67th Summer, 513AV
Jervis looked up at the noon day sun, it still felt bright at this time of day for him up here on the surface. Before now he'd lived in the cave nation of Sultros with his fellow Isurians. It was a fairly safe existence really and he was sure most Isurians would question why he left. Perhaps the Old lady would as she had a wild youth, he'd hope she'd understand.
It wasn't that he hated the place, Truthfully he loved the nation and never thought of leaving until 7 years ago. Like most Isurians he'd be taught that outsiders were lesser creatures not to be trusted though maybe pitied a little for there lack of crafting skill. Most of his encounters at the shop his mistress had ran hadn't led him to believe they were anything more than lesser beings with some of the ignorant comments they would have. He was polite but usually remained aloof for the sake of the shop despite his black nature which he had gotten much better at controlling with Mistress Titania's help. Kevil had changed that thought of lesser being in him though.
Jervis stared at gorgeous scene before him. He'd stopped at a small lake that had a path leading to it he'd been able to see from the main road. The lake was bright blue under the noon day sun and nestled among the hills so you'd have only been able to see it when heading northward. It was surrounded by old looking evergreen growth providing a small feeling of safety being tightly surrounded by the trees even if it was so open above him. A majestic scene Jervis thought taking a deep breath and a moment to soak the scene into his memory.
He quickly set to the task at hand refilling his flask and water skins for the journey ahead. He doubted he'd find Kaie even if she had wanted him to find her which he wasn't sure she did. He'd been raised by a woman ... two really but he still rarely understood the mysterious creatures.
Still if she was determined to pursue a career as a sell sword, having a weaponsmith along for the journey could only help and if he worked with her he could see many different warriors. Which was a stepping stone on the path to his dream he'd determined. Convincing Kaie of that would be another matter but he had to at least try, At worst he could just visit this city on a lake she had mentioned.