1. What is Cecily's biggest fear?
The fear of being forgotten. Growing up in a family as eccentric and large as the Askara's makes standing out hard. Almost impossible, actually. It would be so easy to go along your whole life being unsubstantial when you're an Askara. If you don't make something of yourself, they're more likely to humiliate and punish you than just a simple shunning. Cecily has worked too hard in the household, and in her business to fit in. She's tired of having thirty different masks to wear everyday just in order to please someone else. She wants to be herself. She wants to prosper in her own way. She yearns for more in life.
2. What’s her biggest dream or aspiration?
Become the head of the Askara Household.Yes, she knows that it's basically impossible, but that doesn't stop her from wanting it any less. Who would be around to tell her what to do if she was head of household? No one. She finds many flaws in the daily living of the Askara, and has plenty of opinions about her family members.
3. What is her sense of morality like?
Do what you have to do, and a little more. CONCEPT
1. Story Goal
"the plot of any story is a sequence of events that revolve around an attempt to solve a problem or attain a goal."
Don't be forgotton.
2. Consequence
“what disaster will happen if the goal is not achieved? what is Cecily afraid will happen if she doesn't achieve the goal or solve the problem?”
The Askara will condemn you.
3. Requirements
"what must be accomplished in order to achieve the goal."
Gain power, influence, and skill.
4. Forewarnings
"forewarnings are events that show the consequence is getting closer. forewarnings make the reader anxious that the consequence will occur before the protagonist can succeed."
The Askara have already threatened to cut me off.
5. Costs
"one sign that a problem or goal matters to the protagonist is that she is willing to make sacrifices or suffer pain in order to achieve it."
6. Dividends
"dividends are rewards that characters receive along the journey towards the story goal."
7. Prerequisites
"prerequisites are events that must happen in order for the requirements to happen. they are an added layer of challenges to your plot outline."
8. Preconditions
the last element to balance your plot outline, preconditions, is a junior version of forewarnings. preconditions are small impediments in the plot."