"He? He left??" It confused Ricky since there wasn't any knowing who this "he" really was, the only thing best to do was assume that this person was important to the girl. She cried and buried her face into his chest with the weeping, and he could only continue to attempt comfort with a hand rub along the back with a few pats in mind as well. "I'm sorry lassie." He kept his voice soft and humble but still held the sincerety she needed to hear, so that she knew very well he meant what he would say. She felt heartbroken and there wasn't anything he really could do, he pretty much did what he could now as a matter of fact, and that was simply he the strong support she needed while she allowed herself to fall. "Bah, whoever left 'er ain't got the stones t' raise 'er then." It slightly angered him how someone could leave a child to fend for herself, even if that person had passed on into the next life. Were it up to him he'd keep someone around that would take his child, in the event he would of course come to face the end of his life, that being if he had any kids in the future.
His thoughts were pulled away with the whimper of "why" from the girl, and Ricky merely remembered the situation he faced with his father being lost out at see. How fortunate Ricky was off age and just then he loses his father, either way Ricky felt bitter to the loss and still missed his father dearly. "Sometimes... things just happen." He murmured low enough for her to hear. "But those who just leave... I think it's 'cause they feel 'fraid more than anythin', and they'd rather be strong f'r those they love than scared..." He more so sounded suggestive, unable to decide if there was actual wisdom in his words. They were more so words of perspective really, since he had little knowledge behind the matter at hand.
"Hnnh..." Odis' had taken a somber look of understanding with a head slightly cocked sideways, as though he were just as helpess as the fisherman in this case. Ricky of course had yet to accept the fact he had done all he can, he searched hard within his brain to find some sort of idea that would help make the girl feel better. She was after all sweet and needed someone to cheer her up, but what exactly did she enjoy doing that lifted ones spirits so easily? "Hmm...." Ricky thought on it while she wept, until at last he came to a conclusion that seemed to work for the three.
"'ey," He was gentle as he nudged her off his chest, a finger put under her chin to direct her gaze, "I ain't got much but we can get some grub or somethin', if it'll make ya feel better lassie." He offered with a soft smile as he looked down at her. "It's th least I can d' t' 'elp ya out."