77th day of Summer, 513 AV
Miro had gotten his job, the details written in a folded piece of parchment he kept concealed in his sling. He had gotten it a few days ago, and done a bit of work towards its completion already. The job required him to go to the Institute of Higher Learning, a location that was, more or less, a school. And not just any school either, one ran by the Ebonstryfe. Or at least, he was told so. The request was from a man, Alendrus, a Summoner. Perhaps a fledgling with aspirations, for he wished to impress his higher up, and of course, some help. With Glyphing nonetheless. Any wizard worth his salt should have some skill in Glyphing. Really, it is not so hard, and even a novice should be able to bolster his world magic of choice. A simple rule to apply was that a barrier is never wasted. Containing Djed and stabilizing it always makes things safer, and in many cases easier to manage.
But that was a lot of talk for someone who knew nothing of Summoning. In the past there had been encounters with it. Mainly with Shale, the crazy bastard. It is how Ender was bound to Miro, and he was indeed a Summon. His homeworld, Fyrden, the world of eternal light and dark. It was a circle magic, as most of the world variety were. Adding a barrier would be easy, but that wasn't worth any pay. No doubt, this Alendrus, he was expecting a little more. If he wanted to impress, then he first would need to be impressed. So, it was something to muse on, and muse he did. The Glyphing was clear in his head, but the Summoning however was not. And in only a few days one could not learn a lot about a complex magic. But he could reflect on what he knew already, and talk to his partner, if he could be of any help.
"So Ender, Summoning, your people know of it. From what you've explained, you are quite fond of them, for they are salvation from your homeworld." And yet, though the people of Fyrden knew of Summoning, they did not care to know the details of their salvation. They were not experts on the magic. It was enough for them to spread story of the wizards of Mizahar, how they would call upon the worthy, and they would be rescued from their forsaken world. "Yeah, I know a bit. We often found our friends and loved ones rescued by another of our people who had been called to this world. A Darkfacer who had been taken to bind to a Summoner would hold the most honorable role a Fyrdenese can. One who brings those he loves to salvation. They would appear, choose one of their family, then take them too. If the chosen was worthy, they too would be bound. You know Miro, I would be honored to serve that role. Learn Summoning master, please. With your power, we could force people to bind to a partner."
Such a remark made Miro grin. Advice in the form of a request, and flattery included too. It was so unlike the Irylid, it was damn compelling. "Yeah, definitely we could. And if your friends are as smart as you, they can control their partner." There was a slight pause, as if the Familiar was considering his words, and when he spoke, there was a frank sense to his otherwordly voice. "Not nearly as smart, nor as lucky either. They will not be bound to you though, so yes, they can take the role of master. I do not expect though that my slight knowledge was of help, so I am hoping you have all you need. Going on only a little knowledge and making due with uncertainty is somewhat of your specialty though." But it was somewhat helpful, for it gave him an idea. He could always collaborate with his partner. A quick run through of the plan would definitely give him all he needed.
Not to mention, there was always what Shale said. The Reimancer wasn't able to recall the exact words, but the message implied was very clear. The creatures were meant to be dominated, controlled, and most importantly, to accomplish a task. He kept them on a leash, and told them just what to do, though compensation was always required. If what Alendrus needed was nothing but to look impressive, then the task would be completed upon Summoning. And with that, compensation and control really seemed to be the same thing. What he needed was to prove that he could control it, and maybe have it do tricks. Keeping it contained though, that seemed to be the best option. Reimancy could do a lot for his sigil, and there was not much that would not be intimidated by a surging current of lightning.
There was a stirring in the wizard's mind though. He felt as if he was being watched, no, more like examined. A dark creeping came up his spine and rattled around in his mind. And then it made sense, for he heard the voice. The black arm, and its sick crackling words. First a laugh, like that of a lifelong smoker, then its proposal. "You know, we could have, maybe just, a little fun. Magic is such a dangerous subject, and if something were to go wrong, things could get interesting. A Summoned creature, c'mon, you know something like that set free could be worth a laugh. Imagine the things that could emerge from the circle Miro. We both know it, don't we? We would both like to see a creature rip apart a person, and then when it does, someone will have to stop it, won't they?"
The infectious black arm, it was in his head, and the host knew this. How easy it was for the thing to convince Miro of things, all for a simple reason. It was able to read his mind, to observe and follow his life, and it really did know its prey. In the year of thriving off the wizard, it had convinced him that it was the one who knew him best. That what it said he wanted, he really did. And what it said, always custom tailored for him, bait with a fierce hook. Conditioning had tailored the relationship into a beautiful veil of deception. the arm was trickery in a darkened essence, and its host a fool boy with more power than any man should wield. A better host could not be taken, and manipulation was rarely met failure. "You care about your reputation, and so do I. You just make sure you are the one who does the killing. Just think, its threat is made apparent after it takes a life, and then you look so valiant."
Though it was far more appealing a thing to witness, the risk of it was apparent. First point that made him nervous, that somebody had to die, or at least be injured. The only people he knew to witness it were the master and student, as well as Miro himself. If the master died, it was bad news. No one to impress, and punishment was likely to follow. He would have failed his mission and reputation would follow. If Alendrus died, who would pay him? Who would say, "job completed"? Then the blow to his reputation would be kind of harsh, though maybe not. If he saved the master, the blame would likely be placed on Alendrus. The foolish apprentice let loose a creature he could not handle, and then the master would be thankful for being saved. Actually sounded quite decent. Though, how would he even manage to sabotage the thing in the first place?
And though that black arm of his had access to all of this thinking, it had nothing more to say. It too was clueless, and would need to reevaluate. Though it was not done with this, and it couldn't be satisfied. Not with the chance of causing some real chaos. The kind of chance that only comes along once in a season. At least for something in its position. There was a way to twist things, and all it needed was a chance to pull the strings. But Miro was at least satisfied to continue on. He was fresh out of his housing cubicle, armed with a backpack of gear. Its contents, his artists kit, complete with inscribing paint, his Glyphing medium of choice. Ionu's Light had been left behind to free up his hand. His personal magic wouldn't be at its prime, but it was a necessary loss.