62nd Day of Summer, 513 AV
It was a fine day, thus far.
Celeste bounded alongside her Master, powerful limbs working to propel her onward, claws wedging into the dusty earth. She’d mastered a larger form just days earlier and the feeling of pride was immense. Her heart swelled with each stride as they patrolled the length and breadth the Prairie, nothing on the distant horizon. It was about a bell or so in however, that they stopped.
”Alright!” She said, sniffing around the dehydrated soil. ”This should do well enough.” The woman had chosen the shape of a snowy white wolf, one of Celeste’s personal favorites. She blinked, sitting back on her haunches. ”Do for what?” However, the question didn’t seem to connect. Instead, the wolf did more sniffing until she too, sat back to finally address her young prodigy.
”The other day, I taught you how to become bigger and how to morph on the fly. I see you’ve been practicing, too. Which is great!” The wolf narrowed her eyes to emulate a smile. ”Now, today, we’re going in the opposite direction. I’m going to teach you how to get smaller!”
Celeste shook her ears, slightly. ”Smaller?” She echoed. ”Like a cat?” Her voice sounded hopeful.
”Sure,” her Master replied, ”if that’s what you want. But first, let’s just work with what you know. Shift back to your normal size, first. Try to really stretch while you do it. Get that djed nice and limber!” Almost immediately, she sought to comply. Looking within, she admired the radiant weave of her djed, already separated into two independent bundles. Each thread was a direct gate to her very construction, ready to be pulled hither and yon, shaped and reshaped in whatever way she’d like. The elasticity was apparent and this pleased her. It was a testament to her hard work.
With careful hands, she reached out and to pulled at the strands, first identifying those of her limbs and spine. She drew them fast, tightening the tiny crackling fibers, pulling them in. Her spine cracked and popped, sending little shrieks of euphoria through her brain as if she were stretching over and over again. Likewise, each leg gave a little click as the bone moved inward upon it self.
”Tail, sweetie.” Riyana’s voice penetrated the dark curtain of her concentration. ”Don’t forget your tail!”
”Ah,” she replied softly, doing the same for her very last appendage. When she opened her eyes, she looked a bit sheepish. ”I don’t know why I can never remember it…” Riyana gave an echoing laugh. ”Because silly, you don’t have one normally. If you want to practice, morph yourself a tail and walk around with it.”
Celeste looked back in horror.
”I didn’t think so! Now, let’s get started.”
With ease, the Warden mimicked Celeste’s dog model to perfection. The morph was quick and fluid, each transition running into the next. It was truly a skill to be admired. ”I’m going to walk you through it. This is trickier, so be prepared. Subtracting djed is always harder than adding it.” Celeste nodded vigorously.
”Instead of pulling your djed outward, tighten it from within. It’s the same as you returning to your smaller form; visualize your djed becoming smaller in whatever way you choose.” Riyana flashed her a wolfish grin, but Celeste on the other hand, frowned. ”Wait – what do you mean? If I tighten my djed, wouldn’t it be the opposite of keeping it loose?”
”An interesting distinction!” Riyana exclaimed. ”Pretty sharp, cutie pie. Think of it this way; everyone perceives djed uniquely. The actual word ‘djed’ means ‘backbone’ in the ancient tongue. You tend to think of it as many threads in a big human carpet, right?” The young girl nodded, rapt. ”Well, some other Morphers think of it like clay. It makes concepts like smaller and larger a bit easier to deal with. In your case, it helps to remember that those threads are elastic. Stretchy! Even when you pull them tight, once released they still become looser, more flexible. Make sense?”
She nodded.
”So give it a try! You probably won’t get too much smaller the first time, but if you keep practicing each day, it will help. You can do it while running, too – that’ll keep you busy.” Riyana winked.
With a deep breath, she turned internal eyes toward the task at hand. Slowly and systematically, she worked to condense each strand, pulling the bundles tight in equal measure: first her ears, then her snout and spine, each transformation resulting in the same euphoria as earlier. There was something so insidious about morphing – the change brought as much physical gratification as it did mental. That, combined with Sweet Whispers, was enough to unman the novice wizard. But then again, Celeste had a good deal of practice to the contrary.
When she finished and looked to Riyana, her eyes were concerned.
”Good. You’re a bit smaller. Maybe an inch or so… In some places.” Celeste blinked. ”What do you..”
Gods. She’d made herself lopsided! In that moment, Riyana let out a barking laugh that echoed across the Testing Grounds and from there, couldn’t help but simply dissolve into full on hysterics.
”It’s not funny,” she said, cheeks burning beneath the fur.
”I’m sorry sweetheart,” she gasped, still laughing. ”Practice is all you need. Just practice.”