Rojeck had begin to peruse the book he took on Familiary and wished that he had had it before he asked Roghon for Fyrden's coordinates and before he had chosen Senesus, it would have helped. However Senesus was here and bonded to him now so he would make the best of it. The big fellow was actually spinning around him and flowing over him, constantly in motion, seeming to calm down.
He turned to the first page and it read " The novice Familarist should be aware that he or she is making a decision for life so he or she must be prepared to accept the consequences of that decision." He chuckled as he knew exactly now what that meant, bonding with Senesus had definitely changed his life and he was not yet sure how to get the big warfreak to stop attacking or trying to attack everything that threatened him. He continued
"The one thing that the novice must know is that the bond between wizard and familiar is two way and that either participant can take advantage of it and the benefits and power thereof. So the wizard must form a relationship with the familiar that does not make the Familiar feel it must take control. This is usually formed during the first stages. The best relationship is a mutual friendship where both parties benefit."
He put the book down and started speaking to Senesus Senesus, I think that we should concentrate on being friends. I know you tend to think that you must attack everything that threatens you. I also know that I must seem weak for not doing so nor allowing you to do so. The reason I hesitate is that here you are not the strongest or most powerful being and there are so many Mizaharans that you will never be that no matter what.
He went on to explain"Take Guvronsek, I know he really did attack you and then put you in the dark...even worse than attacking you. But I can tell you he is a more powerful wizard than his frail body shows. If you had attacked him he could have and would have killed us both with not much effort. You have to choose which battles to fight and which to pass up.
The big Sarawanki was obviously agitated at Rojecks seeming cowardice "Thenth Rotheck You Muth die figthing. That ith th way of thingth."
He seemed to think for a while and said"Althouth living would be pretherableth. Thoo maybe I can lernth thith rethrtaint from you." It was as if the big guy understood that he had to live first and foremost. In his world living was a matter of being stronger than everyone else, this was the way Senesus thought and it would take practice to change that.
He thought about what to do for a long while while he leafed through the book.