“I’ll show you what I can do now!”
The moment the big male constrictor bursts from the brush; he met with a machete swords blade. The tip misses his face by an inch as he leans backwards in a fashion similar to how a participant in a limbo party would. Xen pulls his blade back to him, as he jumps out of the way of the knee-sliding constrictor.
While behind the constrictor Xen immediately goes on the offensive and tries to land a fatal blow on the constrictors head; raising his machete high above his head before bring down onto the constrictors body. Sssarvess was the name of the male constrictor who raises his club, on a horizontal angle, above his head. Xen’s machetes blade lands directly in the middle of the club. The viper crouches and jumps backwards from the constrictor with his right hand and his two feet landing onto the ground.
Sssarvess stands to his feet and struggles to gain his footing but fearing for his, he swings backwards in a desperate attempt to strike Xen in the head. Xen hardly needed to dodge, seeing as he was already crouching low to the ground. However, Xen crouches even lower to the ground, allowing the club to fly over his head. Sssarvess realizes the error he has made with a regretful expression.
The viper had led him to a place where his heavy body wouldn’t be able to gain footing and even if it did, he would sink into the mud. Xen places a good amount of strength into his legs and springs into the air. Sssarvess watched as the vipers two knees smashed into his face and feels as his body drops to the ground.
Xen makes a hard landing but manages roll to his side in order to lessen some of the impact. He wobbles to his feet and swings his blade at the downed constrictors face. Sssarvess knew that his club wouldn’t make it in time and watches as his foes blade hurtles towards his face—Sssarvess closes his eyes and waits for death. Xen feels the satisfying thud of a hard surface touching his blade and retracts it, swings it in the air in front of him one time—in order to remove the dirt from his sword.
Then Xen runs through the brush before his opponent could realize he hadn’t struck him with his weapon and makes a hasty retreat, as he jumps over a log and disappears into the brush.
Sssarvess opens his eyes, beads of sweat raced down his cheek, he was alive? The male constrictor stood to his feet in utter disgrace: a viper had shown him mercy! Sssarvess felt as though his warriors pride had been broken, he wanted to receive a warrior’s death—not be shown mercy.
He clenched his fist and yells! The noise disturbs a flock of birds resting in the tree tops above. Xen chuckled, as he made his way towards the entrance of Zinrah— he listened to Sssarvess horrid cry. The fallen leaves of the jungle trees seemed to celebrate Xen’s victory, as they crunched beneath his feet during his mad sprint for home.