AppearanceRace: Eypharian.
Gender: Female.
Age: 16 years old.
Birthday: 72, Spring, 597 AV.
Starting City: Lhavit.
Birthplace: Ahnatep.
Appearance: Neksia stands at 5'7'' and weights somewhere around 117 pounds. With waist long, black hair and grey-ish eyes, that in the proper light can look blue, she is a typical Eypharian. Her body and her four arms are all toned, although if she had to choose, her right lower arm was her favorite one with which to write and do small, precision requiring tasks. Her upper arms have some small burn marks on them, reminding her of what happens when her shields fail, or when she forgets to check up on how worn out they are. Disliking how dresses and skirts compel her to act carefully, she usually prefers leggings and tunics. Usually you can see her with her hair loose, eyes heavily accented by kohl, and lots of silver jewelry.
Character ConceptFrom the year of traveling with merchants and caravans through half of Mizahar, she has mostly overcome her racist ways, but you can’t expect anything better than cold attitude and sparse few words at first. But if you act respectful and friendly she will warm up pretty fast. Not having had any close friends in her life, she is unused to approaching people on her own, and dislikes engaging other people in conversations if they seem even a little bit busy. It’s hard to anger Neksia if you aren’t specifically trying to bait her, and even then she will try to ignore you at first. But when she has had enough of you, you will hear it, as in anger she mostly uses harsh, mocking words to insult the other person as much as possible. Being forced to adapt fast from her posh lifestyle in Ahnatep to living on road, she found distraction in form of learning as much as she could from the people she travelled with.
Character HistoryFrom her birth to the age of 15, Neksia lived in Ahnatep. Her mother being a Semhu dancer, and father a busy jewellery trader, they didn’t have too much time to spend on her. Being mostly left in the care of hired help, she grew up reading whatever books she could get her hands on. After her parents failed to introduce her in their social circle, since she had no particular flair for either Semhu theatre, or jewellery business, it was decided that they would let her pursue her ambitions in a place more suited to that. And so, she began her long trek to Lhavit. Moving slowly with caravans and staying often up to a month in a city along the road, she arrived in Lhavit at the end of summer in year 513 AV. While on road she decided that she would go simply by the name Neksia, without her parents family name, since she wants to start going by a family name of her occupation. Once she has an occupation she can be proud of, that is.
Skill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Shielding | 25SP | 25 | Novice |
Weapon: Scimitar | 10RB, 5SP | 15 | Novice |
Writing | 10SP | 10 | Novice |
Land Navigation | 5SP | 5 | Novice |
Riding | 5SP | 5 | Novice |
Lore of Lhavit Street plan
Lore of Lhavit Library Navigation
- 1 set of clothing- red tunic, black leggings, simple undergarments, simple coat, simple boots.
- 1 water skin.
- 1 backpack- comb, brush, soap, razor, 1 week’s rations, 1 eating knife, flint &steel.
- 594 kina, 9 topaz kina.
- Heirloom- scimitar (made from cold iron).
- Silver earrings, ring.
- Cosmetics.
Purchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100KI | 100KI |
Housing | +500KI | 600KI |
Silver earrings | -2KI | 598KI |
Silver ring | -3KI | 595KI |
Cosmetics (c) | -TK | 594KI 9TK |
(c)-common, (r)-rare.
Language | Fluent/Basic/Poor |
Arumenic | Fluent |
Common | Basic |
Housing- not yet decided.