by Roderick on September 13th, 2013, 10:06 pm
With the deer laid out before him, he felt his fingers closing about the string, his shoulders and arms moving back into position, muscles clenching in preparation for taking the shot. With the string next to his lip, the hunter stared down the shaft at his target, aiming for its chest; the chances of striking the head were too small for him to risk missing the deer and scaring it away. Gloved fingers held the string in place, while his breathing slowed to a whisper; everything about him came into sharp focus - every leaf seemed to slow down. His chest tightened as the flow of air inside his lungs slowed to a trickle.
As he released the string, he felt everything rush back to normalcy about him. Hearing its approach, the deer made to flee, but was too slow to escape and was pierced by the arrows tip. Watching as it collapsed to the forest floor, the Zeltivan stood and let his breath return, hearing it rattle in his ears. His head swam for a moment as he returned his breathing to its normal rate, his heart pounding from the adrenaline that coursed through his veins. Slinging his weapon about him, he started down to his newest catch, feet quiet on the grass and dirt spread across the ground. One foot in front of the other he still found himself moving quietly, even though there was no need for stealth now. Drawing near, he saw that it was still alive, though only barely. Breathing rapidly, the animal would eventually bleed out, he knew, leaving him with a carcass to skin; the money he'd make from this animal would be quite good, he imagined. Drawing a knife free, he slid its edge across the animal's throat, ending it. Straightening with his bloodied weapon in hand, he grinned broadly to himself, then threw back his head and practically howled in triumph-
Last edited by
Roderick on October 9th, 2013, 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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