![]() With Ender attached to his wrist, Lessomm turned towards the Rose sigil on the table. With amateur glyphing eyes he inspected the glyph in all its intricate glory. He could make out the foci and where they gathered when the glyph was activated. It was indeed a beautiful design. He wondered, as his master had explained, what else could be combined with a glyph like this. As a shielder he knew how difficult it was to properly protect oneself from attacks of a magical nature. If you could combine different elements into the glyph not even a shield could protect you from it. Unless you went with the block-everything shield, which Lessomm had so easily adopted since his time with his master had started. Between the ice manipulation, rock formation and imagined fireballs, Lessomm had no other defence against his master than a total shield. His mind moved back to the glyph and Lessomm imagined it with every element in it. If you combined earth, wind, water and fire into the rose sigil then even a shielder wouldn't be able to protect himself from it. The explosion of four elements would allow two or three elements to pass through the shield and harm the shielder. His shield would only block one or two elements from the attack. It would be a very impressive, and deadly, trap to set if you ever were intent on protecting a certain location. Lessomm's mind started to expand on the idea when he suddenly felt a chill coming from his hand. Looking down at his hand he found it encased in ice. For a moment he stared in surprise at it. "Ender? What..." Confused he looked up to his master, the room spinning about him as he moved his head too quick. "Master?" His voice was sluggish and slow, as if he was drunk. Lessomm regarded his master, wondering what was happening and why Miro didn't seem to move or act in any fashion surprised. Probably his undead lineage that kept him from emotions and surprise. His vision blurred over as he tried to speak again. He looked back at his hand and his vision seemed to black out. He blinked but the blackness remained on his vision. In his half paralyzed, panicked state Lessomm didn't register the disapearance of more and more of his Djed. The moment Ender had cast the icy res and manifested it, Lessomm's body had reacted to it. Finding itself under attack, his body started to defend itself with skills the Eypharian had once mastered but had now again forgotten. Djed was brought up to his skin, flowing freely and without problems up from the core of his being. From his arm, around his elbow, the Djed pooled up into the air and started to reach out. Directly attached to his skin, the djed formed hexagon shapes, fitting closely together. They were so tiny that the eye could barely discern them, if they could even see the shielding magic happen. More Djed flowed over and through the hexagons as it built row upon row of the shapes upon one another. Like the scales of a reptile, the hexagons locked in with one another. As the ticks passed by the hexagons covered the ice, crawling over it towards the irylid and further ahead towards the tips of his fingers. As his Djed was being sucked towards the Irylid, it became easier and easier to direct it towards the outside of his hand as well. The hexagons covered every part of the ice and the familiar before hardening and shifting over each other, creating a full scaled magical shield, constricting around the attacker and its attack. As his mind was passing out, Lessomm couldn't determine the cause of his unsteady presence and in his fear tried to protect himself from everything at the same time. In moments, his shield settled with its task. It was at this moment that Lessomm looked at his hand and thought his vision blurring. The hexagons had turned completely black in their task, creating a hand shaped dome around the familiar and the ice to protect Lessomm's hand from everything, even light and air. But the moment his shield had set in Ender sucked up the last bit of his Djed. With nothing left to fuel and stabilize the shield, the blackness cracked and shattered, releasing Ender from his magical cage the moment he had been caught in it. Lessomm's mind wasn't around to see it happen. He had already passed out. Without commands from his brain, his legs turned to jelly under him and Lessomm smacked down his knees on the hard floor of Miro's room. For a moment the rest of his body remained upright but then he toppled forward and the ice cased hand smashed into the ground before the rest of his body collapsed on top of it. The cold surface of the ice pressed hard into Lessomm's chest as he lay there, unaware of the pain or danger of his current state. As Lessomm's mind burned with the effects of having his Djed leeched, his mental screams going unheard, Miro lifted him up off the ground and the servant was carefully placedin the bed and tucked in. The burning pain of his mind was only overpowered by the thousands of stabbing pains his entire body was warning him off. All over, his body protested and hurt with pain unimaginable by the Eypharian's mind until a moment ago. In paralyzed agony, Lessomm writhed and screamed as the pain never stopped. |