It was the voice of Bolivar that drew her attention once more away from the farmers. And for the better too, she was already finding herself growing annoyed with their voices. It was tedious, more so as they never specifically said ‘what’ the issue was. They just kept going on about screaming, shouting and other things that would easily spook farming folk. Her brow creased slightly, a brief questioning glance to him then back to the farm hands, “Why? What is it?”
His response however left her only questioning more, her eyebrow raising whilst her lips pursed. Was he being deliberately illusive? Or was there another reason? She gave only a quick snort, before finally she swung her leg over and begun to dismount. There was always a reason behind acting in such a way – and soon enough she would find out. She tethered up her horse, looping the reigns round one of the low branches so it did not disappear into the woods in a moment’s notice. Right hand rested on the tulwar hilt, the low distinctive sniff from Orvin as he came to attention. She gave him a nod, followed by an incline of the head, “Come Orvin, follow.”
There was only a quick glance to Bolivar, “You better shout if you need help.”
Stepping around to where he was, the squire hovered at the door. Her fingers rested upon the scruff of the wolf, the low pant and whine alerting her that perhaps not everything was alright. Eyes stared in, palms pressing against the frame as she leaned in before rather sharply she jerked back. She shook her head almost in disbelief, before glancing in closer this time. Nostrils flared, her lips were wetted as Orvin released a yap. The head snapped to him, and she gave a glare, “Hush!”
The wolf looked almost taken back by her words, his ears curling slightly as his master hovered in the door way. Fallon continued to enter, fingers sheepishly reaching out to touch and grab the thin, delicate substance that filled the room. The jaw tightened, her brow creasing with distinct thought. Gods the room stunk. Turning her head to Orvin she spoke in a firm voice, “Stay Orvin.”
Beyond the words of Bolivar filtered through the walls, the answers shortly following behind. How many? Two or three apparently, but even the farmers did not sound too certain about it. There was a distinct worrying tone in the back of their voice.
What the petch did this? her brow creased further before finally she straightened, eyes scanning the room. She pulled off her gloves, a deep inhale as she cleared her mind. The Lykata gave a prickle, her hairs rising slightly on the spot as she pulled in her focus. She pushed away the thoughts, fingers tracing over the deep slashes and cuts. There was a pause, bare palms hovering over it before she began her work.