Madeline Greywaters (Her current hosts name) Physical Information Race Nuit Birthday & Age Date born Summer AV 435 died Summer 460 AV (50 years as a Nuit) Gender Female ![]() Physical Description- When she was alive she had long black hair sharp features and bright green eyes and was very tall. Her current body is of a slender young blonde woman with similar deep green eyes slightly obscured by the dark black bags under her eyes. She has pale skin and her tongue is black although she tried her best to hide this believing it ruins her perfection. She mainly picks female hosts but if a male is Beautiful enough she will take him. She has had three male hosts. Orignal body. ![]() She still looks for bodies close to this. Character Concept Personality – She is extremely vain an obsessed with her looks. She doesn’t enjoy killing but she also has no problem doing so. If she needs to she will kill steal and lie and feel no regret although she seldom actively pursues these things. She is a perfectionist that likes to keep things in order and lives a clean life as to keep her current body as perfect as possible. When she can she will change bodies often in order to keep up the perfection. She cares very little of what people think of her believing only her opinion matters.She’s arrogant and manipulative only cares about herself, although she keeps people around her she thinks to be beautiful, although this is more of a way of sizing up new bodies. She does not care about power for the sake of being powerful. Her only goal by learning magic is to keep herself safe from injury. She has very little interest in relgion. Character History Pre-Creation – She was once the self appointed prettiest girl in the city of Nyka. On her 25th birthday she realized she was getting old and wanted no part in her beauty fading. She left her home and family to travel te world to search for a way to stay beautiful. She purchased the instructions for the Daek-nuit on the black market. She took her limited knowledge to Sahova and found a master willing to train her. She stayed there for many years until she was able to perform the task and become a Nuit. She found the life style of Nuits in Sahova vile and left once she learned what she needed. Over the years she has occupied 18 bodies all being young beautiful women. This comes from her need for perfection even the slightest cut urges her to gain a new body. Although she deplores Sahova she often stops there to learn more and buy supplies when needed. Training & Skill Points Hypnotism (10 points) Embalming ( 10 points)(10 racial points) Alchemy ( 20 points) Animation (15 points) Glyphing ( 5 points) Earned Skill/Points Lores Preservation-She does extensive maintenance to make sure her bodies remain perfect. Sewing Equipment/Possessions 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included) 1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Flint & Steel Small mirror Dagger A small book containing notes she has taken about magic. Heirloom: 1.Hair brush that her mother used to brush her hair with. Always keeps a list of your acquired items and where you got them. Ledger Thread List |