by Dra-Vundas on September 8th, 2013, 11:06 pm
Dra-Vundas - Father's Son Basic Information
Name: Dra-Vundas (Drah-Vun-das) Race: Human, Mixed Symenestra Gender: Male Age: 22 Birthday: Day 13, Winter of 491 AV Birthplace: Caravan Wagon Occupation(s):- Mercenary - Dra-Vundas is a Mercenary out of necessity, with little skills and often negative social status his only option is to sell his life to others.
Appearance:5'8". 145lbs Dra-Vundas is much thicker then the average Symenestra, a midlly athletic build spent from years of walking alongside and defending Caravans. Short, thick silver colored hair is slicked back but generally unkempt. Grayish skin gives him a somewhat unhealthy appearance. His arms and legs are noticeably longer then someone of his height, giving him a somewhat unnerving spider like appearance, with flashes of fangs at every word and a predatory gray eyed gaze. This just slightly off appearance instantly outs him as a half breed, a Symenestra half child, rarely liked and never trusted. Racial Features:- Fangs - Large pointed canines, these hollow fangs only show themselves at the flash of a smile, speech, or when eating. When riled up or angry they extend roughly a half an inch, often forcing him to keep his mouth slightly open.
- Venom - Dra-Vundas, as a half breed, has weaker then average venom. His venom can break down soft materials but struggles with things like muscle or thick fibers of an apple. Due to this his diet is often limited based on the time he has, for while his venom might eventually liquefy a slab of meat it can take hours. Against a living target the pain would be excruciating and potentially lethal if the venom is not removed in a few days. Pain would remain horrific throughout as it slowly liquefied flesh.
- Diet - Like all Symenestra, mixed or otherwise, he can not digest complex solid foods. As a result, he must either liquefy food with his own venom or eat things which are already quite soft.
Last edited by
Dra-Vundas on September 9th, 2013, 3:28 am, edited 3 times in total.