Flashback Pitrius Citadel - Request from a former student (Open)

Jervis is sent on his first pilgrimage alone to the intimidating silver tower

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The Kingdom of Sultros is made up of five cities; Sultros, Vizerian, Coglias, Terras and Pitrius along with their own Citadels. In addition, the Kingdom encompasses hundreds of square miles of mountainous, nearly inhospitable land. Trading posts, border posts and a number of unique, exotic and often dangerous sites exist both above ground and below.

Pitrius Citadel - Request from a former student (Open)

Postby Jervis Hill on August 31st, 2013, 2:59 pm

53rd of Winter, 484AV
Early morning

Jervis walked onto the grounds of the Pitrius citadel, looking up at the monolith. He'd have thought this would have taken a army of master smiths to build if auntie hadn't told him differently. One man had built this with his skill in magic and knowing that he stared up in awe, taking a moment to breathe it all in.

Even though he hadn't wanted to leave, auntie and his mistress had been insistent. It wasn't a short journey and he'd had to come alone as well not that he minded the alone time but he worried about his mistress doing everything on her own with her injury. A tremor shivered through him as he remembered saying that to the old lady and she punched him telling him not to pity her, He was more of a hassle than anything else and to do as he was told. His hand reached up rubbed the bruise on his cheek from the incident. She'd been really pissed as she'd used her right arm for the blow.

Still Auntie and he hadn't made much progress on his magic in the last year. She'd been trying to help him with meditation training to increase his focus but she didn't know enough about the magic to help him much otherwise. Having trained here she figured they might have a teacher to help him or at least some information to help them along. Jervis patted the letter gently in his cassock pocket as he started toward the tower doors.
"They call me the wisest of all greeks because I alone admit, I know nothing." - Socrates [/size]
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Jervis Hill
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Pitrius Citadel - Request from a former student (Open)

Postby Jervis Hill on September 2nd, 2013, 9:19 am

He'd been taken reluctantly to the to the waiting room, it was more posh and elegant than he was used too, making him nervous. He thought back to previous events with the guard. He'd offered to take it to Heleas Deepfall Pitrius but he'd been told to give it to this person personally for some reason by Tenni. He'd tried to tell the guard that but he refused trying to take the letter again. The guard said he wasn't getting in even if he stood here all day. His harshness made Jervis angry and he wanted to push the man but had stopped with only an angry retort that'd he'd stand here til the world ended if that was what it took to fulfill Priestess Tenni's instruction.

He'd stood there until the shift change at lunch and had been brought up by the replacement guard only because he remembered Tenni, Still he was warned not to yell at them so foolishly again or he would be kicked off the property.

It chaffed him to be scolded but he knew the guard was right. They were here to ask for help and his anger wouldn't be useful at all. He used the breathing and meditation techniques she had taught him to try to relax himself and make himself less intimidated by the strange place.

Finally the door opened after what felt like hours to him but was merely twenty minute with a Isur standing there, younger looking than he expected given he was Tenni's teacher. The most startling thing was his right arm nothing but bone and magic, he gawked openly despite the priestess Tenni's warning.

The mage scowled at him "I heard you had a letter you wouldn't relinquish until it was in my hands. It was stupid to get angry at the guard for doing his job. This had better be important."Heleas said in annoyance, gesturing for him to come in and sit down and set the letter on the table.

Jervis annoyed the man obviously so he followed the instructions quickly and without hesitation not wanting to ruin his chances further. He chastised himself for his rudeness and disobeying Tenni. He had been told the contents of the letter but hadn't opened it to read it himself. Heleas read the contents of the letter with various mumbled things like "oh, it's one of Tenni's wounded doves" and "hrrm, I see" looking him over with a critical eye for a few minutes when he was done before speaking. Jervis had kept his eyes firmly fixed on the letter the whole time he read not wanting to insult the mage further looking up to his face only after being addressed.

"I'm afraid we cant teach you, we have no resident morphers that I know of offering services. As an orphan you have no money to pay anyway. However I think I remember the volumes she was talking about though she'd never be able to afford copies of the whole set. I will send her one for now at a price of one hundred gold. Luckily we have scribes being trained now so it won't be a problem. She must be really attached to you little dove to be willing to spend so much money. Tell me where you are staying and I will have it delivered. Make sure you thank her when you return as well as give greetings from her former mentor." Heleas said waiting for the boys reply, though obviously done with the conversation at this point.

Jervis's head swam with the information, Tenni had watered down the details quite a bit probably because of the type of person she was, She was probably spending a large portion of her money on this as the orphanage he came from was not rich, materially at least. Tenni did her best to instill a strong work ethic and spiritual devotion in her wards. Jervis stood up and slapped his hand on the desk his eyes downcast to hide the tears he had for the woman that raised him.

"Please kind mage, Give me a broom or a mop I'll polish the place the place til it gleams, let me work off some of Tenni's debt. I can't let her do this for me all by herself. I'll do anything you ask just let me help her." Jervis begged, his voice cracking with emotion.

Heleas considered refusing but the boy's selflessness reminded him of his former student, so he decided to take him up on the offer figuring though the boy wouldn't earn much towards the debt it'd occupy him and ease his mind. Tenni really did raise the boy well and knew that was why she had told him to hand deliver it. Knowing if Heleas met the boy long enough he'd see the rough gem that seemed to be there. He thought for a few moments before speaking.

"Alright, Report tomorrow for duties here. The book should only take three days to complete so you have until then to earn money. I'll pay you for your work depending on how well you do it and send back a letter to Tenni with the adjusted cost with you when it's completed. Go home and rest, I'll not be easy on you young man." Heleas said before waving him off home. Let's put Tenni's magic to the test he though playfully, watching Jervis trot away.
"They call me the wisest of all greeks because I alone admit, I know nothing." - Socrates [/size]
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