Closed Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Bolivar sets out to the countryside. Convictions about the Syliran Knights are tested in what is experienced soon after.

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Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Postby Bolivar on September 12th, 2013, 7:51 pm

Fall 51, Year 513 Av

Assignments were simple it seemed. After getting into the vigorous swing of how the Knights operated Bolivar was quietly getting the gist of what needed to be done. There was a time for everything and just enough time off to keep sane. Getting into the method Bolivar was pulled off his free day to go on a long ride out to the countryside.

“What is required of me ser knight?”

Accepting the assignment with little fuss Bolivar immediately prepared what looked to be a long ride outside the city limits. Truth be told a break from the monotone was acceptable to the mixed blood. A stoic at face value the squire was much too disciplined to show how he felt.

Though last time he was called out that far something... unexpected happened.

Making a point to show very little about his personality the squire would only reveal his true ambitions when it came to his practice. He was after all training to be a knight and a mage at the same time. If there was a time to show the true self for him it was when it mattered.

Having already done the procedure a few times Bolivar wasted little time readying himself before starting his way out. An order was given and he would do it with little objection. On the other hand how it was to be done was not specified.
Last edited by Bolivar on October 9th, 2013, 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Postby Fallon on September 13th, 2013, 8:06 pm


It was with a mighty yawn that Fallon readied herself. She had an assignment thrown at her suddenly, and it was without little argument that she was sent on her way. Rather nervously however, it was the first time she was required to do such a thing without the watchful eye of her patron or another knight. So with nerves in her steps and worry nagging at her mind did she go out and face the countryside. The shield clattered against the side of the saddle, the bow and the arrows making a similar noise on the other side. The tulwar – a weapon she had gradually grown more confident with – sat next to the Kukri, strapped tightly to her waist. She made sure she was armed and able to defend herself if need be. Who knew what she was going to face in the excursion out side of the city walls.

Orvin however was not far behind, he was at her heel his giant head bobbing up and down almost in beat with the hooves. She gave him the occasional pat on the head and some light praise when he remained at her heel and obeyed the basic commands of stopping. Still, the creature had a tendency to run off at the best of times. But it was on this day she had little time to waste on him. She raised her hood, pulling it up so it protected her from the weathering of Fall.

With her orders given to her, and her thoughts upon it, Fallon rode on eyes keeping keen for the other she was supposed to be working with.

“Come on, let’s get this over and done with,” she clipped her heels into the side of the mount, “Sooner it is done, the sooner we can get back to shelter, warmth and food.”

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Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Postby Bolivar on September 14th, 2013, 1:43 pm

Pinching his face in irritation Bolivar finally stopped his stolid facade a few chimes out of the city. Travel was a sordid event no matter how much you didn't want it to be. Already he could feel the cramps and soreness accumulating on his body, the biting wind was not helping either. How much longer was it again? Exhaling loudly he urge his steed faster for a few moments before thinking better about it. Gripping tightly around the horse's reins his steed head bobbed slightly while slowing to a halt. Clicking the roof of his mouth a less then happy face revealed itself as he scanned his immediate area.

Many squires took their studies diligently. Their subjects were usually divided between about etiquette and virtues tactics and formations though some writing and mathematics was given. Bolivar was nothing close to a traditional scholar nor was he considered likable when it came to his way with others but he did pay attention when it came to anything pertaining to battle.

"The lay of the land. Know your borders and how to defend them."

Though he had only seen this area he was passing from afar whilst out on earlier patrols, Bolivar found himself confident in the direction they were heading. Though from what he had seen so far the locale was becoming less and less agreeable the more he peered around. A slight forest road with a few hiding places for those with unscrupulous intent and seemingly growing even darker and thicker as the sun started to wane. Looking as if he saw nothing amiss Bolivar urged his steed to lead them further with a slight jab to it's ribs. Deathly quiet Bolivar looked like he was alone with his thoughts listening to the slight pace his horse was giving him.

It is ideal for squires to learn the lay of the land outside firsthand. It is nice I actually have something to do while I am on duty here. But this is the first time this has happened at the same time for me. Usually commotions inside the city were more then what the squire thought himself able to handle. Would it be the same out here?

Recalling what exactly the assignment was Bolivar closed his eyes for a moment gathering his mettle before bringing back into his stolid facade.

"Just a missing persons case. Nothing I cannot handle alone."

Check in with a nearby post where a few people have gathered. See if I can figure out where to find them. Clear out any other issues that may arise while I am there.

The question now was what to do about any other issues. Many do arise when the knights are involved. What was to be expected of a squire like him? What was he to do about those slight sounds out of place in the background? The squire kept on, urging the horse forward. True he might not have seen anything last time he checked but he definitely heard something more then once. Deathly quiet Bolivar looked as if he was alone in his thoughts, fairly certain something was stalking him through the woods.
Last edited by Bolivar on September 20th, 2013, 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Postby Fallon on September 19th, 2013, 6:34 pm


Fallon gave a stretch in the saddle, shifting her weight slightly in it before she continued on her way. She gave a shudder, clipping her heels in she spurred him onwards with Orvin in tow. Eyes studied the road as she followed it round, her eyes keeping sharp as she headed towards her destination. When she managed to pick out the shape of another however, she kicked her heels in, eyes squinting at the figure that was swaying ahead on the forest road. There was a quickening of pace, a walk into a trot. She gave a whistle to Orvin, and a strong verbal command to him, “To heel Orvin!”

There was yap in response, the large eyes of the wolf staring up at his master. His pace quickened as he came level, ears flat with a steady pace upon his paws. She pulled the hood up closer her hand raising slightly from the reigns. She would just quicken the speed enough to see who it was, and if it was who she was supposed to be working with. Or better yet someone she recognised. She felt herself crouching in, the speed of the horse that bore her. The dulled beat of hooves upon the earth filled the silence, a steady living beat that rung out in the distinct nothingness the forest held.

To Fallon at least there seemed nothing immediately wrong, then again this would not have been the first time she had carried such thoughts and ended up in danger in one form or another. Eyes turned to the road side, the strange twisted shapes in the trees, the grasp of autumn creeping through them. Once green leaves had begun to curl into golds and reds. But that was not what she had to look for. The looming back of the rider came into better view, more distinctive and defined by the moment. She clicked her tongue, hands pulling back on the reins to slow the horse down. Eyes peered from beneath her hood at the rider, eyes squinting at the familiar face that had positioned itself there. Chewing at her lip she gave a long stare, before finally speaking.

“Bolivar?” She questioned the name for a chime, letting it rest in the air, “Ah! It is! Squire of Ser Theron right?” There was a pause as she awaited an answer before continuing, “What you doing out here if you don’t mind me asking?” And then there was the snap of the fingers. A single eyebrow rose, “Wait are you the one I’m working with today?”

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Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Postby Bolivar on September 20th, 2013, 4:36 pm

A foe in front of him was no problem. Though here and now, where the threat remained unseen, Bolivar could not help but feel a tight knot in his stomach. Measures had to be taken though the squire felt even then his efforts would not suffice. Adjusting his gloves Bolivar rubbed his thumb in slight irritation as he readied his reinmancy. Breathing out Bolivar tried to keep up his facade, though he suspected even that was not going well for him. His eyes were too focused. His breathing too uneven. Every sound near him the squire perceived as a possible threat. No. Whatever had him on edge like this could not be fooled so easily.

Dropping the whole act Bolivar went to remove his left glove with his other hand working the stirrups. A challenge to show whomever was there what it was working with. Reinmancy scars were easy enough to notice yet if it wasn't human what would he do then? The thought lingered before snapping at attention to his left. Where he thought he had seen a shadow of a beast just sauntering past him. The squire's nose wrinkled from the smell as if it was just in front of him. Breathing out a withheld breathe Bolivar could not help but be irritated from being toyed around so much. Whatever it was, when he found it; if he found it, shall have a very irate squire to deal with. First he had to focus on finding whatever it was. Which meant to keep his senses sharp to get the jump on whatever it was.

Though it looked as if Bolivar's concentration would pay off better then he intended. His name seemed to ring out through the commotion in the wood. At first Bolivar quickly disregarded the sound as the chances of that were preposterous! No one outside of the walls knew his-a fierce turn greeted Fallon with Bolivar's resolve in full show. Quietly relaxing at the sight of Fallon nearby Bolivar opted to stay silent as he found his center. A short, slow bow was given in response as Bolivar found himself muttering angrily to himself.

“Fool girl. What are you doing?”

Using his eyes to scan the area the woods were quiet as if nothing had transpired in the first place. At the corner of his eyes he saw his exposed palm. The markings of his initiation evident and that was accumulating begging to be used. Looking to cover his hand Bolivar found that he was in a conversation with Fallon all the while.

“A ride in the country was needed. Not for my merits nor a casual passing. Something seems off about this area it seems. Though I don't need to tell you that right...”

Bolivar's mind drew a blank as he tried to recall what it was that was amiss. That and the person in front of him's name. Would it be considered better to get the name issue out of the way or to let it fester and hope for a epiphany of sorts. The other squire knew him by name and patron. Why wasn't it so easy for him?

“Am I? I really can't seem to say. I recall a ser knight's orders earlier in the morning followed by a hard afternoon of riding. Really, asking me what I had for breakfast is asking too much.”

Finding himself at ease the squire was glad to see a friendly face after such a arduous ride. Though his demeanor would not suggest it much. Bolivar addressed Fallon the bare minimum of what was considered polite as his mind searched for a clue to her name.

“The ser knight's orders were to check in at a nearby farm where we are to talk about the people and their disappearances. We are to assist in this, possibly leading a hunting party no-search party for this endeavor. Easy enough right?”

Of course there would be the usual dangers of the wilderness but the squire had full confidence in the other regarding that. Why else would they send her to as his partner for this endeavor?

“Say... you did not notice something amiss while in these woods did you?”
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Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Postby Fallon on October 6th, 2013, 4:16 pm


“Tch, if I’m a fool girl…” she begun and shook her head. There was no use getting riled up over it. She straightened herself in the saddle, hands resting lightly on the pommel, whilst the rest of her naturally swayed with the movement. The beat of the hooves sounded out, the low panting of Orvin as he kept to heel the best he could, his ears twitching on occasion. She gave a glance down, watching as his head turned from side to side as if checking their surroundings.

Good boy, she mused. An extra set of eyes was better than none. Bolivar cleared his throat, and her attention was snapped away from the wolf.

Fallon watched the squire as he spoke; hanging on his words as she tried to a better understanding of what was going on. A simple investigation, nothing more or less. Or more over they were checking out the scene before the knights decided it was a good idea to look deeper. At least, that was the impression she received. Her brow knitted lips pursing with thought before she finally let out a chuckle of amusement. She was not bothered by Bolivar’s bluntness or manner, if anything it was refreshing to have a slightly cooler approach to deal with. People who screamed, shouted or tried to mollycoddle her, she did not need that.

“Yes, it sounds easy enough. You want me to do the talking?” She gave a stretch, releasing her hold on the reins for a tick as she did. Sitting in the saddle was an uncomfortable but necessary issue she would have to face. Or get use to in good time. She gave a click, and then returned her hands so they were hovering above the reins, “Take notes, descriptions, dates, maybe check the immediate area for clues? I don’t know. Just throwing ideas out there.”

She brushed her words off, head shaking as she continued to sway with the movement. Although she knew she was gradually growing more confident with the process, she still had the nagging uncertainties ringing in her ear.

“These woods,” her lip gave a twitch, her eyes staring ahead and then to the foliage, “There is always something amiss. Not that you always see it.” She gave a nonchalant shrug, ”Of course, could just say my senses are getting old and dulled.” There was a distinct twitch as she said the last bit, a scowl forming on her face. She needed to get use to the land again, to understand it and be able to work with it – preferably to her advantage.

"Come on, let's get a move on. Sooner this is done the better."

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Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Postby Bolivar on October 9th, 2013, 1:38 am

A quick nod followed by an easy shrug answered Fallon back. It would go by so much smoother if the one who took the lead spoke fluent common. Even with the odd mannerisms. Choosing not to question what the whole clicking was for Bolivar took out his imaginary quill from the depths.
Checking off the air to solidify his role as the pair's note taker all the while Fallon tried to clear up the mystery of the Bronze Wood.

"That suppose to cheer me up? You do realize I am probably twice as far along as you."

Smirking at the scowl that appeared on Fallon's face Bolivar took a moment to laugh at Fallon's expense before receding into a devilish grin. So even if there was something in these woods they were just to ignore it? The person they sent with him seemed to be receding due to old age and he was reminded how many years he had graced on the land. The conversation was going far in "cheering him up."

"Yes of course. Hold your horses... I'll certainly need help holding mine."

Among other members of the order Bolivar found it much easier to relate to. Anyone looking to rise in the ranks of a dedicated and virtuous order the mixed blood found agreeable enough. He even recalled one day where he was “corrected” when clearing up racial issues. (Squire Bolivar stop that rubbish about the Isur's fear of falling into the sky.) They certainly lived up to their names and the squire would do well to learn from their example.

Finally making their way through the woodwork the pair would find themselves with the forest on one side and the Syliran fields on the other. A rather interesting contrast given how thick with mystery the Bronze woods was and how open and unassuming the farmlands were. Yet even with so much to talk about the mage squire found little need to fill the silence while they rode. Rather Bolivar kept his eyes to the fields on his right caring very little of what went on the opposite side of the road. It was only after about another half bell of riding did the mage squire said what was on his mind.

“You never really know what you have as a child. Then when you realize it is gone it still takes many moons to put it into words. You grew up with farmlands back in Zeltiva? ...Fallon?”

If Bolivar seemed unsure about the other squire's name it should mix well with his earlier question.... Fallon was her name right? He remembered now. Fallon had seen something that the mage squire was all to happy to display back at the waterfall. Before that she had talked a bit about Zeltiva if Bolivar remembered right.

“You know what word I am talking about?”

Letting the thought linger in the other's mind Bolivar would simply wait until Fallon told him the word he was looking for. Good old bonding with a fellow sister in arms and sating his language inquiries. It is the stuff that young Isur mixed bloods dream about. That and apparently the farmlands to the right of him.

These louts have it good.

Shaking his head Bolivar directed Fallon away from the golden fields as they neared the first traveler's shelter. Pointing at a nearby group just a bit before the shelter a few haggard looking farmhands peered up from their rest.

“You the help we have? We've been finding the odd Jill and Lisa we have. When we found them they were going on about being forced out the city by knights. Then spending a few knights here. They been taking up space from that there shack and we seen them taking food from a stranger we have.”

oocAll yours to interpret what's going on. PM if you would like some sort of situation we can agree on.
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Postby Fallon on October 12th, 2013, 5:02 pm


“Oh, right. Halfer,” she rolled her eyes as she remembered before speaking in a teasing tone, ”You win this one old man.”

She was mostly silent after that, eyes looking ahead whilst she herself simply swayed with the movement of the horse. There was not much to say at present, short of remaining silent and listening to his words. If anything to remind herself that even she still had difficulties in conversing with others – or giving reassurance in this case. The brow knitted, the eyes giving only a quick glance down to the wolf before she heard his question.

“Yes? What?” Fallon gave him a glance, “Zeltiva? I never grew up there when I was a child. I did visit it though – as you may have guessed,” there was a long, thoughtful pause, eyes scanning the fields of the farmland next to them. All the while her eyes remained on the horizon, watching the shapes of others dwelling in the fields in the distance and tending to the land. She gave a chew on her lip, some of her mannerisms coming to the surface. And then promptly she turned her head away from the fields and to the forest that ran across their left, before continuing, “There is… very small farms in Zeltiva. But it is mountainous, makes the growing of crops hard. Lots of their food comes in from elsewhere like… fishing for example.”

And then she saw the shelter he gestured too. Clicking her tongue she guided Javil over, before she leaned her weight back and lightly pulled on the reigns. The farm hands looked unimpressed to say the least, their comments – to her at least – seeming a bit pointed and blunt. Help? Of course they were – or at least they were the start of it. From the squires the knights would find out more of the situation, and then from there perhaps they could once more focus on their training. Eyes narrowed, her head tilting to one side as she listened. She needed more information, and with that information they could formulate a plan – or report back saying further help was needed.

“Wait, slow down will you?” she begun as she turned in the saddle to look at Bolivar. Although she did not say anything to him there was a certain look that suggested he listened to what as being said. Slowly she begun, “Start again from the beginning. What’s the issue? Who have been using the shack? And when did this begin?”

There seemed to be a long pause, followed by a distinct group mumble from the farm hands, “It must been a good many days now. Came in making a right racket them folk. Haven’t moved on since.”

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Justice. Fervor. Stagnate Stags. The Far Abbey. (Fallon)

Postby Bolivar on October 14th, 2013, 1:35 pm


“A racket? Is that really something to send help for?”

The Syliran Knights could coddle their farmhands as much as they wanted but once they started these types of errands the squire's patience was tested.

An indignant look followed the initial surprised reaction from the farmers. Apparently this was the first time they were given attitude, great.

“It is. It is! Told us to keep watch of them and that's what we did. Moment we see one of them with one of ours we shout for help.”

Giving Fallon a glance Bolivar shook his head slightly miffed as he lead his horse to the way stop. Rather then entertaining some fortunate farmers the squire would rather cut to the heart of the matter.

Leaving Fallon to do the talking with the peasants Bolivar disappeared behind the building. Dismounting none too gracefully from his steed the squire tried the door while one of the quieter ones pitched in.

“Spooked us good that lot did. Lots of screaming throughout the night that almost lasted to the morning. You don't know what they are capable of that lot.”

Unsure of what he would see inside Bolivar simply stared as he peered into the depths of the rest home. A stillness in the air and a lack of outside noise did much to unsettle the squire as he could hear his own breathe and steps through the door.

What am I looking at?

A display of both gossamer and...liquid covered the room. Hiding his face in disgust Bolivar quickly noticed the long gnashing impressions on the bed and walls. Following the trail and seeing the cuts leading back out the shelter Bolivar took a moment before calling Fallon over.

“You might want to see this Fallon.”

Appearing once more to the group Bolivar motioned Fallon over as he intercepted the next batch of talk from the farmers.

“Go see. I have a few questions for our friends here.”

The worry was apparent in Bolivar's eyes knowing he had only heard stories being in the same region as them. Yet even with all the stories Bolivar was not prepared to grasp the severity of being visited by them.

“Those... visitors... left their mark and a fine mess of that waypoint there. How many people did you see? More importantly how many of them did you count?”

oocI'll leave the amount of people lost up to you and the number of our captors to you up to a maximum of three. I have something else in mind for later but for now I ask you finish with leading us into the Bronze Woods or alluding to it.
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Postby Fallon on October 23rd, 2013, 4:57 pm


It was the voice of Bolivar that drew her attention once more away from the farmers. And for the better too, she was already finding herself growing annoyed with their voices. It was tedious, more so as they never specifically said ‘what’ the issue was. They just kept going on about screaming, shouting and other things that would easily spook farming folk. Her brow creased slightly, a brief questioning glance to him then back to the farm hands, “Why? What is it?”

His response however left her only questioning more, her eyebrow raising whilst her lips pursed. Was he being deliberately illusive? Or was there another reason? She gave only a quick snort, before finally she swung her leg over and begun to dismount. There was always a reason behind acting in such a way – and soon enough she would find out. She tethered up her horse, looping the reigns round one of the low branches so it did not disappear into the woods in a moment’s notice. Right hand rested on the tulwar hilt, the low distinctive sniff from Orvin as he came to attention. She gave him a nod, followed by an incline of the head, “Come Orvin, follow.”

There was only a quick glance to Bolivar, “You better shout if you need help.”
Stepping around to where he was, the squire hovered at the door. Her fingers rested upon the scruff of the wolf, the low pant and whine alerting her that perhaps not everything was alright. Eyes stared in, palms pressing against the frame as she leaned in before rather sharply she jerked back. She shook her head almost in disbelief, before glancing in closer this time. Nostrils flared, her lips were wetted as Orvin released a yap. The head snapped to him, and she gave a glare, “Hush!”

The wolf looked almost taken back by her words, his ears curling slightly as his master hovered in the door way. Fallon continued to enter, fingers sheepishly reaching out to touch and grab the thin, delicate substance that filled the room. The jaw tightened, her brow creasing with distinct thought. Gods the room stunk. Turning her head to Orvin she spoke in a firm voice, “Stay Orvin.”

Beyond the words of Bolivar filtered through the walls, the answers shortly following behind. How many? Two or three apparently, but even the farmers did not sound too certain about it. There was a distinct worrying tone in the back of their voice.

What the petch did this? her brow creased further before finally she straightened, eyes scanning the room. She pulled off her gloves, a deep inhale as she cleared her mind. The Lykata gave a prickle, her hairs rising slightly on the spot as she pulled in her focus. She pushed away the thoughts, fingers tracing over the deep slashes and cuts. There was a pause, bare palms hovering over it before she began her work.

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