Miro frowned at being denied by the servant, but did not let it overwhelm him. The sigil was a great example of the technique, and would have a great amount of use in its current form. Not just to be observed once and used, but as a reference for the future. Though it was made with a purpose, and it was not that purpose. The technique was one known, and easily replicated. It was made to spread domination, and now it had a proper target to be used on. But Lessomm would never witness his master force anything on him.
Unfortunately for the Eypharian however, his master would force things on him that he did not know of. Leeching was not going to be taken willingly, and the limits of their relationship did not include intervention of something unwanted happening to the servant. It was just expected that the wizard would stop it were it in his power. However in their relationship it was expected that Miro would act in Lessomm's best interest. Truly with all each discipline of magic added, to allow the initiation was best for everyone.
And though Ender made it so that his master was forced to actually give the order, to have the action be of his consequence, the Irylid knew better. It was all a play at the mind, to win affections through feeding his master's addiction. It was not as if the wizard couldn't realize the play being made, in fact he knew well. This did not change the fact that he was powerless to deny such an opportunity. It was Uldr's will, and what was a Chained One, if not an extension of this. And when Ender wished to serve as an extension of Miro's own will, his master would hardly deny him.
"Do it," the telepathic command was issued. Ender had what he wanted now, but considered his options. It was entirely possible that he could work against his master and tell the servant of his master's command. Such a thing seemed to bring no positive outcome though. He could refuse and perhaps seek to earn the servant's favor, attempt to use him as leverage. But no, the fool was loyal to his master. This was an appearance the Irylid wished to feign as well. There was no outcome more beneficial than the one negotiated, so it would be the one chosen.
Ender began to focus on his Djed to pull it to the surface and begin to spew a thick liquid Res. The white substance seemingly came from nowhere and poured all about Lessomm's wrist before it was transmuted into a sheath of ice. It was to protect him from any damage as a result of the initiation. It was certainly bound to cause some sort of suspicion from the host, were he given time to react. The Irylid began to focus on the ability he despised so much and focus on the contact with the bare flesh. He began to pull Djed from Lessomm and store it within his icy body.
The ability was sickening, as was the Djed taken in. It made the Familiar uneasy, slightly dizzy, and very anxious. Nothing about the magic felt at all right. In fact it felt very wrong, harmful even. But it was a process written into the Irylid's very instinct, and it came so naturally. It only took several ticks before the flow began to feel strained, and in less than half a chime Lessomm would be sucked dry. Ender knew that once it started it would not stop until it was over.
Meanwhile Miro was determined to see everything go through. He knew the moment the Res came out what would follow. Truly he wanted to witness to the effect, to see another perform an initiation before his eyes. It was not often a gift given out. Those Leeched were most often killed. This was a rare treat, one that could not be misssed. The Aurist cast his Djed to attune himself with Lessomm's aura.
The process came quite easily, as the servant was rather open with Miro, and he was easy to adjust to. Immediately it was obvious that the man did in fact enjoy his master's company, and serving him. He did take pride, truly, with trust and loyalty. But then the effect began to happen. The sight of Ender's own aura could not be completely ignored, but the wizard knew better than to attempt to read it.
Ender was a natural at Leeching, and Lessomm did not have all that much to take. Unlike the uninitiated, but weaker than any initiate drained on Sahova, it seemed Lessomm would begin to feel weak immediately. The shock of the drain usually resulted in either wild panic or paralysis. More often the latter, as the fatigue is quick to set in. The aura quickly became frantic and hard to read as it frittered away. Eventually the ability to read it was lost, and the Aurist's mind was hit by a wave of shock.
The Leecher remembered his initiation, tricked by Rayage. A handshake turned into a theft. The wizard could not let go, and felt the life drain from his body. First he was on his knees, then his face on the ground, then just pain. No, not pain, sheer misery. A body and soul drained to their very core. This was not just normal pain, no, this was something else. Reimancy was horrible, especially as such a young and naive child. This however was something on par with being killed, as the Chained One had experienced, but extended over the length of a week. To survive, for once, Lessomm would need Miro.
And his master would gladly give it to him. Once finally the Eypharian was rendered unconscious Miro tapped his mark of Ice Reaving and melted the ice around Ender. The Familiar immediately returned to his natural form while the wizard knelt to lift the man. He secured his arm under the man and then focused his Djed for a chain of quick redirections. He pulled Djed from the pathways in his legs up through his back and pulled their strength into his arm. With it he was able to begin to lift the limp body up over his shoulder. As the arm reached its peak, he began to reverse the redirection to leave his arm and borrow from it to support his back and legs to stand.
Finally Miro stood with Lessomm and his Djed flux at equilibrium. The servant was carried to the bed and tucked in. The poor soul would be unconscious for some time, likely not until the sun was to set and rise again. And even then his body would be too sore to lift a limb. Likely unable to even speak. But just maybe through all the pain he could hear. The soft melody of Hypnotism would bathe his mind in the spring of Djed and inspire love for Miro. The kind that would give him a light in the coming days of care. A time where Ender had betrayed him, but his master had saved him.
The Leecher claimed the Rose Sigil from the ground and carried it to the bed. He opened it and palmed the parchment directly onto the unconscious Eypharian's forehead. It would later be explained that the scroll was used in an attempt to make Ender obey, but the Familiar was plenty loyal already. The scroll would unleash emotional responses attached to suggestions. Feelings of love, respect, happiness and pleasure attached to subconscious messages. They would assure the servant that serving Miro brought these feelings. To please his master was to please himself.
Ender triumphantly returned to his master's wrist.
"Alone you can only do so much, but together our capabilities double. I am one way, you are another, but we share a cause. Truly neither of us can be complete without the other, and I am an extension of your will. Make me your prime servant, as well as your most trusted ally. The person who's opinion matters most, for I only mean to serve you better. Use me as an extension of your domination and allow me to better gather power for you." Miro smirked,
"Well when you say it like that..."oocWith permission of Lessomm to assume success of Leeching