finally concluding that this wasn’t going to help any more. She replaced her things, feeling oddly… motherly. She frowned, and turned to find Sarah grinning at her.
“Well, one person down!”she stated happily, moving to do a quick check on the patient herself. “Let’s move onto the next patient!”the doctor finalized, and began marching out of the room, Spirit trailing happily behind.