PC Name: Ivedrin Hesperis
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Race: Symenestra
Profession: Teacher at Mene Madras
Why are you in Kalinor? Resident; committed to teaching and trying to better Kalinor.
How long do you plan on staying? Permanently, unless a reason for travel should arise.
What do you like to thread about? Anything! But in particular I would like to build some relationships with other PCs and explore the various facets of Sym culture. Harvester vs. Esterian drama is always welcome as well.
What don’t you like to thread about? I have no particular aversions, but I think combat threads are out of the question with this kind of character.
Would you like a moderator’s assistance? I'd like to get involved in some of the events of this season (the visiting Zeltivan, unrest among the Esterians and rumors of a coup,) but I have no concrete ideas at this point.
Do you have any comments? Is there anything you would like to see in Kalinor in the future? Not at the moment. Thank you for making Kalinor an interesting and active place to write!